What's your Expertise?
Aether Revolt brought us the monocolored Expertises.
Now we must make the Dualcolor Expertises.
1.Must be 2 colors
2.Must contain legendary creature's name
3.Must allow you to cast a spell with CMC N or less for free. (N is one less than the Expertise's CMC.)
4.Must be realistic and balanced
5.Must be a sorcery
6.Must be able to cast its legendary creature
7.The Legendary creature that you use can either be one of the following legendary creatures I've made, or one from a complete cycle of 2-color legendary creatures that someone has posted in this thread.
I've been working on this cycle recently; it consists of ten legendary creatures, one for each two-color combination. Also, I made sure to give each a different creature type (2 of which I made up.)
I made the last two a long time ago. And remade them. But the rest I made very recently.
Also for Valorne, it's the third version of the card and I'm still not sure about it. So if anyone has a good idea about the last ability, please tell me.
I'm happy about the rest of them except Flenera. I might make an another card for U/G.
Anyone can post their own cycle of 2-color legends which can then be used for the expertise contest.
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Now we must make the Dualcolor Expertises.
1.Must be 2 colors
2.Must contain legendary creature's name
3.Must allow you to cast a spell with CMC N or less for free. (N is one less than the Expertise's CMC.)
4.Must be realistic and balanced
5.Must be a sorcery
6.Must be able to cast its legendary creature
7.The Legendary creature that you use can either be one of the following legendary creatures I've made, or one from a complete cycle of 2-color legendary creatures that someone has posted in this thread.
I've been working on this cycle recently; it consists of ten legendary creatures, one for each two-color combination. Also, I made sure to give each a different creature type (2 of which I made up.)
I made the last two a long time ago. And remade them. But the rest I made very recently.
Also for Valorne, it's the third version of the card and I'm still not sure about it. So if anyone has a good idea about the last ability, please tell me.
I'm happy about the rest of them except Flenera. I might make an another card for U/G.
Anyone can post their own cycle of 2-color legends which can then be used for the expertise contest.
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This discussion has been closed.
Artist: Rob Joseph ( http://www.rob-joseph.com/personal-work )
Link: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5d00ed_b0ed91cb863b472099f29cad5f52e626.jpg/v1/fill/w_461,h_356,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/5d00ed_b0ed91cb863b472099f29cad5f52e626.webp
I've got a trick, PM me if you'd like to know it!
Anyway, I've got a cycle of 2-color legends as part of my Gotham set, but it's incomplete. I'm going to get back on that soon. Promise.
Not really no. But that is part of it :P *suspense*
Note that the effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
How many entries are allowed per individual?
Valorne's Expertise
The king of house parties? Yes or No? Sigh...
All feedback is appreciated!
@IanLowenthal Cycle of Legendaries
Remember these are @IanLowenthal 's cycle of cards! I just uploaded images and links for thy.