It was a monster mash (Make cards inspired by your fellow cardsmiths for a custom set.)



  • edited September 2020
    @murkletins Thanks! I guess I’ll fill out the survey thing, then.

    1. RandomFandom, RandomF., R.F.
    2. Male, but I don’t care too much.
    3. Azorius, Orzhov, Selesnya (I like white)
    4. Knight, Human, Cleric
    5. Midrange/Control
    6. Lifegain or Enforced Order, you pick
    7: Please let me know when it’s done.
  • @RandomFandom, I'm pretty sure the very idea is that we are making legendary creatures that could be commanders.
  • Is it too late to join? I know my username has letters and numbers, but that doesn't mean there needs to me some kind of robot or something.
  • @Mir-151414, you realize it doesn't need to be your username as is on the site, right? The first of the questions is what preferred names you have.
  • @Ranshi I’ll edit it out, then.
  • @Ranshi. I don't see it. I prefer Mir-Aenn. (That's what Mir-151414 is. It's just a mix of letters and then the numerical placement of the next letters. Something I think is cool to do sometimes.)
  • edited September 2020

    @Mir-151414, this was posted by Mercy.
  • 1: Mir-Aenn
    2: Male. Lol.
    3: White, Blue, Green. 
    4: Elf, Dragon, Angel. (That third was tough, I just had to randomly choose a type)
    5: I don't know. Tokens?
    6: Populate. Gain life. (Very white and/or green.)
    7: I don't get this question.
  • edited September 2020
    @murkletins ;can I try out?
  • @Ranshi, I don't think I have any more requests for my card. Sorry I'm so stupid, I found the question 'tough'.
  • I'm not the one hosting this, so you really should be telling Mercy! XD
  • Sorry myself have been offline for a few days and am hopping back online.
  • edited September 2020
    Feel free to enter, myself was taking a break from the forums due to getting busier for a bit.

    If interested in joining, fill out this questionaire and we will add you to the list.

    Please fill in this questionnaire for an ideal card of yourself:
    1. What are some of your nicknames you prefer?
    2. Do you prefer a female, male, or non-binary character?
    3. What are your top three color combinations?
    4. What are your top three creature types?
    5. Which archetypes do you like most? (Eg. midrange or control)
    6. What are your favorite deck themes or mechanics?
    7. Any other requests you would like for your card?
    This helps speed up the card design process and allows us more time for making your card
  • Gonna close the entries in the next two days. So we'll have a set amount of people to work on cards for. If you'd like to enter, do so soon.
  • 1. Choy
    2. Male
    3. Mardu, Jeskai, and Naya
    4. Angel, Demon, Human
    5. Midrange, Aggro
    6. I love building/making cards for theft, tribal decks, or delirium
    7. No, not really
  • Oh right, and for 1., Elis is also good
  • 1: Dizzydude or The Duke
    2: Male
    3: blue, black, white.
    4: human, dragon, spirit
    5: control and agro
    6: graveyard, card advantage.
    7: nope. thank you for this!
  • hey Mercy you say custom set, like a set set?
  • @LordTachanka123 its just what rhymed with my first name. but its better then some other nicknames.
  • no i like it @Dizzydude, I was saying like "The Duke Dizzy"
  • Glad you all are understanding of my absence. Sorry for being away so long.

    Myself just get hit like a truck by bi-polar disorder, at times that myself can't control.

    Thanks a ton everybody. This will continue and be supported.
  • @murkletins ping us when youre ready.
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