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Activity List

  • July 20
  • Pandemonium joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    July 3
  • July 1
  • Technotoad64 joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    June 19
  • jack1111 joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    June 17
  • rizzo50417 joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    June 12
  • Hi everyone, I'm loving the new changes. Mystery Boxes are back. And that makes me happy. I hope they make you happy. Everybody's happy!
    May 26
    • LHunter
      What if everybody isn’t happy? :(
    • LHunter
      Specifically me not everybody
  • Sup. I live on a desert planet roughly 800 lightyears from earth. I’ve been marooned here for years. Lost track of how many. I survive by hacking supply shipments and steering them towards my planet. They usually have electronics and books so those are entertaining. I like fantasy and horror novels and movies. Feel free to ask me about my favs. My musical taste is metal. Not heavy. Not death. Just stuff like Def Leppard. 
    June 9
  • Reithal joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    June 9
  • LHunter changed their profile picture.
    June 8
  • Deiriumm joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    June 2
  • Welcome Aboard!
    May 30
  • Welcome Aboard!
    May 28
  • jpastor changed their profile picture.
    May 26