This is your reminder that the owner of this site not only sees nothing wrong with the theft of art and other intellectual property, but actively endorses it.
Please discontinue any activities that would give this man money, such as Premium, ordering proxies from him, etc.
Use a local program like MSE to design your cards.
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Congrats to all winners!
Here you go @jpastor! For the 10 favorites, could they be the 3 most recent on OmnipresentAnonymous and the 7 most recent on my main that you haven't already favored?
Yes, I’d like a box!
@jpastor It'd be the first 3 cards that were in my lineup for the finals bracket: Links are the images!
Oooh! Thank you! @jpastor, do I send you it in DMs or here?
And of course, major congratulations to @12SidedGuy and @Jadefire!
@jpastor, I'm curious what the scores were on my cards, since I felt I had a pretty solid lineup, and yet I lost 4-0. Would you mind sharing the scores my cards landed?
@jpastor I'm curious what you think of this card inspired by plot twists!
@Laharl897 see the comment I left on your post.
Do you have premium? I have premium on one of my accounts and the custom works fine, but on the one without, I get that error. The custom set symbol is supposed to be a premium feature, so if you don’t have it, the bug is that you can in fact select…
I think I did this correctly.
“And here’s another brain exercise!” My problem is that I don’t consider the implications of my creations. Never once did I think “this will be a nightmare” it was just “oh that’s a weird idea that I’m now in love with”.
@TenebrisNemo, if you have any suggestions to better the expansion of your mechanic's wording, please share! I'd love to update it with your vision!
@jpastor, the videos seem to have disappeared.
This is a fun concept! I was expecting nothing but lands! It's a pleasure to have you in the reading nook, @jpastor!
Cardsmiths! The Word of the Week is Couloir! Couloir n. A deep mountainside gorge or gully
@jpastor, if you'd be so kind, I'd like your thoughts on this Ikorian creature.
Alright, Cardsmiths and Wordsmiths! The word of this week is Toxophilite! Toxophilite n. a devotee of archery; archer. As always, the challenge is to work the word into a card of yours, and post it here! I'll be sure to show my love…
Oh heck, I forgot, ok, tomorrow you get a card with our word!
There were ties in our game apparently, @exaltedmarauder! Good work!
I'll be posting words in the range of Friday-Monday, with an accompanying card every week! I already have my word planned for the upcoming post, get ready Cardsmiths and Wordsmiths!
Ok, I'm bringing this back! Every week, I will be posting a word for y'all to use!
... you don't like me?
Why's my name red?
@jpastor https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/temporal-attenuation
I thought you didn't want us using those accounts for the sake of the CS League.
I tried, but the only way I know how to resulted in some ugly pixelated symbols when I isolated them.
@jpastor, no, I don't have premium and my space is full.
Some weird time stuff I came up with.