Contest - Insanity mechanic

I while back someone ran a Lovecraft/Cthulu contest and a couple of different people had two practically identical mechanics that I really, really liked. (I can't find it now, you if it's yours, speak up)

Qualifying Cards
- must be balanced
- must be templated/worded correctly
- must directly use or clearly interact with the mechanic defined below

Mechanic - Insanity
Insanity is somewhat like poison, in that it's an alternate loss condition based on a number of counters. The key differences are that (1) these counters are on permanents you control, so they may naturally decrease over time unlike poison, (2) you will usually be increasing your own insanity as a drawback rather than as an offensive strategy.

Formally, there is one state-based action, "If the total number of insanity counters on objects a player controls is greater than or equal to 10, he or she loses the game"

You may also use the following shorthands:
- The keyword ability "Insanity X" means "This enters the battlefield with X insanity counters"
- The keyword actions maddens X, or "madden X " to indicate adding X insanity counters to an object.
- Your own keywords, if properly explained.

Note: The mechanic becomes really interesting when there is some level of risk - such as increasing counters, or a random number of counters, or counters based on a trigger. In other words, an "Insanity X" permanent with no implication of how getting right up to 9 insanity counters could backfire on you is not risky - for example, a "strictly better" basic land with insanity 1 => not risky. A Phyrexian Negator like card that takes damage as insanity counters => risky. Since these are very different design spaces, I am creating a separate prize for risky vs non-risky.

Contest Rules
- Max 2 entries per cardsmith - one risky, one non-risky
- First 12 entries all receive feedback
- My judging criteria are creativity, mechanical elegance, and flavor, but due to the nature of the challenge, the emphasis will primarily be on mechanical elegance, and secondarily on creativity, with flavor only playing a minor role.
- I will award one prize for the best risky card and one for the best non-risky card. The prize is a card designed in your honor and 3 favorites.
- Contest ends Monday, March 7th. Prize awarded March 8th.

Edit: Added risky/non-risky categories and changed from one winner to two winners.


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