The Pantheon of the Multiverse (In Correlation to the Stitia Saga)



  • I'll be porting these over to Stitia tomorrow. Just remind me in case
  • Ha, I'm the only bad guy. Typical. I love it.
  • @Revan Your god was the only innately evil entity. Others are tbd. For example, Ophion has innately good intentions, but given the circumstances...
  • edited October 2019
    @Bowler218 Theirin is the first onto the plane of Stitia, breaking through the Beyond before soaring through the sky of Stitia to save his ally. His sheer influx upon entry into the plane disrupts the Beyond, causing some of its denizens to become Draconic in nature.


    Did my research to find the artist that made your artwork. Turns out they made newer versions of the same character, so bam! Shiny new art.
  • @DrakeGladis Naturally, when Theirin mentioned they were going to Stitia, Gladoise soon followed, partially to save their ally, and partially to watch over Theirin, as they were one of their own kind.


    Dear goodness... it took me a lot longer than I'd like to admit to find the artist of this piece. This involved bouncing off several "Similar Image" searches on Bing Images, which finally got me a long list of pages where the single picture appeared, and finally, I found a DeviantArt page. After scrolling through things, I finally pinned down the artist's online identity. Thankfully, they linked their ArtStation, so... after over an hour, I found the person who made the art. *whoo*
  • When does Pnum arrive? The Hyena guy seems to be there already, but you didn't announce him.
  • @KorandAngels I'm kind of off track, but all of the gods pretty much arrive at once. I just need to make the cards.
  • edited October 2019
    @spookoops Ophion is watching as his fellow gods enter the plane, when a powerful soul, imbued with powerful wild magic, calls out to him. He goes onto the plane to investigate.


    P.S. Sorry for killing your god so soon.
  • edited October 2019
    @spookoops Brom and Bebel notice a shopkeeper and a demon of luck in danger, in the company of one of their own. An ally of a fellow god is an ally of theirs, so they come to help. They look like they need all the luck they can get.


    Don't worry. I don't plan on killing off these guys.
  • @Credius As she watches from her prison in the Blind Eternities, Persephone witnesses what she thinks is the death of her fellow gods K'Trinop and Otaimo. While in reality they are very much alive, the rage from what she perceives as their death allows her to break free from her prison, and she descends upon Stitia.


    Thank you so much for crediting the artist! Overall, I felt the power was a tch high, but only minorly. To compensate, I added damage to each player for the untap ability. Let's hope you don't end up with less health than your opponents...
  • @Tommia

    might want to change it to:

    Double strike, indestructible
    Persephone Unchained enters the battlefield
    Persephone doesn't untap during your untap step.
    {1}{b}{r}, {ut}, Sacrifice another creature: deal damage equal to the sacrificed
    creature's power to each creature. Then, deal damage to each player equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness.
  • edited October 2019
    @KorandAngels As gods and goddesses rush into Stitia, Pnum is reminded of the battles of yore. Inspired to help aid the fight, he comes down onto the plane, but his presence is a lot less than subtle, even if it's peaceful.


    This one was interesting. I tried to make the card function more like an offensive hitter, but without breaking the color pie. I think I managed it.
  • edited October 2019
    @Pepperoni Bahhi sense a sudden ripple of dark energy across Stitia, and realizes that an imbalance of power on a planar scale has been created. She passes into Stitia to mend it.


    I've been trying to avoid adding colors to cards, but the god cards to me feel like they should scream "disruption of epic proportions." So I doubled up on the punishment of BS strategies by blocking the ability for players to cast spells without paying their mana costs. From Bolas's Citadel to cascade, it's punished thoroughly.
  • @tommia love the changes!
  • @Blazin_Biscuit Analacrium notices that many of the people on Stitia are using magic for nefarious purposes and tyrannical deeds. She comes to Stitia to bring this power into the right hands.


    Hey, I heard you like control, so I added a control element to your control card so you can control while you control.

    When I gave the card a good once-over, I realized something; its abilities could be tied together into a little spell I like called Sudden Substitution. So, you now have Shifting Loyalties/Sudden Substitution on a stick with flash. Welcome to the Izzet League, everyone. I hope you aren't getting comfortable under your owner's control...
  • edited November 2019
    @Revan The Minstrel has been watching over Stitia, indulging in the chaos that have plagued the plane. He is also somewhat drawn to the now planeswalker Joseph after the recent events on the plane. Things are about to reach a fever pitch; if any time was a good time to cause havoc on the plane, now was that time.


    The card as it was seemed overpowered, giving Cascade at will and stealing control. To keep things from getting out of hand in the usually bad "just gonna cascade my whole library" type way, EVERY spell cast from a hand has cascade, and loyalties shift at complete random. I would love to test this in an actual game.
  • edited November 2019
    @DrakeGladis You were the only one to ask for a god to be made, so I think I did it.

    Vel is the god of unity, bringing man and nature together. He frequently blesses those that accept peace and union, and those that know him know him very fondly. Seeing the great terror that has been caused on Stitia, as well as the acts of a heroic werebird named Verth, they believe that lycanthropes and humanity may be able to coexist, and this union could be critical to survival. After all, it has been accomplished on Lakas.


    Speaking of Lakas, Vel watched over the events unfolding on Lakas very carefully, and cherished the union between the Maviol and Beria. However, he was not the only god watching over Lakas on that day...

    Enter Fetr, the god of natural protection. He grants wardings and blessings to natural beings, as well as anyone who seeks nature's refuge. He created a demigod named Pirenin, and is responsible for the power that runs through Maviol blood on Lakas; the power to shapeshift into an aquatic form to avoid harm.


    While Fetr remained fixated on Lakas, Vel realized he would need aid if he planned to unite the masses on Stitia. Inspired by the unity between the Maviol and Beria, Vel sought out Fetr. After a long discussion, Fetr decided that Lakas was in good hands. Entrusting Pirenin with a large amount of his power, Fetr left from the plane and joined Vel as they entered Stitia...
  • edited November 2019
    @Tommia That's actually really cool. I like it a lot better than what I made. Is it ok if I modify my Minstrel at some point so that he's like that?
  • @Revan This isn't a contest. I don't control what you do :3
  • edited November 2019
    I feel like you really, really messed up Pnum's story. The lore you built is nothing like what I wanted.
    1. Not having him be encountered on his island.
    2. Him being able to make minotaurs on Stitia.
    3. Him fighting the Six, since (a He doesn't know the exist and (b He wouldn't care.
  • @KorandAngels I know some things were tweaked, but they were changed for the sake of saga pacing. I mainly wanted this to feel like a major occurrence, and I didn't want any gods to end up skipped just because no one encounters them
  • Damn, I should've created Ntao.
  • Ok, but did you have to make him be an enemy of the Six? I want it to be legal (At least) for me to ally to my character.
  • No one ever said allegiances are clear-cut on Stitia >;3
  • (I mean, without betraying the Six)
  • Thank you very much @Tommia ! Love the cards. Will fave.
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