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- TenebrisNemo
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@Corwinnn - Why did we need a new Hall of Fame? I thought the whole point of bringing the forums back alive was to preserve its history. But now the original Hall of Fame is buried under countless other discussions instead of being pinned to the fro…
Couple times a week, recording stories from Tournaments in case the forums do actually vanish like the new admins hinted.
2nd entry, based on Aurelio Voltaire's song, which I like to listen to around Halloween: Riding a Black Unicorn Edit: Adjusted the mana value for better balance and the wording on the text box, thanks to the feedback from Jadefire and Chao!
@Mantis17 - GG! I'm looking forward to see how you'll use the "gaze into the Abyss" mechanic on your cards! @Jadefire - Thanks! I doubt I would've been able to make the mechanic as fun as it is now without the inspiring ideas of other great 'smiths…
Thank you! @LHunter - I'd like to keep testing different card ideas with the "gaze into the Abyss" mechanic. Also, I've created a lot of legendary creatures in these past months (maybe even too many), so I vote for Season 2 of this tournament. The…
@LHunter - Well, I had to re-read some notes on the setting while making the post to remind myself.
@LHunter - It took me 15 minutes to make the post. The quotated bit I copy/pasted from the most recent Tournament thread.
@12SidedGuy - Thank you, but the true worldbuilder is @Jonteman93, as he was the one who wrote the setting for the Tournament. My custom mechanic is merely inspired by that setting. Needless to say, I'm a huge fan of his work.
@LHunter - How long did what take me? The Abyss isn't a single location on the map, but its rifts can appear (and disappear) anywhere in the world, usually on its own to cursed places or where many creatures have perished, still bearing grudges (or…
@LHunter - Very well. Then I should mention that the "gaze into the Abyss" mechanic was inspired by a world called Avelaide, where Tournament of Champions has been set: A competition of character creation, card design, and story writing. @Jonteman93…
I'm in with a mechanic I want to keep experimenting on... Gaze into the Abyss. I was inspired by venture into the dungeon and the Ring tempts you when designing it. As such, a Reminder//Emblem card is tied to it. Idea is that the Abyss yields…
@kaoz42 - Pretty much. The updates which some people have waited for years have all come within weeks.
My most liked card. Can't believe it's been 7 years...
"Is this new card editor the thing which you've always wanted?"
Heck, either I need glasses, or black borderless P/T image's numbers are hard to read! @Mila - That's sweet of you, I'm sure he'll love it!
6th and final entry, using a further edited version of Champion -- Original: Champion (A championed card is legendary and gets +1/+1 for each championed card you control.) Edited: Acclaim (An acclaimed creature is legendary and gets +1/+1.) With…
5th entry, doubling down on Esteem Edit: Fixed the wording on 1st and 2nd ability thanks to the feedback from @Jadefire
The P/T image on borderless gold frames seem rather... underbaked.
4th entry, using a reworded version of Champion -- Original: Champion (A championed card is legendary and gets +1/+1 for each championed card you control.) Reworded: Esteem (An esteemed creature is legendary and gets +1/+1 for each esteemed creatur…
Who remembers? Edit: Added the recently published frames for full-art cards... the frames do help!
3rd entry, using Recruit
@Blazin_Biscuit - Awesome! Then I'll credit you when I use these mechanics, regardless if they're even remotely similar to the ones found in the Mechanix Tome. (I can't think from the top of my head if I've seen similar mechanics to these ones. Even…
Claim by ? ? ? Biscuit themselves! @Blazin_Biscuit - Who do we give credit for the mechanics of this challenge?
@Blazin_Biscuit - Open a word processor and press Tab key above Caps Lock, which produces a blank space similar to space key's, but this one you can copy and paste onto your card's text box, allowing you to indent text to the middle of the text box.
Remade some oldies of mine. Can't wait to update them in similar fashion once the editor is properly published to the site. (Links to the originals on each image.)
@smax765 - I am flattered by your words and the fantastic card which brilliantly captures my style! Glad to see the mechanic resonates with you as much as it does with me. Many thanks, and welcome back!
This must have been challenging to wrap, with so many characters moving around in each paragraph, not to mention finding the fitting songs to them. Excellent work! Each post just makes me want to read more, to see what might happen next. I must ap…