Legendary Remix

Challenge: Make a remix or card based off of a legendary creature made by another cardsmith.

How to do it:
Step 1 - Find another Cardsmith.
Step 2 - Find a legendary creature they made.
Step 3 - Make a remix of that card or card based off of it.

What is a remix?
Y'know in Magic whenever they reprint a card and give it new abilities? Like the Eldrazi titans in the BFZ set...!
Give it new abilities and such without changing the card's general playstyle!

What is a card based off of a legendary creature?
A card that isn't the actual legendary creature, like a sorcery or instant card that's related to it. Like for example:
Or maybe a subordinate "servant" or "familiar" type creature!

-Card must be based off of a legendary creature that you did not make but someone else did.
-If the cardsmith who made the original legendary creature doesn't feel comfortable with you making cards based off of their cards, do what they say and remove the your card or don't post it.
-Post the link with the original legendary creature when submitting your entry here.
-No more than two entries per cardsmith.
-Have fun! ;)


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