Lend White a Helping Hand **Circuit Challenge**



  • edited December 2019
    *Data expelled*
  • edited December 2019
    *Data expelled*
  • ye, got told that already, cant edit it haha
  • edited December 2019
    Please check out about all of the mono-white cards I have ever made.
    (Not entering any cards, but I do this with every white card I make.
  • edited December 2019
    My entry:


    Subdue ({t}: Declare a target creature. Both you and the opposing player put the top card of the library into the graveyard. Compare the converted mana cost. If yours is higher than your opponent's, exile target creature, else this creature fights target creature.)
  • edited December 2019
    {deleted entry}
  • edited December 2019
    {deleted entry}
  • edited December 2019
    This is in place of the Shamus... for now: Replaced

  • Out of the 26 cards submitted so far, only the following 5 meet the contest criteria:

    Pious Arcanist & Tireless Angel by @Faiths_Guide
    Angel of the Silver Legion by @EternalWolf88
    Divine Ascension by @sanjaya666
    Summon Heroic Spirit by @Xero0

    The rest are invalid entries because they either:
    1) Undermine white’s core weakness by generating raw card advantage through “Draw a Card” effects (This includes investigate).
    2) Use or combine effects that are already available to white without #3
    3) Fail to demonstrate a mechanic that expands white's mechanical color pie or innovates in new/unused space.

    What I am looking for are cards that showcase effects that haven’t yet been done in white and will help with its problems in older formats and commander without drawing cards. These problems center around but are not limited to white’s ability to stay relevant into the late game and generate card advantage WITHOUT drawing cards.

    Here is an example of what I am looking for:

    This card plays well with other white cards (not a requirement for the challenge but a bonus) by taking what is usually a drawback of effects like Oblivion Ring and turning it into an upside. It generates card advantage without card draw AND plays into never before used mechanical space for white (“converting” cards that white has “imprisoned”).

    If anyone has any questions, please post them in the thread.
  • @bnew07 Does this meet the requirements?

  • nice
    white did get quite a few "copy this spell/ability by paying said costs" at one point
  • edited December 2019

    second entry, white has a lot of preventing combat and mass effects, so I was suprised light mine field was the only white card that did this, this is like that but costs more, only affects creatures attacking you, and can be made into a big wall in case you need it

    super stall lmao
  • edited December 2019
    I did see a bunch of "storm" and "conspire." but I didn't see anything like this. :\
    there was only one card(that I could find) that did that
  • I'm sure I've seen it while looking for something else, could have been a conspire tho
  • image

    third entry, I'm surprised that (as far as I know) only two white creatures heal you when they take damage (both of wich are really powerful and I'm surprised they arent so wildly used haha), so I decided to make a card that does that, also idk if white got the blocking multiple creatures before or not but flavour wise it is a very white thing so I added that too
  • @bnew07 You are a really frustrating host/judge. This second contest I've seen you DQ tons of people and say they had no chance at winning without being clairvoyent. http://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/discussion/comment/114799/#Comment_114799 I guess you did slightly better by letting us know we all were dead in the water before was over, but your examples of what you want never actually let us know what you want. If you are going be this nitpicky, give us more examples that actually show us what you want to see. Let us be able to goldielocks whatever just right is from that.( He shows a single example with card draw...then rejects all the entires with card draw....) Like make white better at something it doesn't do well...but DON'T do it too well. You need make this right level of underpowered to get a pass. So now everyone is just going throw random stuff at the wall and see what sticks because it's still not clear what the heck we should make. I for one do not seek make new entries and wash my hands of you and any future contests regardless of them being circuit challenges.
  • edited December 2019
    Not trying to be rude, but most of your disagreements with other smiths on the forums lately seem to be a direct result of your misunderstanding some point, jumping to conclusions, or assuming something was correct without taking the time to verify.

    In this case, your issue is that you aren't reading the contest directions carefully enough, don't understand the directions well enough, and/or don't know what is meant by some of the MtG terms being used. I believe if you re-read the rules carefully (and maybe study the article I linked on page one) you will figure this all out on your own. If not, feel free to ask questions, but don't challenge the hosts knowledge of their own contest and its rules.

    If you don't want to abide by what the host wants, don't enter their contest.
  • @Faiths_Guide I agree with you to your final point, as I don't plan to in the future as my simple solution. Once I say I'm out I'm done as if I continue bother people I'm just being disruptive to whomever wants to still part of of the contest. I only came back to this thread because you @ed me, as I'd taken my leave here as I withdrew all my cards. This individual has hosted two contest where over half of the people don't meet the requirements. This is a poor trend, one I won't be continuing to play part in. If it was just me then I'd chalk it up to just it being a "me" problem, but this is definitely not the case here.(Or the previous instance.) You and other posters had go back to the drawing board as multiple posters erased their entries at once. It looked like someone cast a boardwipe on this contests entries. That doesn't seem like a clear contest at all. You want to suggest I'm not doing this in the most tactful way, fair enough but my point still stands. Either way I'm done here on this topic.
  • edited December 2019
    @bnew07 Is this ok?
    I’ve not seen very much white lose life draw cards.
  • @Lastjustice
    The contest was very clear, but it was a difficult brief. Good luck on your future entries wherever they may be!
  • @Lastjustice

    The contest rules clearly stated that card draw is a break in white and would not be accepted in the challenge. The use of happily ever after was only as a visual aid to show how WOTC has so far decided to expand white's color pie.

    The reason I didn’t include examples is because the design space for this challenge is already very limited and by posting examples I thought that I would either 1) eat up some design space that I would rather have the contestants use independently or 2) inadvertently bias the contestants to conform to the design space in the examples.

    The one commonality between the Mox challenge and this one was the narrow design space. In both challenges I believe the rules were stated clearly but we can agree to disagree.

    In any case, all entrants are free to replace the entries that did not meet the contest criteria before the deadline.
  • I was told that a card I just recently made could perhaps find a place in this contest? I will drop it, if it doesn't count, please let me know and I will create something else that may count in its place.

  • @Dizzydude
    I don't think we're supposed to do draw cards...
  • @sorinjace

    Yes, that is a valid entry.


    For this challenge symmetrical draw is not allowed so that entry doesn’t meet the contest criteria
  • edited December 2019
    So, self contained in the card, if you don't keep her up as a blocker, you can basically tap, exile a land, and, if you missed your land drop that turn, at least replay that land to get mana for that turn. If not needed, a 2/4 is a real body.
    Synergy wise, you can fetch a few times then Rest In Peace or use the upcoming escape mechanic or any of the bajillion ways to exile cards from graveyards to put lands into exile.
    The spice are cards like the hideaway lands that have etb triggers. Cards like the temples, aether hub, and the life gain lands come to mind for standard. As a lands player in commander, I would enjoy a way to reset my Glacial Chasm, get zombies from Field of the Dead, or switch what land Vesuva is a copy of.
This discussion has been closed.