Village Guardians (Saga)



  • @Derfaulehelmut You spot a small locket on the ground. It has an intricate design on the outside.
  • "How about this; once a week, his family comes here for a little bit? Then he is here for however long you need him, and his family can still see him."
  • @baryonyx69

    "I shall search the forests and the wilderness to bring you your love." Autumnfire says, before he starts walking to the forest in search of the flower.
  • @Bowler218 “No! He stays here. Any that enter this sanctuary will die, starting with you!”
  • @pjbear2005 You enter the swamps. A smell lingers in the air, that of rot and decay. Mist hangs about, hindering much of your sight. But the flower you are looking for will certainly stick out.
  • @baryonyx69
    So their just gonna kill me? After I was peaceful? Ok.
    Character actions:
    I run past them towards the boy, while I do that, I grab my bow and nock an arrow.
  • @Bowler218 yes, most elementals are violent beings.
    The three elementals that said nothing, the plain ones, charge, their hands warping into strange weapon shapes
  • edited January 2019

    Autumnfire continues his search through the swamp. He felt weakened away from the heat of the sun in a clearing or the life of the trees in a forest but he put his oath on this mission and he would not fail.

    (Story Card)

    As he thinks, he realizes an idea and uses the magic of The Fourth Wall and asking aloud "Is there really a flower? Or is it an idea that beauty can grow even in the darkest of places?" He continued walking while letting the idea set in his head.
  • As I run, I turn around and fire my arrow at the weird one.
  • @pjbear2005 as you ponder the meaning of the task at hand, you come upon a cliff wall. The most parts, revealing a small groove. You see a flower in the back. It has a white stem, maroon petals crown that edged in white. Three small white tendril like protrusions extend from the center of them, tipped in maroon bulbs. The sight of it emanates something inside you, a sense of love that you never knew of before. Then a shadow falls over it, as a hissspunds from above you. Your gaze raises, and falls upon a giant snake.
  • @Bowler218 the weird elemental throws it’s hand up, and a wall of vines shoots up, blocking your arrow.
  • I keep running, towards the boy, repeating the process but shooting at the closest nonweird elemental.
  • @baryonyx69

    Autumnfire watches as the snake rises up over him as he thinks to himself, so it is a real flower and not an idea. "I should have expected a challenge" He murmured knowing nothing came easy around this town. He readied a spell on one of his appendages, since he was in the sun again, his power was at it's height. With his branches flaming, he shot a few fireballs testing the waters to see the power of the snake's hide.
  • @pjbear2005 the snake screeches, and it’s body erupts into flame.
  • @Bowler218 the elemental staggers as each arrow sticks into it’s body. Eventually, a loud crack resounds through the sanctuary, and the elemental shatters.
  • I do it again, also, how far am I from the boy?
  • edited January 2019

    Rual tries to open the locket in search for pictures of the missing children or a clue.
  • @Bowler218 You are on the opposite side of the tree. And in repeatedly firing arrows, you destroy the last two normal elementals.
  • Ok, I get to the boy, and run. Right out through a gap in the trees that is closest to me.
  • It takes some effort, but you manage to rip the boy from the tree. You escape through a gap in the thick foliage wall, and hear the cries of anguish from the elemental inside. Slowly, the leaves and plants making up the sanctuary wither, die, and then disintegrate, leaving behind a large opening where it once stood. The boy coughs, and then wakes up. You have completed the quest. Return to the mother to collect your reward
  • @baryonyx69

    As it burns, Autumnfire starts growing plant life in a fossilization process to preserve the snake. As the ashes fell he could see the flower in the backround.
  • The snake becomes encased in your plant growth. The flower seems to be calling out to you now, urging you to seek out that which you love.
  • @baryonyx69

    I resist the greedy temptation of the flower's call and pluck it from the ground. I will be able to plant it back once it is ready to be gifted. I travel back to the lovestruck man with the flower.
  • I wanna go to the hut infront of the grove, if I am near, if not, I will just go back to the village.
  • @pjbear2005 do you truly wish to return? There is a secondary objective you can complete. By collecting four of the ivory roses, you will get a greater reward. However you will encounter more enemies.
  • @Bowler218 it’s just the hut that the boy made. It’s like a little place that he can go if he runs away. There’s nothing there.
  • @Derfaulehelmut You find a worn picture of one of the children inside. Behind you you hear a swift motion, as if something ran by.
  • edited January 2019
    I return to the village
  • @Bowler218 upon returning to Hahgheim, the guards stand alert and at attention, knowing that this is a historic day. They day that the first quest was completed by a Guardian. The mother of the boy rushes forward with the same incredible speed as before, crying, and envelopes her son in a hug. After what seems like a few minutes, the mother turns to you and extends her hand forward. She opens her fingers and in her palm lies 100 gold. She then reaches into her bag with her other hand and reveals a book. “I know it isn’t much, but this is the best that I can offer you. Please accept it, it would mean the world to me.”
  • "Your welcome" I take the gold, and makes sure that they get home safely.
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