Remember the glory days when Chaos Orb was in standard? Me too. What was I supposed to talk about again? Oh yea! I wanted to create a contest where someone has to create the most chaotic card you can make. An example of a chaotic card is in the link right here. http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=goblin+game Here are the rules.

1)It must be chaotic
2)It must be chaotic
3)It must be chaotic
4)It must be chaotic
5)It must be balanced

Here are the prizes

1st place gets a trophy with a picture of a rubber ducky on it and 5 favorites on any of their works they choose.

2nd place gets 2 favorites on any of their works they choose.

3rd place gets a favorite on any of their works they choose.

The contest expiration date is April 10, 2016.

Now lets get StAARtEEEEEEEddddd!!!!!

EDIT:Here is the official trophy picture: http://orig13.deviantart.net/6617/f/2013/148/6/9/giant_fire_breathing_rubber_ducky_by_kaiserdrago-d66x6de.jpg
Thank Kaiserdrago for this artwork.


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