Colorful Sorcerors

Hey all! I'm back from yet another extended break period in which I do absolutely nothing having to do with this website! (Don't take it personal, guys. I just find it really hard to stick to anything for too long. So be happy that you all make it into my "recurring user" category!) Seriously, though, I love you guys.

Anyway, on to the contest!

I love sorcery. Not sorceries , those annoying burns and everything else, but the casters themselves. So for this, I would like you all to give your best shot at a sorcerer or sorceress!


1: Must be at least two colors.
2: Must be balanced.
3: Must be a legendary creature.
4: It can have more than one creature type, but one of them must be sorcerer, sorceress, or wizard.

Extra points for:
-Aesthetically pleasing cards
-Good pictures
-Lots and lots of... ya get me?

1st: 5 favorites and 3 doses of constructive criticism on cards of your choice.

2nd:3 favorites and 1 dose of constructive criticism on cards of your choice.

3rd:1 favorite on a card of your choice.

Constructive criticism on most entries will be a given!

Hope y'all have fun with this one, here's an example to get the ball rolling!

I'll judge when entries start slowing down, probably around 8/27 or 28.
Good luck!


  • I just realized that my example isn't two colors... XD
    Thanks for reading the rules, everyone!
  • edited August 2016

    He gets mad when he's outta work!
  • Hey look! It's feedback time!

    @opcode_6e : Hyde the Insatiable : I love the idea of this card. Having a way to target multiple creatures with one spell, while still keeping that ability balanced is hard to do, but you're pretty close! I would say that to make this balanced, you should either add some cost to it's ability. Only two mana a turn for such a great ability seems to me to be too little. Or, I would have the effect, instead of being spells or abilities you control, be just spells or abilities anyone controls. This way, there is a drawback to how good this is. Either way, if you feel like redesigning, feel free to resubmit! Or keep it how it is, it's your choice! :D

    @Balgeron : Royal Sorcerer Navlaan : A very interesting card, I feel like the double strike is a bit off kilter for the rest of the card. Double strike is almost always either a red or white ability. While Navlaan is red, I feel as if the blue and black off set him enough to make double strike unflavorable. I love the idea of the removal with a drawback, and like the fact that you basically have to cast him again every turn. My one criticism on this ability would be simply to change "target permanent" to either "target nonland permanent" or "target creature". this helps to balance him much more than he is currently.

    @LyndonF : Hixus, Necromancer : Another fun card. The blue and black on a zombie gives an aspect I haven't seen in a while, the blue zombie. Yes, they're here and there, but alot of people forget that zombies can be (and indeed have been) blue. The two problems I see are quite simple. One is that you should have the two activated abilities also need him to tap. this is important, because the way it stands, he can persist and sacrifice a zombie, therefore creating an endless return combo. The other problem is also an easy fix. Capitalization and syntax!

    @mtgwizard9003 : Zaru, Will of the Grave : Let me just say, I love the art for this. It reminds me of Jace, if he was green/black. For this card, I would say that the one thing to fix would simply be the syntax of the card. I really enjoy the idea, and it's pretty balanced, in my opinion! Honestly, I think he could be a five drop and still be balanced.

    @Faiths_Guide : Tuve, Experimental Flutist : You rarely fail to hit a mark, and this card was no different. I'm a huge fan of the Simic play style, and love the evolve mechanic. This entire card is spot-on, and I love the flavor! I can't think of anything to critique! Good work!

    @saveria201 : Inna, Serene Sorceress : I enjoy the idea of this card, but I feel as if it's a bit unclear. If she gets burned for 3, then you pay the two white mana, does she gain indestructible, therefore not dying, or do you not really get the chance to activate the ability because she's already dead? Oh, and the Heroic should come before the second ability. Good card, though!

    @Faiths_Guide : Pilt, Weld Fanatic : My other favorite guild is Izzet, so you must really be psychic or something. Although I like your other card better, this one is definitely fun. I wish there would have been room for some flavor text, but that's not your fault, it's the dang card size! Anyway, I actually can criticize a couple of things on this one. First of all, he's a two drop for a 3/3 with abilities. I feel like the mana cost should be higher. Other than that, however, i really like the card, and wish it was real, because I have a red/blue artifact deck that would work beautifully with this card.

    Anyway, good job to all and keep up the good work! Judging will be 8/26!
  • edited August 2016
    Awesome, you're giving feedback! Your remarks on my works were very flattering, I can't express enough appreciation. You and your contest are awesome, glad you're back (at least for the time being)!
    Took a while to make this buddy here. Hope you like it!
  • @victator yay ty for feedback!

    I'll remake Inna. I intended her first ability to make spells that would damage her fizzle. I see my mistake..
  • @victator thanks for the feed back really appreciate it!
    I remade Zaru
  • 1st and 2nd entries:
    I forgot to make the second legendary, but I meant to make her legendary, I just forgot. Sorry!
  • Thanks for the comments! Here's the (slightly) fixed version.
    I didn't make the second ability with tap as you have to pay 1 life, making it not infinite (unless you have infinite life, which is probably good enough on its own).
  • nice card lydonf really cool
  • edited August 2016

    Oops, not Legendary, my bad!
  • More feedback, in order of comments!

    @TheFriendlyGeek : Monk of the Living Rock : Let me just say, this is a really cool card. I enjoy the idea of it, along with the abilities and such. It is also very balanced. That being said, I feel like the name and picture go to a separate creature than the rest of the card. The name "Monk of The Living Rock" to me, conjures ideas of golems and artifact creatures that he is causing to rise. If it were me (and you obviously aren't me, so you can leave the card as it is) I would make him a (2)(u)(g) and make his abilities more artifact based, such as making a regular artifact come to life, or summoning golems to your side. Or, just change the name and picture to something more death-based. I got a little long-winded there, sorry. :D Just my opinion.

    @Faiths_Guide : Comment : Your welcome! I always try to give feedback to help everyone be the best cardsmith they can be! And thanks for the warm welcome back!

    @LittleDemon : Serendi, Mind Wizard : I. Freaking. Love. This. Card. I've always loved cards that scramble the battlefield, like Conjured Currency. But this is a creature with Hexproof ! It's awesome! The only thing I would change is to make it just blue/black instead of the three color, because you don't really need the white for it's flavor to be the same.

    @saveria201 : Comment : Great! I look forward to seeing the reprint!

    @mtgwizard9003 : Zaru Remake : Something must've been wrong with the link you posted, 'cause it's not working for me, but I did a little sleuthing and found it on your page. Much better! Here's the link for those who want to see this great card!

    @DragonFaceEater : Marindi, Born of the Wild : I like the general idea of this card, however, it seems a bit cluttered to me. If the landfall ability was just one or two of those, it would be much easier to read, and therefore a better card. I also feel like the second ability could stand to be (2)(g) to balance it a bit more. Good job, though!

    @DragonFaceEater : Braloe, Stealer of Souls : I'll address the legendary part right now. It's fine. I'm not gonna make you remake the card because of a simple mistake. :D Onto the critique!
    Right off the bat, I'm just gonna say great picture. I also absolutely love the flavor of this card. The ability though... It's overpowered, I think. Life gain decks can earn massive amounts of life, and being able to double that for a measly one mana seems to be a bit too low. I would either change it to only prevent damage, ore completely change it to some kind of life-drain ability to stick with the flavor! :D

    @LyndonF : Hixus Remake : I'm glad you made the first ability tap. looking back, That's really all that was necessary. But you forgot to capitalize! XD

    @Faiths_Guide : Life-Blaze Embermage : I hate to do this, but I'm gonna have to disqualify this one, even though I really like it. It's just not Legendary material! That said, I'm still gonna critique and favorite it, because I really love it!
    Actually, I just realized that by "critique" I meant "praise" because there literally isn't anything that I can see wrong with this card. The only thing that I see (and this isn't really a problem, just something to think about) is that the first ability could be instead of (r)(w)(t), it could have a higher mana cost and not cause to tap, therefore being stackable and a lot more useful.

    @XerxesBackwards : Derstin, Fugitive Pyromancer : This is a really interesting card, because it's a red and white card that is "against" the law for once, albeit by circumstances beyond his own control. The couple of things I would change with this are:
    1. His mana cost. I would lower it be one or two, and then also reduce his power/toughness by two or so (total).
    2. I would make his tap ability cost a bit more, maybe one mana more, because as it stands, he can take out most creatures, and every-turn creature removal is very powerful.

    Other than those minor tweaks, a very good card!

    @slaveofbolasalillianasslavexxx : Sathaka, Pain Dealer : I do love myself a great name, and this card's name is really quite original! If I were you, I'd change all the phyrexian mana to regular mana of the same color, and add some cost to the abilities. The colors represent the card perfectly, so I wouldn't change those. The last thing I'd do would be to capitalize the beginning of each ability, and to make the last three abilities tap abilities.

    Glad you've all submitted such great entries, and I hope more will continue flowing!
    Due Date is still 8/26, tomorrow, so hurry up with those last-minute entries!
  • thanks for the feedback victator!
  • Here's my entry. He's a battlemage that specializes in the duality of fire and ice magic!

  • edited August 2016
  • edited August 2016
  • My submission :)
  • Last bout of feedback! Judging is later today!

    @littledemon : Comment : You're very much welcome, good sir!

    @Krazykobold98 : Raezel, Rimefire Adept : This is a really fun card. The fact that you have created a go-between for tapping versus burn is really fun, and I honestly can't see anything wrong with the card other than:
    A. I feel like his mana cost could be reduced by like 1 or 2. (probably 1)
    B. Are you sure he's an elf? I'm not! :D

    @TrippleBoggey3 : Varamee, Mind of Hallucination : A great card, but I feel like the mana cost should be raised, considering the lowest cost "take control of target player" is an eight drop. (mindslaver, although it's ability is only 4, it's drop is six, making it a seven-turn play in a normal game.)["control target player"]

    @Monty : Temeria, She Who Misleads : I love shapeshifters, so this card is really fun to me! I think the two things I would change are simply templating things. First, she enters as a copy of target creature on the battlefield, right? And secondly, In her second paragraph, you used the actual symbol for X instead of just the letter. For X, I'm pretty sure that in that case you would use the letter. (I might be wrong) Great card, I really like it!

    @Monty : Gobol, Reincarnationist : Also a great card, and I love the idea, but I feel like it's mana cost might be a bit too low. Other than that, I really like it!

    @koover : Xalek, Admirer of Memnarch : Whoa. That's powerful. I really like it. However, the one thing I would change is to make "sacrifice a permanent" into "sacrifice a permanent you own" that way, you can't get rid of your opponents stuff. Just a thought!

    @kltmtg29 : The Numena : I absolutely love this one! The idea of multiple creatures being represented by one card is something done far to little, in my opinion. The idea is great, however, I would have the discard and burn be one card/damage. Because the way you have it, I could play four shocks and win the game! Great card!

    Alright everybody! The next time I post, you'll know who won! Good luck to all the participants, and yes everybody, you can still participate!
    Bai until then!
This discussion has been closed.