Phase Alpha - Operation: Box, Contest One



  • good luck everyone, can't wait to know who wins!
  • I actually hope i will be Hellborn Charm. Good Luck especially to you undeadzombie22.
  • srry the i isn' supposed to be here
  • Good luck to all!
  • I like @Beeswax's cards the most (but I still like all the others! (including mine! (which I hope win!)))
  • Wow, a lot of these look great! Good luck to everyone!
  • Results to be announced soon!!
  • Good luck to everyone who entered!
  • edited October 2016
    11 winners have been selected for this contest. @Corwinnn and I each selected our favorite three entries and then five additional winners. Every winner is getting the same prize (being put on the list) but we thought it would be nice to do write-ups on why our favorites were our favorites.

    If you were one of our 11 winners and are already a premium member, please contact myself @strongbelieves and/or @corwinnn to let us know who you nominate for your spot on the list since you don't need it.

    StrongBelieves' Top Picks
    1st: @Termite1 - Dordax's Charm
    This is the exact kind of card I was hoping to see come out of this contest. Its second and third modes are both good and useful if not all that creative but the first mode is where it really shines. A lot of commander play is about politics between players and giving people choices is the best way to turn that in your favor. Do each of your opponents try to minimize the effect of the spell by all picking the same target or do they try to spite one another by removing the biggest threats on the board? Either way, you benefit and learn a lot about what your opponents are thinking. Very cool.

    2nd: @Askarel - Medallion of the Ages
    This card was among my first picks because I can easily see it being played in commander. All of its modes are useful but each one for a different reason. The first mode is an above-average combat trick which is fitting for the cost, the second is an interesting take on 4-mana instant speed draw and the third is some neat Golgari-esque ramp, kind of like emerge into any creature. There are some typos and formatting issues that could be cleaned up but this card's functionality is a good mix of useful and creative.

    3rd: @Flatfish - Longevity Charm
    Balanced, interesting, useful, varied. Each of the modes of this charm allow you to gain solid advantage when you pick it. I'm sure there is some awful way to break the second mode but I still like it the way it is.

    Corwinnn's Top Picks
    1st: @delrethius - Bloodstone Charm
    This Charm has some of the best uses of space among all the cards. delrethius has put a lot of versatility in a small amount of space. Copying spells, dealing damage, creating tokens, destroying stuff, buffing creatures and offsetting the cost of the card... This is a card worth building a four color deck around!

    2nd: @DomriKade - Insular Charm
    At first glance I didn't think a lot about this card, but it didn't take long to figure out how insanely fun and versatile this card is. The first mode, while I feel should be costed up to 2 or 3, is a beautiful way to torment your opponent, and the other two modes offer different ways to protect yourself and even dish out a little pain of your own.

    3rd: @seaspray4TF3 - Coax-Grip Charm
    I'm a firm believer that a four color Charm should be at least a rare, but this one by seaspray4TF3 shows that it doesn't have to be overly complicated to get the job done. It lets you take a bad situation and turn things around to your favor, and it's a card that a lot of four color decks would want to include.

    The Five Additional Winners Were you not selected as a winner for this contest? Do you still want a shot at the amazing prizes in the premium tier for the upcoming second half of this contest? All you need is to be a premium member for at least the month of October. The easiest way to become a premium member is to use the site's secure store to sign up. It can be found here:

    Not only will you be in the running for a whole box of Kaladesh packs but you will be supporting the site (and cool contests like this) and get yourself a slew of premium features including the new ability to edit cards you've already published!

    Keep an eye out for the final phase of Operation: Box within the next two weeks!
  • edited October 2016
    @strongbelieves & @Corwinnn

    Does the "someone" we nominate have to be an entrant here?
  • @Faiths_Guide - No, but it should probably be someone who is active. Nominating @Looverse might not work out in your favor.... or will it?
  • edited October 2016
    Alright then, this definitely isn't in my favor as he'll probably just flat-out beat me, but I nominate @ningyounk!

    The dude is super helpful and just an all-around pleasure to deal with, very edifying (even while criticizing).
  • I think that's an excellent choice!
  • @strongbelieves @Corwinnn
    Thanks for choosing my cards as winning entries! And congratulations to all of the winners!
    How many people are on The List now, including the premium members?
  • Lol I didn't even try in the contest, but yeah, good job to all the winners!

    And plus, @Ningyounk would be an amazing choice.
  • @Nicholas_Bolas The list is all premium members plus the winners.
  • edited October 2016
  • @strongbelieves Hehe, well that's a bit of a shame, it was still fun designing though :p
  • @Faiths_Guide Thanks! That's super kind of you =D

    Sadly, I probably won't have time to take part in a contest like this in the immediate future :/ I've started a PhD in neurobiology last Monday, and that is a quite time-consuming activity x) Is it still possible to change the nomination to another active member? It would be a shame to waste a place on "The List" and, sadly, the risk that I won't be able to submit a single card is very high :/
  • @ningyounk
    Well you certainly deserved a nomination. Good luck on the PhD studies!

    @Corwinnn & @strongbelieves
    I'll nominate the Canadian latecomer @Monty instead then?
  • I dunno... Canadian? What's that Aboot, eh?
  • In my opinion, @Faiths_Guide, although you may not like it, you could host a contest over who gets on the list if you run out of ideas....

    Does that sound conceited?
  • @Gryphon11114
    I selected @Monty... Besides, a contest about getting into a contest with multiple overlapping timelines would be incredibly tedious and most likely dysfunctional.
  • Congrats to all of the winners! Good luck to all of you in the next round, and @ningyounk I wish you the best of luck in your PhD endeavors :)
  • Thank you Corwinnn and strongbelieves! It was a fun contest. Can't wait for the next portion!
  • edited October 2016
    Damn, really sucks I missed this contest, im a real sucker for prizes and love making MTG cards. No chance of still getting in? @strongbelieves ?
  • @TastyCheez - There is a 100% chance of getting in... by becoming a Premium Member. But if that's not something you can do, there are still prizes to be had for non-members, so don't despair!
This discussion has been closed.