New Set Concept: The Family

Hey there, MtG nerds. I just discovered this site yesterday after doing an online search on a whim. I'm a graphic designer by trade, so I was totally prepared to make my own cards up in Photoshop when the mood struck me, but when I discovered this Cardsmith site, I was ecstatic. This is so much easier to execute than what I had been planning. Anyway, I took a poke at a concept for a full set of cards. I'm far from done, but you can see the foundation of the set now (about 30 cards so far), and if anyone has the time and the inclination, I'd love some feedback from the community. The basic concept is a family of legendary personalities, plus cards involving their roots: unique home lands, family heirloom items, ancillary characters, etc. Anyway, if anybody wants to check out the set and give me feedback, that would be cool. Thanks in advance.



  • May you post a link to it here for convenience sake and since some users have different Disqus names?
  • Ah, thanks. Will do.
    ...Huh. I just went to my account and the url is something generic, so copying and pasting that wouldn't help, but if you go to Cardsmith, under the "Explore Cards" function, and search by author, enter "Roughhouser" and it'll take you to my card set.
  • Here is a link to Roughhouser's Cards
  • I really like this concept. It has a solid foundation and plenty of room for expansion. I'll definitely check them out and look for more!
  • edited May 2017
    @Roughhouser, being proficient in photoshop should allow you to 'shop some custom art for your cards, I have always wanted to do that. Even something as simple as altering the color palette of the art to match the color of the card would seem useful here. I'm envious, and I look forward to seeing more of your designs. :)

    I would like to add that you may want to leave a comment on every card you design. Disqus notifies you of replies to your comments, but if someone comments on your card and it isn't a reply? Well, you may never know the comment is there unless you manually check each card. This becomes harder as you build a bigger catalogue of designs. I commented on the wording of your card Conspicuous Forest Fire.
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