MTG Cardsmith Forum Rules

It's pretty simple: Be a human being and treat others respectfully.

That includes, but is not limited to:
1. Don't be a jerk.
2. Attack an argument, not a person. Constructive criticism.
3. Your posts must not break any laws or the Terms of Use.
4. Be respectful of the site, forums, and other members.
5. No spam - including advertisements to products, services or outside websites.

While we encourage open discourse, enforcement of the above rules will be done solely at the moderators' discretion. If you have any questions, feel free to PM a moderator.

A Note:
These forums were created for the community as a whole. Please help preserve them for everyone. We definitely prefer to use our time for making improvements on MTG Cardsmith, than cleaning up forum threads and flamewars. Be civil and polite, just like you want to be treated!


  • Contest Prize Rules

    If you are rewarding a contest winner with Favorites or by Following their account please adhere to these guidelines:
    - 1 Follow per Member, no spoofing fake accounts for follows
    - Card favorites should be limited to a max of 5, again no spoofing accounts and no abusing the favorites system.
    - Token/Trophy cards are an excellent way to direct attention to the winner's card or profile. (Social sharing is also a great tool for adding recognition.)

    If you want your contest to have more enticing types of rewards for participants they must follow these rules:

    Physical Rewards:
    If you wish to host a Contest offering physical rewards (card packs or booster boxes), you can do so by sponsoring a contest through MTG Cardsmith. Contest Sponsorship can be obtained through a donation for prizes (packs etc) and available on a limited schedule. If you have a donation for prizes and would like to sponsor a contest, please contact @mtgcardsmith on the forums. Members are not allowed to send physical prizes out directly, or request address information from other members.

    Digital Rewards:
    A quicker alternative to reward contest winners and participants is to gift them Premium Membership to MTG Cardsmith. Using our Membership page, anyone can now securely Gift or Purchase premium membership benefits for any other user on the site (including yourself)!

    The reasons behind creating these rules are simple, we want to give players an easy way to offer valuable rewards for contests, but still maintain the safety and integrity our forums and member contests have enjoyed for so long. Please remember, these rewards are not required to host a contest, so hop on the forums and share your contest idea if you've got one brewing!

This discussion has been closed.