Mash-Up Contest

So, I was looking around on MTGCS and saw a lot of cool things where other themes such as Star Wars were brought into Magic as cards. This inspired me to try and make my own set based on Fallout. Then I thought, why don't I help expand on this idea instead of doing my own thing?

1. All cards must have a direct reference to another theme (for example, Luke Skywalker would be a reference to Star Wars).
2. All cards must be realistic, and appear to be playable (no when you cast this spell you win the game stuff).
3. All cards must be made with the intent for them to be balanced and perhaps made as part of a larger set.

1. I like to see new ideas for mechanics, just make sure to explain them!
2. Proper formatting that looks like an MTG card is good!
3. Picking popular or well-known themes as your subject is probably a good idea.
4. While Heroes are easy to do, I'd also like to see non-heroes, like a Stormtrooper (sticking with our Star Wars example) rather than a bunch of Darth Vaders.

Contest close date is March 1st. On that day I will begin judging and will not accept new entries made on said date.


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