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- Korora12
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Mount Bracket: Outlaw bracket: Edit: I had to recreate these from memory after the recent server move, so they might be slightly different now. Same goes for Aliya from my Plot bracket entry.
Plot Bracket:
Put it in the crime bracket then, it interacts with that moreso than outlaw.
Entree for Spree: Double entry for both Outlaw and Crime:
Thanks for the welcome! I don't know how long it'll last, but I've been bored and feeling creative lately.
@LvB Interesting protection ability. I think you could've gotten a similar effect by using Shield Counters, which wouldn't've required as much text since some of their abilities come pre-coded. However, it wouldn't have the same flavor as House C…
I've got a couple mechanics that I could use some feedback on, as I'm designing a set that would make regular use of them. The one I think most needs review is: Transplant [Eye/Arm/Heart] N (To transplant, put N -1/-1 counters on target creature o…
Congrats to everyone who participated! This was a lot of fun. I'd appreciate a favorite on Alter Fate please
In a side room of an undisclosed location, the woman in the red dress oversees the performance of a painful ritual. Soon, a new player arrives on the battlefield. Is this the true face of the Entity, or simply its most trusted pawn?
The Zookeeper, the Librarian, the Queen, and the King each receive an invite to an extremely high-end club in one the nicer parts of town. Upon arriving, they are soon ushered into a back room, where they meet a woman in a red dress, who offers them…
Soon after returning home, the survivor receives a visitor.
Thanks to the Queen's quick actions, the Insurance Appraisers are able to get to work overseeing the repairs to the Elephant's fortress. But first, one of them steps aside to make a call.
A duo of suited individuals arrives on the scene. Strangely, no one knows who they are or who called for them, but they assure everyone that they're there to help. (Yay, my internet's working again!)
(It looks like I'm gonna have to step out for a bit. I'm going to have extremely limited wifi for the next week or so.)
(No worries; "potential future foe" does mean there's no guarantee you'll use her. Plus, she was a bit too similar to Ragnor's style anyway, no need for back-to-back land elementals. If you do decide to use her, feel free to reimagine her with fewer…
At last it shows itself, and so the entity does the same, stepping out onto the battlefield. The entity recognizes Ragnor's might, and is willing to forgive his actions if he will bow his head.
The entity is displeased by this rampant environmental destruction. The wilds of Eldralis will be hers, and while she's not opposed to a show of force, there has to be something remaining for her to conquer. As such, she sends her subjects to aid wi…
The entity joins the search for Ragnor by sending out her spies to gather information.
The entity is impressed by the Ragefire Knight's enthusiasm and wonders if they're interested in swearing fealty to a new liege. The entity also believes in fighting fire with fire, and so targets the battleground itself.
Here are my four entries: Rules clarification: Seeing the depths of the Abyss is equivalent to completing a dungeon; ie, you've activated the Abyss' fifth ability at least once.
Not stumped, just waiting for the right time to play my trump card
Before we begin our explorations, allow me to perform a blessing
Quick, everyone don your space suit!
Enough of this back-and-forth. It's time we take the fight to them!
I think you're right @cadstar369. And if they won't make the first move, we'll have to. @jpastor I don't want to take over your thread, so I'll let you decide how to handle this, but I for one vote for peace.
Devil will be next.
While the equipment is great, the Battle feels more like it should be an enchantment. First of all, all of the 5-cost Siege cards so far have come with at least 4 defense counters; having only 3 makes this easier to remove. This is mitigated by puni…
@Globert-the-Martian I always like cards that do something outside their usual color without losing flavor. While Black does have a few "gain control" cards, they're usually permanent. This kind of temporary control is usually limited to Red, but I …
Lets test your storytelling skills: Give me a Siege card that, once defeated, becomes an Equipment. For bonus points, use a canon location for the Battle to take place in.
Here's a challenge: A Land with an ability that turns it into a different non-creature card type when a condition or conditions are met.