Bloomburrow Card Tournament

Well, everybody, with the release of the new set comes new cards. This tournament is for any card that is Bloomburrow-y, whether that is cards with the creature types and/or cards with the mechanics or the color pairs, or just a Bloomburrow-themed card. Just for easy reference, these are the color pairs of the set and their creature types:
WU - Birds
WB - Bats (Seem to like life gain/loss)
WR - Mice (Seem to like valiant mechanic)
WG - Rabbits (Seem to like tokens)
UB - Rats 
UR - Otters (Seem to like spellslinging)
UG - Frogs
BR - Lizards
BG - Squirrels (Seem to like graveyard)
RG - Raccoons (Seem to like expend/going berserk)


There are two sections: mechanics, and color pairs (color-pair themed stuff). You can receive up to first place prizes for each. Please state what category you are submitting for otherwise it will end up in the "in-general" queue.  For cards that are for both and are good, they shall win prizes in the category they are best in. You can also make random Bloomburrow-y cards that can also win you up to first place in the "in-general" section.

1st Place: 10 Favorites, plus 5 hugs.

2nd Place: 6 Favorites, plus 2 hugs.

3rd Place: 3 Favorites.


Every card will be judged, and how judging works is it will receive a rating from 1-100 and then the ratings will compare to that of your opponent. This will repeat until there is a champion. 


The deadline is 11:59 pm your time zone on September 23rd, 2024.


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