Phase Beta - Operation: Box, Contest Two



  • edited November 2016
    1st entry. Final draft on the next page.
  • I don't know how to leave the image for the cards, but here are my two.
  • edited November 2016
  • edited November 2016
  • edited November 2016
    Four color cards have really weird abilities right? this feels non-green to me.


    I'll make a second entry if I come up with any cool ideas later.
  • edited November 2016
    Here's my first entry:

    Something happened with the name because I used the ae symbol in its name.

    The art is by Joejoesart, I found, after extensive research.

    (Not sure how to insert the image; the ctrl-v/paste option doesn't work.)


    Here's my first entry, edited slightly.


    If you want to actually be able to read it, click on it.
  • First draft of my first submission:
    Thoughts and critique are always welcome
  • edited November 2016
    2nd entry. Final draft on the next page.
  • After going through several tries, I finally got my two entries done.
    First Entry: Bushou Akamine, the Red Peak
    Bushou Akamine has some aspects of each of his four colors, namely; white, black, red, and green. At first glance, he's your regular Boros legendary creature with a twist, since Bushido is a unique ability, and each time you cast him from the command zone, he gets better. ( if you need to know what Bushido is and what it does)
    But he has a black/green ability, which makes his color identity four colors.

    So the part that you pay WR for pumps your guys and gives you an aggressive creature, which is very WR and fairly powerful, but not overpowered in EDH, especially since the ability doesn't get out of hand until he has been cast from the command zone multiple times. The part that you pay BG for is a reanimation ability, which is pretty clearly a BG ability. It has the same scalability aspect as his first ability, but note that it says 'equal to the amount of mana spent to cast,' not 'half the amount of mana spent to cast.' So this part of his ability gets better faster. Now, you do need to get him through for damage, and he is only a 3/2, and that is why he has intimidate. Plus, look at that mask! Intimidating, am I right? Also notable is that he does get Bushido from his own ability, making him a bit harder to block successfully.

    As far as balance goes, I do think that this card is good, but not overpowered. First, you have to put in at least a little work to get him through, and even then you do have to pay mana to use his ability. He also isn't at his best until later in the game. But that scalability and the options provided by this card are exactly what makes EDH fun. Akamine can be played at the helm of an aggressive deck, a graveyard deck, or, most interestingly, a unique combination of the two! This is a general that I would really like to build around.

    Second entry: Brazos and Tarel
    I'm not going to write as much about this card because in my own opinion, I think that Bushou Akamine is the more creative card. That said, this card does embody all four of its colors, split into two color pairs. The idea is that this creature card is actually two separate characters working together (see to see where some of my inspiration came from) and this card clearly has two separate characters. Brazos is the large armored man in the background (the Human Rogue), and the abilities representing him are Menace and the BR ability. Tarel is the sorcerer in front (the Human Wizard), and the abilities representing her are Shroud and the WU ability.
    The abilities are powerful, but it does require you casting spells of varying color to work, so I don't think it is broken by itself. I also had some conflict putting Shroud here, but I wanted a protection ability. I didn't have room on the card for a wordy ability, and I wanted a keyword anyways, since Brazos had Menace. Hexproof is too good on a commander, so Shroud it is. It is good, since your commander can't be removed, but you also can't do anything to it, making it harder to make too powerful, and hopefully helping the balance overall.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you consider my entries.
    I see a lot of fun cards here that have been made by others! Good luck everyone, I can't wait to see the winning cards! :D
  • Here is my rebuilt second entry.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.
  • edited November 2016
    My first entry:


    For a rules explanation: Process N (Put N card an opponent owns from exile into that player's graveyard)

    The concept of a four-colored eldrazi is a bit of flavor fail, but not being able to make eldrazi tribal with an eldrazi commander is just too sad :'(
  • First draft of my second submission:
    Thoughts and critique are always welcome
  • The contest's days are numbered! Friday/Saturday this week are the last two days where we are accepting entries and allowing changes to existing entries! Get those final ideas polished and submitted!
  • edited November 2016

    This is Ysylda.

    My idea was to catch the properties of a Limited Partnership and convert them into MTG-mechanics. Therefor I created new sub-types.

    Her second ability outlines her "vampiric" nature.

    Hope you like it :D
  • edited November 2016


    In the collaboration set I'm working on with @LittleDemon , @Felwynd , and @TrippleBoggey3 , Crawgate is, if you like, the capital of the plane. It was discovered By Explorer Ternius several thousand years ago, and a statue rests of her in Ternius Square.

    The elf explorer, legend says, braved many difficulties, including monstrous krakens, like the Sea-Maw, pirates, like Gem's father's crew, and hostile merfolk to discover the city. In the first few years, the city was a beacon of hope to the harsh, lawless lands around, where strength and power dominated. In its ninth year, however, the elf left, seeking greater bounty in other lands. This left a counsel in charge, all members the wisest scholars in Crawgate.

    The first few leaders were good and wise rulers, always fair. The sixth, however, was corrupt, and became addicted to gambling. Soon, the city became a refuge for rogues, thieves and pirates alike.

    Now, hundreds of years in the future, little has changed. While the navy, led by Governor Tharlin Wyrmward have taken control of the city, pit fights and battles in the street are a common occurrence.
  • edited November 2016
    Entry #2


    Tried to get an interesting Fateseal top deck matters theme, and maybe a bit of dark confidant on steroidsish action.
  • edited November 2016
    Small tweak to Mirret's wording:

    Following WotC's way of creating commanders, I decided to make Arel the Whisoer since she doesn't have an actual card but has dialogue on at least 6 cards in the Khans of Tarkir set.
  • Updated entries:
    Entry No. 1

    Entry No. 2

    As always, thoughts and comments are welcome on the cards themselves.
  • Second draft of my second entry:
    As always, comments/thoughts always welcome
  • Since the contest is ending soon, I'm making my compilation upload so my two cards aren't scattered.

    First: Tribal McTribalson
    image image

    Next: Voltron and Four-Color and Aggro
  • First entry:

    Second entry:
  • Final drafts to both submissions
  • @yousmelllikeapumpkin You sure can.

    Get those last entries and edits in, people!
This discussion has been closed.