Plane Ripped



  • I don't like fight things, so hard to find art.

    I would like to know if everyone is ok with me making their cards so I can add them To my Plane Ripped set.
  • @Spookoops I find your lack of enthusiasm disturbing.
  • If I could post gifs/ memes I would
  • 100_COMMENTS!!!
  • @Revan I'm cool with it.
  • @Revan feel free to make my cards
  • *Palpatine's voice*
    Dew it!
  • @SpellPiper2213 Since your card allowed you to scry, you get a glimpse of the future.
  • @Yeah, ok. You can remake my cards.
  • Sure! I... kind of do it myself.

    If you were to use the same art...
  • @Revan what do I glimpse in the future?
  • You got it as a pm... Unless he hasn't sent it yet.
  • Hey I think this looks cool, but I missed the initial phase. Any guidelines on how to contribute now? Maybe an inhabitant of this plane or a sneaky fella?
  • @Termite1 Actually, since were only in the second phase, you can get in. Just make a legendary creature with a cmc of 3 or less. Then make an instant, sorcery, or artifact spell with cmc 4 or less that represents how your character helps fight of the Orcs. We'll say you get Plane Ripped right into the middle of the skirmish.
  • edited September 2019
    @Termite1 And also, is it ok if I make versions of the cards you enter? I'm making a set for this contest.
  • I am not good at combat.
  • we have heard.
  • edited September 2019
    It’s fine if you make your own versions of the cards. If you can, see if you can find better art for Binding Maneuver. Also in general I would describe Krelis as a scout/saboteur. The Baron in question mentioned below is hoarding water and food and selling them to the peoples of the Grey Lands at exorbitant cost. He is only one symptom of the Empire’s corruption.


    Krelis slowly pulled himself up the rope as he glanced behind him. The dust storm was coming fast and soon the outer bailey would be deserted as most of the Baron’s soldiers and retainers moved to the protection offered by the stable and well constructed stone buildings of the inner bailey. They wouldn’t worry about leaving the gates practically undefended because it would be incredibly foolish for any sort of force to attack during a dust storm. But for a lone intruder to slip into the temporarily abandoned area and place an explosive charge on the gate, the dust storm would only provide that much more cover, despite the momentary discomfort it would cause.

    Pausing for a minute at a solid foothold, Krelis firmly wrapped his dust shroud about himself and let the edge of the storm wash over him before beginning the second leg of the climb. The intensity of the storm would soon increase and despite moving slow as a precaution against being spotted, Krelis did not want to be exposed to the full brunt of this storm while pinned like a fly against the wall. But suddenly a queasiness washed over him. His stomach churned, he began to sweat profusely, his vision blurred. What was happening to him? Could he have been poisoned? The rope started to slip from his hands. He tried to grip it harder, but he still fell, fell backwards as his vision went black.

    A sudden soft thud. Had he landed on sand? From the height he was at he definitely should have broken something. He felt around himself, moving slowly. It seemed that by some miracle he wasn’t injured, yet what he lay on couldn’t be sand, it felt too fibrous. Now his vision cleared and he could see green? So much green! He had only heard rumors of places like this from stories about life before the Desecration and — he saw from the corner of his vision an axe being swung in an arc destined to bury itself in his neck. He reacted.


    *Edits for minor grammar and spelling mistakes
  • @Termite1 Cool cards, I like.
  • BUMP!!!

    Where we going with this?
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