Horrors of Halloween Contest **Circuit Challenge**\\Spooktoberfest!//



  • @Ranshi You were very close! When I judged this, I first rounded up cards that really appealed to me and then narrowed it down from there. Your card was just outside the top 12! Really, your entries were also really, really good. It was hard to choose the winners for me.
  • edited November 2020
    I'm very late to respond, but congrats to the winners!

    @shadow123 There are two things I wanted to mention on the feedback, btw. Jekyll and Hyde's canonical full names are Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde, and the idea for +2/+0 & +0+/+2 was based on the actual card called Frankenstein's Monster. I felt like these should be mentioned in thread in case anyone else didn't catch those little things.
  • Just now checked this, thank you so much for hosting dude! Surprised my entry that got featured wasn't the one that placed but I'm happy you liked my little widow!
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