Before you read any further, I must state I have never done this before, and I am attempting to start it back up. I have read through several of the ToC’s, and I will do the best I possibly can. 

This is a contest of card creation, story telling and roleplay. You will both make cards and write/play the role of the characters you make. 


- Each cardsmith creates a legendary creature with a mana value of 3 or less that will represent them as hero in the tournament. (Heroes can be all alignments between god/evil and order/chaos or anything else). 

- Each cardsmith writes a short story to give their hero character, personality and background or purpose.

- Each cardsmith also creates one signature or companion card with converted mana cost of 3 or less. (The same limit as the hero card.) 

- After each victory, the cardsmith can choose to improve their hero by making a new stronger card for them with new artwork, or add an additional signature/companion card. To emphasize growth of the hero. 

- Cards must at best ability be made balanced and reasonable. This is also true for the story of the characters. 

- Cards can be changed or replaced before the deadline of the active stage. 

- Old cards and characters may be used as long as they have not appeared in any of the earlier Tournament of Champions. But they should be your own creations.   

Hero, signature and companion cards:

- Signature cards represents the heroes' abilities, spells, equipment, or other utilities. This can also be the hero's memories, experiences and knowledge. They are sorceries, instants, artifacts and enchantments. 

- Companion cards are the companions which help the hero. They are the assistants, healers, squires, mentors, friends, or even partner heroes. They are normal or legendary creatures.

- Like in the previous tournament, you can create multiple legendary creatures that will fight for you as heroes if one of them is assigned as companion. 

- You can also bring multiple heroes within the same card. This will allow you to bring even more than two heroes. The limit of this is one of logic, so you can't bring an entire army just because it fits on a card. (It's a character contest after all.) 

- The signature cards and the companion cards are limited to the same mana value as the hero, but they can be changed anytime you want while the hero card can only be changed after each victorious match and only if you choose to do so.
In these cases, change means to replace the card with another card. You may edit cards whenever you want. 

Here's an example of what you can use this for:
At the start you can create a two-character fighter card plus a mentor or servant as a companion card. 
Then if you win the first stage you make a new fighter card with only one of the characters while you change the companion card to become the other character.

So to enter the contest you should post the following: 
Hero card + companion or signature card + story describing or presenting your hero


Draft period:
The first two weeks is where you create and submit your heroes, signature/companion cards and story. This draft time might be lengthened if we have less than 16 submissions. (This is also the best time to ask questions if you have any!)
You may begin writing your stories here already.


  • edited October 10
    The story will come soon. Then you are welcome to begin your champions and their stories. I apologize about any errors, as I copy and pasted from ToC6 before editing it.

    Any questions? Ask ‘em right below!
  • LHunter carries the legacy on his soldiers. Nice!
  • *Shoulders
  • I'll start today once I get home!
  • Here is my character: Ryogi, Solemn Guardian
  • To clarify you do not phase out permanently, it is till the end of your next turn
  • Ryogi was a young warrior in his youth when he fell in love with a beautiful maiden in his village. But one day, as he was stalking his crush(because he is a creep)he realized that he was in love with the goddess, Amaterasu. When she found him, she told him she knew the whole time, and knew that he was stalking her. Because of this, he was forced to repent by guarding her temple for 1000 years, and he was given the power to live for another 1000 years. And now he is looking for a new way to prove himself to her. 
  • Oops I didn't mean to post my champion so early. Sorry! I'll repost it when the story has been readied. I didn't fully read the directions my bad!
  • edited October 10
    Here’s the story. I ask that you write a background for your character.

    Chronostria. A beautiful plane. But a plane ruled by Behemoths. Humans have lived in the shadow of these godlike beasts for tens of thousands of years. Behemoths are mortal, some myths say. Some say they can be killed, and that those who kill a Behemoth are granted an ability, whether that is strength, speed, or charisma, among many others. But others argue that the Behemoths are immortal. There has never been a recorded killing of a Behemoth. Two carcasses, old as the dawn of humanity, lay in places across the plane. Did humans kill them? Or were they killed by other Behemoths? No one knows, but many have tried and failed to kill a Behemoth. Huge sums of money wait for those bounty hunters that may come back with a confirmed kill. The human cities of Somotrial and Chaok are the largest of the cities, nestled safely in the huge skeletons of the two dead Behemoths. Other cities include Santolieg, Nymphalias, and New Town. As humans create more and more impressive innovations, the hunt for Behemoths gets more and more popular. Things such as a Shock Rifles (large, bulky rifles that basically shoot lightning bolts) and Mirrorblades (large, mirror-like broadswords) make for a huge market of weapons supposedly for “Behemoth hunting”. 

    Red circles are where Behemoths are. 6 Behemoths in total. There are two islands other than Chronostria, and they are Maylyn and Sylian. All cities are labeled and all major landmarks are labeled. 

    The Marshlands: Swampy lands. Mostly uninhabited.

    Ashen Wastes: Destroyed by a fire thousands of years ago. For some reason, nothing grows there.

    Forest of the Gods: A forest of trees, most of them several miles tall. Billions of years old.

    Drybed: A huge lake that is completely dry half the year.

    DO NOW:

    Your challenge is to create a character, give me their backstory, and choose what Behemoth they will ultimately go after first (just choose the closest landmark to your chosen Behemoth.) Once we have 4 or more players, we will start. 
  • My character is chaotic good, willing to do anything to clear his name and to prove himself to Amaterasu. The Behemoth Ryogi will attempt to face is the one in the forest of the gods, so that Amaterasu will hopefully witness the deed and deem him worthy of release.
  • Noted. If Ryogi slays one, maybe he will pick a blessing that has to do with love…?
  • Definently
  • It is also possible I might change my character if I get tired of thinking of ways I could advance his story before the event, but thats a very big if.
  • So this one’s more based on the Stones of Heaven ToC… Might come up with something.
  • Hi AxNoodle!
  • @AxNoodle: nice to see you here. It’s my first time doing anything remotely close to this, so yes, I took much inspiration from ToC6. I really want this to succeed, so I would greatly appreciate it if you joined. No pressure, I just want this to actually be ok.
  • I'll definitely be in too, just taking a while to develop a character. Sounds like fun
  • I just advertised this on the discord as well, so hopefully that draws in a few more people as well. (Credit went to you btw)
  • edited October 12
    @CrimsonFox: Aww thanks i Appreciate the support :blush:
  • edited October 15
    Hello. Robo-Kitty here. I’m interested in joining, will post my champion in a day or two

    The city of Chaok is one of the two great cities nestled in the vast skeleton of an ancient Behemoth. Unlike its pair, Somotrial, Chaok has kept to its roots of knightly orders and kings, burying many technological advancements beneath tradition and pointy tower-tops. 

    The current king, Sylas the Prosperous, reigns benevolent, loved and respected by all under his ruling. His family - a wife, two sons, and three daughters - have enjoyed this same respect their whole lives, living under the privilege of their father. All but Lucan. Lucan could never understand why he would be loved and respected for what his father had done, and only ever wanted any recognition of that kind as a response to his own merits. To this extent, his whole life has been full of doing this, and doing that to ensure that every moment of his respect and love has been earned. 

    Him and all his siblings are proficient with the blade, with Lucan being second only to his second youngest sister, Niamh. Being the oldest of them all, he has much life experience in comparison and has both negotiated the city out of wars and led the charge into enemy lines many times before. 

    Growing up and even in more recent years, Lucan always had difficulty discerning whether his friends were truly friends or whether they acted out of either a supposed duty to the king or to gain the benefits of being in the good favour of the prince. To this degree, he preferred to hang out with his siblings who were already on equal grounds with him.

    As they grew older, however, his other siblings all grew comfortable in the life that living as princes and princesses gave them. All except Lucan and Niamh. They both shared the discomfort of their respect not being for any of their own merits. 

    Lucan trained in the art of swordsmanship from the moment he could hold a sword, and it wasn’t long before Niamh could too, and as children they would spend long days sparring and learning under the old blademaster. 

    Despite being six years younger than her oldest brother, Niamh was a natural with the sword and quickly surpassed him in prowess. Not long after she turned fifteen, the blademaster fell sick, and although it was another year before he passed, he made known his wish for his greatest student, Niamh, to bear his title and legacy moving forward. Thus, he passed, not long after Niamh had become sixteen. Thus she was the youngest blademaster of Chaok in recorded history, commonly teaching those decades older than her the art of wielding the blade. 

    Lucan and Niamh still sparred as often as their roles would allow, their bond from the many years prior deepened to a point that they would have been inseparable would not their responsibilities get in the way. As Lucan turned twenty-seven, he realised he could no longer live under his father’s glorious shadow and decided it was time for him to make a name for himself and bring more wealth and glory to his family and to the city. 

    As he announced his plan to his family, they were shocked and more than a little sceptical, however his father and mother agreed that if that was what he wished for, they would not get in the way of that. Niamh insisted she go along with him to see the world and experience things that she simply couldn’t in the city. She felt cooped up in the castle, and her spirit longed for the adventure her brother promised to take her on. All but Lucan disagreed, for a myriad of reasons, primary being her safety and the fact that as blademaster she had a duty to the keep and country, however she soon convinced her parents to give her their blessing on her going, under the foundation that they would be each other's keepers of safety, and that she could appoint a temporary replacement while she was gone. 

    And with that, Lucan (often just called Luc at this stage (Luke)) and Niamh packed a meagre supply, saddled up, and left for the Ashen wastes and to glory.

    (Note to LHunter: just for absolute clarification, Niamh is the companion, Lucan is my champion)
  • Also, I hope you don't mind, I took some creative liberty on world building around the vagueness of what the cities are actually like. 

    And welcome @Robo_Kitty!!
  • Eee! World building so I didn’t have to!!! I love it. Welcome to @Robo_Kitty, I’m glad to have such a renowned competitor in here.

    Side note to @CrimsonFox: The behemoth of the ashen wastes is… mysterious and terrifying. Very powerful and terrifying beast. Wish your champion/companion luck, they’ll need it.
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