Mechanisms For New Set Challenge

Hi everybody I am trying to make a Magic set based on cards from the Cardsmith community to publish on LackeyCCG so that we all may play with them. One of the most important aspects to every set is the Mechanisms of the set keywords like Strom, First Strike, Flashback etc... Sets are built around these keywords and mechanisms. So now I challenge you. In order to make this set we need 4 - 6 original keywords not used before in Magic The Gathering. So make a new Keyword and create a card showing it's use. If I enjoy your keyword and decide to incorporate it into the set You will get a favorite on your card and get put into the credits of the set creation. The deadline for this challenge will be a little long so that we may get a great pool of ideas. The deadline is November 14 2015 at 11:59pm.


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