The Site Will Not Let Me Cancel Premium. Someone please help.
I no longer use this site and I have tried several times to cancel my subscription to Premium. Whoever is running the Facebook page has blocked me because I continually messaged asking to have my subscription cancelled. This is shady as hell. Can someone please help me with this? Ian_The_Guru are you able to help?
If the site doesn't allow you to cancel the Premium then perhaps you can either close the bank account or cancel the debt card. That way, site can't continue suck money of it like a mosquito until it's patched.
Your suggestion is not a solution. I shouldn't have to change anything about my life to detach from my subscription to a site. I've cancelled on the site 4 times now. I appreciate your suggestion but it's not good enough.
Can anyone help me? For example: give me the name of a current moderator.
Understood, I am sorry I can't be of a help.