The Ultimate Lovecraft

edited September 2016 in Contests and Challenges
H.P Lovecraft was a pretty awesome guy and he wrote about some pretty awesome monsters. This competition is for anybody who thinks they can create a properly Lovecraftian monster. By properly Lovecraftian I mean: completely indestructible and game ending. Even more so than the Eldrazi Titans.

There are a few stipulations. For one thing there shall be no cop out "when this enters play you automatically win the game" cards, but I'm open to "when this enters play discard all cards in all players' hands" or "when this enters play each player sacrifices all of their minions." Just make it insanely powerful.
Also it can't be Cthulhu, the most over used of all Lovecraft's monsters. Which isn't to say it has to be a Lovecraft monster at all, come up with something equally evil of your own design if you so wish.

Second place is the first loser, and in the spirit of this only first place gets anything, which will be me following them and liking 10 cards they've made (which is either great or terrible depending on how you look at it), plus a trophy if I can figure out how those work.

Oh, and by the way, if two cards are equally nasty I'll be looking at flavour text, so make it suitably sinister!
Good Luck (competition closes 6th September, or whenever I remember to close it after the 6th).
I hope at least one person enters...


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