Hybrid Card Challenge



  • edited June 2016
    remade it, but just changed spelling error:
  • edited June 2016
  • edited June 2016
    Second entry~

  • edited June 2016

    Raze (If this creature [permanent?] destroys a permanent with counters on it, put that many +1/+1 counters on this creature.)
  • edited June 2016
    I'm going to start commenting on cards. Winners will still be announced after the contest ends on the 4th.

    @Faiths_Guide 's Frightened Arsonist - I'm excited to see surgebane back again, even if it was originally thought up by @gterww123 and not me, like I thought it was. It's used well here and makes the opponent very hesitant to snipe it.

    @Zombieswithjetpacks 's Marjuu Blood Tree and Marjuu Messenger - Sorrow is an interesting mechanic but I think it might be more powerful than you are expecting, especially in multiplayer games. I suggest changing it to something like: "Whenever this creature, or any creature dealt damage by this creature dies, each player discards a card." This ensures that it doesn't automatically trigger each time it attacks (This is just a suggestion though). Also, a 9/4 for six mana is VERY powerful considering the ease of bypassing defender.
  • edited June 2016
    @Ninjapenguin12 's Ophelia, Twin Destinies - Very interesting ability that reminds me of a perpetual Wurmcoil Engine. No problems that I can see and it is very well balanced. (Except for the comma in the creature type section. It says "Angel,Demon". Also one of the words is off the page.)

    @BringerOfTheBeigeDawn 's Ching Chong, Toy Salesman - I actually really liked this one but now I can't seem to find it. I feel like this would have been an interesting commander for Tiny Leaders.

    @Gelectrode 's Chroniclers of Fugue - Definitely an under-costed card for how powerful it is. I would have made this card cost at least {2} to {3} more simply for the card advantage it gives you.

    @chronostrike 's Ophidian Ambush - I don't actually know what strive does, although the card itself seems well balanced. I would suggest phrasing it as "sacrificing a creature you control" instead of "destroying a creature you control" to avoid indestructible shenanigans.
  • edited June 2016
    @Faiths_Guide 's Battleready Courier - Your second entry seems, at first glance, like an underpowered card until you realize that you can cast it for less and still get an additional free spell out of it. Still, I might have made it a 3/3. Nice combination of mechanics.

    @chronostrike 's Frostbite Spirit - I would have bumped the "return to hand" ability's cost by {1}, but other than that, nice combination of abilities. It fits those colors well and is an excellent chump blocker.

    @Kian_killer 's Tyraam, the Indomitable - Interesting ability that I haven't seen before and it is pulled off well. Although one mana for a 2/1 flyer is a bit above the curve for power.

  • edited June 2016
    @VSSS 's Blackblade Soldier and Sagacious Duelist - I was wondering what would happen if Blackblade Soldier deals combat damage to a legendary. Does it get two -1/-1 counters or does it die from deathtouch?

    Also for Sagacious Duelist, I think you should phrase his ability like this: "If {w} was spent to cast Sagacious Duelist it gets +0/+1 and has vigilance. If {g} was spent to cast Sagacious Duelist it gets +1/+0 and has trample." Then just make it a 1/1. That should fix the issue I brought up on the card page itself.

    @ShadowFlame88 's Skullblast - The hybrid border is applied incorrectly here. The mana cost would have to be (r/b)(r/b), otherwise the border should be gold. Also you should be wary about making cards that can be played without mana. As it is now, if you pay 4 life you can deal anywhere from 2 damage (ornithoptor) to 18 damage (Draco) and make them discard a card (all on the first turn). That is a bit too powerful.
  • edited June 2016
    @Rednaxela 's Glass Mountain Dragons - Nice, simple, and fitting to it's colors. Much more balanced than MTG's Galerider Sliver.

    @yousmelllikeapumpkin 's Nar and Jen, Fire and Water - I like how you have the option of dealing 1 damage to yourself to draw a card. Blue and red rarely have that option. Things get crazy with multiple discard/draw shenanigans though (Like with zombie infestation) so be careful with that when designing a card in the future.

    @VSSS - (I'll only be judging your first two entries sorry.)

    @ArienStorm 's Magestorm and Fellwrath Hunter - I would recommend increasing the recast cost by {1} and making it a sorcery. Just a suggestion. Otherwise it can be abused too much. Also even if you don't pay its echo cost Fellwrath Hunter is still a 5/1 with haste for {1} that's almost as strong as ball lightning for a third of its cost. Definitely too powerful.
  • @Faiths_Guide @Legendxp I corrected Rust Beetle's text.
  • @Yururu 's Deride the Shallow - It is important to keep in mind the color pie of both colors when making hybrid cards. This card fit perfectly in a mon-blue deck and even in a blue-red deck. However, if you put in a mon-red deck you start running into problems. Historically speaking, red has VERY few counter spells. I would recommend putting a clause in there that is "blue-ish" to balance it out. Maybe something like "cast this only if a permanent was returned to its owner's hand this turn" or something.

    @AnttiV 's Pixie Soldier and Pixie Queen - Most legendary creatures have a unique name like "Titania, Pixie Queen", instead of just "Pixie Queen". Thinking of individual names for each legendary you make can be annoying though so I use (http://fantasynamegenerators.com/). Also infect doesn't really fit flavor-wise with what you have going. I would suggest putting only these abilities on Pixie Queen: Flying, Vigilance, Hexproof, Lifelink, and making the regenerate ability a tap effect.

    @Mila 's Lightnig Cosair - I'm assuming its supposed to be "Lightning Corsair". Interesting take on landfall. It basically boils down to: You can have the lands enter tapped, but if you do you get an effect. Decently balanced too.
  • @Blazin_Biscuit 's Blazing Ox and Overseer's Messenger - I'm curious as to where you found the art for that card. I also would have reduced either the Ox's casting cost or it's bestow cost by {1}. Other than that, both cards seem well balanced and fitting to their colors.

    @Yururu 's Rust Beetle - For some reason the link doesn't work. This is a very neat mechanic and devastating against certain decks. I would suggest making it cost {1} more and making it a 2/2, but that's more of a preference than any substantial criticism.
  • edited June 2016
    @Legendxp For nearly all my art, I just type in fantasy and then whatever I want a picture of. I think for the Ox i typed fantasy spirit ox. Do as you please with the card but I think the six mana cost for bestow is quite reasonable as enrage can get really powerful for a creature with high toughness.
  • edited June 2016
    @Blazin_Biscuit & @Legendxp
    It may interest one or both of you that the Ox art is actual MTG art:
    Also, the subtype is actually Ox.

    For Overseer's messenger, Owl isn't a subtype. Owl creatures have the Bird subtype.

    Hope this helps :D
  • @Faiths_Guide, thanks for that :) Didn't even know the ox was an actual card let alone it having bestow. Lol
  • @Blazin_Biscuit
    It explains its "starry" hide :P
  • edited June 2016
    @Legendxp Rust Beetle's link was fixed.

    I believe I'll change the color issues with Deride the Shallow by making it {u}{u/r}, and thus unusable to monored.

    I'm thinking a bit about Rust Beetle. I think I'll add a condition instead of increasing its mana cost.
  • edited June 2016
    As long as you're remaking him, I think I should let you know that "Raze"s wording still needs work.

    Currently it'd be best to simply add the text to Rust Beetle's first ability and leave out the keyword...
  • edited June 2016
    Your comment reminded me that I didn't phrase the card correctly for how strive works. Strive requires you to pay the strive cost for each target beyond the first.

    I've edited my post with a corrected card. I intend that it won't work on indestructible creatures, and I think this wording covers it.

    Also, I balanced Frostbite Spirit off of being more valuable to put into play than Blinking Spirit, so it costs 1 more to bounce.
  • @Faiths_Guide It should be an ability word to add a benefit as long as the spell's target has counters on it, so it changes from effect to effect. Similar to how Delirium gives a benefit as long as there are 4 or more card types in your graveyard, with its description also changing from effect to effect.
  • If you want the keyword, then it should be a word with parenthetical reminder text.

    Raze (If this creature destroys a permanent with counters on it, put that many +1/+1 counters on this creature.)
  • edited June 2016
    An idea from a gamble set I thought I'd revisit when I saw they added split borders.

  • edited June 2016
    @LegendXP, did you originally make up surgebane? I didn't make it up originally, but when I saw I thought it was so good I submitted it to the Machanic Encyclopidia so that it wouldn't be lost when I saw it on http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/rot-root-behemoth-2?list=user I now know you made. The Mechanix team credited me with creating it, but it's good to find the original creator again. Please, take priority of the mechanic.
  • edited June 2016
    Hey @gterww123! Thanks for clearing that up!

    So @LegendXP, you are the original designer! Because of this, I have a few suggestions to direct to you.

    (1) Leaderless (This permanent can't be the target of spells or abilities you control.)

    Call it "reverse hexproof" or "the far-side of shroud" whatever.

    Basically, as I'm sure you're all well aware, the keyword is to represent the fact that the creature couldn't care less about--or isn't aware of--the fact that it has a controller.

    Could be reworded thus:
    (2) Leaderless (This permanent can't be the target of spells or abilities you control. At the beginning of combat on your turn, flip a coin. If heads, this creature attacks a random opponent if able. If tails, this creature can't attack until end of turn.)

    There may be a way to word it so that "coin flipping" isn't involved but that it is simply determined at random, if there is let me know.

    Which version do we like better? (1) -or- (2)?

    (A mechanic I made up a while back - http://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/discussion/comment/28665/#Comment_28665 )

    Surgebane never really made much sense to me and I greatly prefer Leaderless as a keyword name.

    What are your thoughts on (1) vs. (2)?
  • edited June 2016
    @Faiths_Guide - Personally, I prefer (1). I never really liked coin flips (They're too random for me). Also, sweet! I actually was the originator of that mechanic! You can name it however you want. I originally named it surgebane because I wanted it to sound similar to hexproof.

    Also is there a link or a list of the entire mechanix library? I wanted to see some of the other mechanics that people have made.

    @Vlad-tepes 's Zeletus Angel - Neat, balanced card that fits its colors. I especially like how it destroys a non-white creature. However, when it says "Return target non-black creature to the battlefield." You should specify that it comes from a graveyard.
This discussion has been closed.