Design a Dragon

I was hoping Tarkir would revolutionize dragons, but it kinda didn't. So what I want to see is dragons with unique mechanics and creative ideas! Don't just give me that 4/4 flying dragon with firebreathing, show me something that'll truly break this world! Winners will have their cards acknowledged in the Dragons of Nagana set I am producing, along with support cards built around their style!

Points system:
3 - Balance. I'm serious, balance is an important thing. Don't give me something that can smash the opponent by the fourth turn. But don't just show me a 1/1 for three mana without some kind of ability either. I'm sure you're all much more experienced than I am, but I wanted to make this clear.
2 - Originality. Did your dragon have fire breathing with a fairly standard build? If so, you may be seeing points get docked here.
2 - Appeal. Is this card a card that someone would want to use? (Points will not be docked for poor wording, as long as it's obvious what the point is.)
Bonus points for flavor text. 1 extra point for a good, fitting flavor text. Flavor text will not be required, however.

At least three winners will be chosen, maybe more, depending on how many entries there are. Winners will have their card favorited and added to the Dragons of Nagana set, along with several support cards added to go with their theme. Honorable mentions may be added. I'm not sure.

There is no limit to the number of entries. However, if multiple entries from the same person would win, only one of those entries will count towards a winning spot. I leave you to it!


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