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- LvB
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Hi im LvB and im here for almost 3 years now. I stopped playing Magic for about 20 years, but after covid i found a nice magic shop nearby and started playing friday night magic there and got interested in Magic again. And then i found this websit…
About Vandrick, i had a funny idea. If you can somehow make your treasure tokens RED, then you could sacrifice them for damage to create more treasure tokens. And then if you have something that increases damage dealt by 1 or doubles damage dealt, o…
This will haunt you until youre an old grandpa, sitting in front of a cozy fireplace and telling your grand-children stories about the good old time. "During my days we used to have this "internet" thing were people could create cards on something …
- Now the Memephant is watching this discussion as well! And its all YOUR fault !!!
You quickly write some simple blue spells on pieces of parchment and give them to the white spirit creature, assuring your support for the white mage. Happily the spirit disappears with them, probably back to its master, the white mage. Then, after…
A tribute to Volcanic Island, Tropical Island, Birds of Paradise and Llanowar Elves.
Oh, that was interesting! IT moved into the hidden room and looked around. Someone was hiding here, but IT had found him! IT had won the hide and seek game! In its alien language IT shoutet "GOTCHA!" but it sounded more like "Krxzhzlkmrpfl!" and the…
Depends. If BSW and FDP make it, we will get CDU/CSU + SPD + Grüne and if not probably CDU/CSU + SPD.
Today is voting day here in germany and in about 45 Minutes we will get a new incompetent government und a new chancellor "Merz" who looks a bit like Emperor Palpatine and who worked for a friendly company named "blackrock" ... yeah ... fuck this sh…
i wanna use the DEVASTATOR, hehehe
Thing ist, is dont have that much time for this RPG, Neverend and my own RPG and that newly introduced point system makes things more complicated. Maybe in the future i will come back to this RPG. Until then the sentinel could "haunt" the windmill i…
An interesting turn of events, you think. But just after you have read the scroll send by the black mage, a shining spark of light appears out of nowwhere and as it vanishes you see that a small flying shiny spirit has materialized right in front of…
While you are still thinking about what to do next and walking around, suddenly a small dark and shadowy portal opens just in front of you and out of it falls a piece of parchment. Written on the parchment is "To the new blue mage" and it is sealed …
IT was so close to catching the strange orb thing as the environment suddenly startet to shake. IT was thrown and hurled around and then foam came out of the walls covering everything! Someone was cheating here! But as IT thought about that IT got d…
The strange four-extremities creature with the round thing on top picked up an orb, then made loud sounds and then it ran away. The structure they were on responded with shaking and metall noises. Now IT understood! This game was about that orb thin…
Then chose something your Character would like to do: - Lets draw as much attention as possible! If pearls enemies see that she is still alive they will come to us sooner or later. And then we lure them into our trap! - We should try to find…
Website deleted my last card ?!? WTF. This one: Its not offensive or anything, just shows an Alien Creature. "IT looked around. The other creatures were making funny noises again. And the structure it was on was making sounds too! The sound …
As the other creatures moved away slowly, IT wondered why they were moving so slow? Was this not hide & seek & chase but another game? IT followed them, curious, but IT was smart, and so IT used every chance there was to hide behind machiner…
This looks like its getting complicated with that point system, so i'm out. The Ancient Sentinel will stay at the Windmill ruins and explore them and the area around them further.
@Lurisauri @balloonnation @Tonysparks @Mellow_MC @Lhunter @CrimsonFox @jpastor @FireOfGolden This RPG's Final Chapter ist soon to come, therefore i would like to reinvite everyone who has so far been part of this RPG, to rejoin for the …
Right now i dont have the time for this, but since THE PLANE OF TERROR is nearing its Final Chapter / End, when that RPG is done, i would like to join your Project @jpastor.
IT was hurled around by a loud and hot flash of fiery light and thrown against a wall, leaving a dent in the wall. Woo, that was unexpected! Then IT realized the strange other many tentacled formless creature thing was making noises again at IT. And…
The Ancient Sentinel will try to read the old diary or try to translate its language. Maybe he will learn something interesting?
IT heard strange metallic sounds and felt that it was getting warmer in here. How pleaseant! IT liked heat very much and so IT made its way towards the source of the heat. The screaming, screaching and creaking metall was leading the way. IT followe…
"This is fun! Its like hide and seek!" IT thought while it was crawling and jumping through the ventilation shafts, running away from that other creature. Maybe IT had a bit overreacted as ITs insticts had kicked in, because on second thought, that …
Quest still active: Create a card repesenting your choice. When you ask the guards why the mages are fighting, he explains: "Its about some artifact or relic or so. You see, when the blue mage died under mysterious circumstances, both, the whit…
Curious IT looked at the creature that was coming closer. The creature moved its face and made strange sounds that sounded funny. But then IT felt a sense of danger and not thinking but only reacting, IT jumped into a hole in the wall and crawled aw…