Tri-Color Instant or Sorcery Head to Head Tournament



  • Round 1: Match 1
    #1 Arcane Supremacy vs #14 Summer's End
    Arcane Supremacy:
    Summer's End:

    Arcane Supremacy: First I would like to say I love the card art. It goes so well with both the color and the card. I love the flavor text so well done and worded. I do think it would be a little to over powered. As a standard in magic ever since eight edition their is not a 2 manna counter spell with out a big draw back. Most commonly Mana Leak where its owner of the countered card could pay 3 mana or Rune Snag where they could pay 2 mana for each Rune Snag used so far. Counter spells without drawback don't start until they cost three mana. The counter spells in the three mana category either just counter or they have a small added benefit like draw a card. There are a hand full of counter spells at four mana that have big benefits such as rewind. So I really think this card needs to be 4 mana. I also love the thing that makes this more then just another counter spell card " it's controller cannot cast spells until their next turn."

    Summer's End: I love the art for this card. I love that I can see all three colors at work in this card Red and Black destruction with Green given +1/+1 counters. Cool flavor text. The thing that gets me is that this card is 6 mana. Wrath of God is 4 and it kills all creatures. You made this card a mythic rare. I fell that if it was 5 mana then hell yeah I would want this card all day but at 6 it gets to be pricy especial since both red and black have ways to kill creatures that are cheaper. In general I really do like this card.

    Arcane Supremacy moves on to round 2: Despite the card being a little OP I think that it was the best card. Wonderful art, wonderful flavor text. Arcane Supremacy however put a whole new spin on counter spells and thus won
  • That is how I would have gone on those two as well. Summer's End was too niche for me compared to it's competitor.
  • Round 1 Match 2
    #2 Arise From Myth vs # 13 second life
    Arise From Myth: This card is a hard card not to like. It have great artwork and wonderful flavor. I think the mana cost is appropriate. All three colors are in the art and in the card. I like this card a lot.

    Secound Life: This is not a big deal but magic cards are always capitalized. I really like what you tried to do with this card however there are a couple of major issues. " Any time your life points would go to 0 after this spell is cast you gain as much life as you had when second life entered the battlefield" This wording would make this card execute only when your life = 0. Life points can go negative. All damage taken from a source is accounted for at one time. If you have 3 life and take 4 damage from a creature you have -1 life and the card does not execute. Also I am not sure but I think you may have go a round about way of accomplishing what you hoped. good art.

    Second Life is good in theory but I fell that Arise From Myth was a good card that was clear in its approach and very loveable. Arise From Myth moves to round 2
  • I couldn't argue with that choice. Arise from myth is pretty solid.
    I'm looking forward to the next one!
  • Round 1 Match 3
    # 3: Bad Wish VS. Sarkhan's Teachings
    Bad Wish:
    Sarkhan's Teachings:

    Bad Wish: It is very hard for me to dis like this card. Wonderful art work, Great ability that expresses all three colors, and a flavor text that gives so much emotion but yet is simple. The wording on this card could be messed with a little bit. As it is right now its not 100% clear where the creatures are being exiled and returned from, for now I am going to assume the battlefield. If the card is referring strictly to cards on the battlefield, I am 50/50 on the converted manna cost. I fell that a good argument could be made for 5 or 6 CMC. I love the expression of all three colors here. Blue (Bounce), White (Life gain/Exile) and Red deal damage.

    Sarkhan's Teachings: This is also a good card. 3 Manna card with three good options to it. Good Artwork. I fell like the Entwine ability on this card is what I call a 2 cent option. It provides a awesome ability but the realties of the ability ever happening is next to none (At least in standard).

    Bad Wish is the winner and will move on to Round 2. Sarkhan's Teachings is a great card but it just likes something to make it a step above others.

    Also I apologies for the time it has taken me to do these. I have been crazy busy. I had no idea how much time I would not have during summer. The next ones will be more often,
  • edited May 2015
    WooHoo! I wasn't sure how well Bad Wish would do against such a good card.
    Exile from the battlefield was the original intent.
This discussion has been closed.