A Snail Tale - RPG



  • LvBLvB
    edited March 2
    No sorcery counterspells please. It wouldnt work anyway, because you cant cast a sorcery in response to anything. If you want counterspells, you have to wait until you get access to instants or abilities. You could instead create a spell that gives "Ward 2", which would technically be the same.

    Otherwise a nice snail-character you made ^^
  • LvBLvB
    edited March 2
    The Centipede, who was ready to strike at the snails, seems somehow confused as suddenly the snails attack it instead! With sand and stones whirling around the centipede and occasionally hitting it and with his facett-eyes seeing things that arent really there, it screeches angrily, then bends his body and in a extremely fast move rushes forward with its big claw like teeth aiming at the Crawling Tank that is standing in front of the group! But in its confused state, the centipede instead bites into a rock, covered in the mist, that is laying just beside the white snail. The crawling tank uses this opportunity to hit the Centipede with a hard as rock headbutt into the centipedes exposed belly, forcing the centipede to retreat.

    (The Centipede took 2 damage from Melt-Melt, 2 damage from Ambernite, 1 from whirling stones, 1 from Crawling Tank and is now down to 1/4.)

    And now its the Snails turn again.

    "Suddenly you feel a strange new presence and as you look around you see a strange blue snail sitting on top of the crawling tank. But since its not clearly hostile, you decide that this is something for later."
  • The air and ground are getting hotter, so is Melt-Melt. He increases his temperature even more as he would rush to attack the Centipede once again. Centipede, then is now invaluable to the very high temperature in the environment created by Melt-Melt.

    Melt-Melt casted 
    On himself again to attack again.
  • Cosmonolos will cast Psychic Summons, commanding the elemental to attack the Centipede. 

  • For wording and balance reasons, it should read "When this creature dies, target creature gains ward {1} until end of turn."
  • edited March 14
    "Oh, a new one. Funny, the way it speaks." said the Ambernite with a smile at the wordy one atop Tank, albeit inwardly it wondered. Would they have enough supplies to support another? It rebuffed the thought, as battle wasn't the time for it.
    Or maybe quite the opposite, its stomach grumbled.
    This immense critter used to most times be significantly smaller than a snail. Its approach was far from amicable, yet it was still not strong enough to threaten them. Afore its thought, instinct then overtook the Ambernite.
    If neither friend nor foe...
    It was food.
    [This is an attack.]
    As Melt-Melt's charge once again charred parts of the Centipede's body to crisps, delicious, freshly-burnt chitinous crips... it'd be senseless to ram it again. Jaw stretched farther than it believed possible, the Ambernite bit into the creature, thousands of no-longer-so-microscopic teeth now feverish along its radula.
    [The Ambernite intends to eat as much of it as possible, preferably the bits Melt-Melt cooked. Not its brightest moment, to be honest, but it is pretty hungry and thus willing to get a little beat up now if it means not waiting to eat later.]
  • LvBLvB
    edited March 3
    As Melt-Melt is crashing into the Centipede and Ambernite is taking a big bite of it, suddenly the centipede starts to shiver and quiver and then collapses and falls lifeless to the ground. Your last attack must have hit something important.
    But you dont really care about such details, what matters is, that the fight is over and that you are save again. Now while chewing on the burnt Centipedes part that you bit out of it, you think that it tastes a bit like burnt chicken. Strangely, you dont know what a chicken is, but you are quite sure that it tastes exactly like burnt Centipede.
    And you might want to say hello to the blue snail that appeared out of nowwhere, you think. And now that the blue snail is here, you suddenly can feel or hear the thoughts of the other snails even better than before. And then you realize it, you can talk to each other now by only using your thoughts! But you are still able to talk as usual, too.

    Congratulations! You won the fight against the Centipede and you all gained a level up!

    You are all now Level 2.
    You must chose one permanent bonus: +1 Power OR +1 Toughness OR +1 Mana
    You learned a new uncommon level 1 spell (cost: 1 colored mana). That spell should represent your snails development so far, its thoughts, actions, behaviour, personality, whatever you think is important. Create a card for that spell.
  • Revised spell:

    I'll take an extra mana.

    Uncommon spell (May need balancing. Don't all out refuse it please just suggest balancing edits if it seems OP.):

    Flip side:

    (This is a forest on Cosmonolos's homeworld. He knows about this famous battle.)

  • edited March 4
    You learned a new uncommon level 1 spell (cost: 1 colored mana)

    (Are permanent spells part of the prompt as they seem to be? e.g. Artifacts, battles, creatures, enchantments...)

  • LvBLvB
    edited March 4
    Yes. You can create any type of card. (But keep it within reason please) ;)
  • I'd like to offer my spot to someone. I know they can just add themselves into the mix, but if they want to take over my character, I'm cool with that.
  • LvBLvB
    edited March 4
    Since Snails are kinda slow, i dont mind if this RPG progresses slowly too. That way there is more time for everyone's snail to think about cards and the snails character and reaction to situations. ^^ So dont feel pushed to hurry, jpastor.
  • Took me a while, but I finally finished it.

  • LvBLvB
    edited March 10
  • I never knew the God would hate snails this much.
  • Sorry, my bad taking so long. @LvB I sent you a private message on some ideas.
  • LvBLvB
    edited March 14
    Heres some infos about the level-up system, should you want to plan ahead.

    Level 2: an additional one Mana spell and +1 power or toughness or mana
    Level 3: an additional two Mana spell and +1 mana, choice between stats or (improved) abilities
    Level 4: an additional two Mana spell and +1 power or toughness or mana
    Level 5: an additional three Mana spell and +1 mana, choice between stats or (improved) abilities

    And your snails will get other bonusses depending on your choices and how the story develops. And there will be opportunities to learn new spells or improve existing ones.

    And as long as Jpastor isnt here the black snail will take care of the smaller snails and have an eye on them.
  • edited March 16
    Picking +1 toughness!
    Coin Bug
    (Some shiny bugs the Ambernite has hungrily been keeping an eye on during most of the trip thus far.)
    Edit: Made a card too early supposing I'd add an ability to Ambernite. Oops. Spoilers :disappointed:
  • @Yururu
    I think Coin Bug is too overpowered, to fix it, you can go for;


    {2},{t},Sacifice Coin Bug: Add one mana of any color. You gain 1 life."

    I would go for {3} to acitvate but because of limited mana availability and actions we have, you will have to choose the ability I gave you one. It takes {2} to gain 3 life when sacificed food and that can be applied to here. It takes one mana for another mana, so because of that, life gain effective been decreased.
  • edited March 14
    @FireOfGolden Thanks for the feedback! Here was my train of thought:
    • The "two-for-one" nature of the ability is inherent to having the mix of two tokens, neither worth a card, be one card. Best comparison being Candy Trail.
    • Creature reference was Goldhound. Considering Coin Bug's colorless, I figured I'd make the Treasure ability not generate mana, but instead only mana fix (pay {1} to generate a mana of any color) instead, like many lands of colorless color identity do. I figured that going further would make it not quite a Treasure.
    • As seen in Vegetation Abomination, Syr Ginger and Three Bowls of Porridge, a non-token Food's ability doesn't necessarily have to only gain 3 life, nor its cost has to strictly be {2}.
    • Tapping's required for its ability, conflicting with the incentive Flying gives to attack. In so doing, it taps and can't activate until next turn. Not to mention summoning sickness. Sacrificing's also required to activate: once done, it's gone. I wouldn't bet on Seasonal Ritual + 3 life seeing play.
    • On same rarity/cost, and with much stronger an effect, the recent Haywire Mite for reference.
    I don't quite feel Coin Bug is overly powerful, to be honest. I figure it being sometimes helpful in Limited like Goldhound was, but not really game-breaking. But reasonable minds can differ!
  • @Yururu
    That seems reasonable, but I still feel like it should cost {2} to activate rather than {1}. Because it takes two mana to sacifice a creature at any time (Or food) to gain 3 life. Like you say, as rarity increase, a bonus ability been added. Hence, adding "Add one mana of any color" would make sense.
  • LvBLvB
    edited March 14
    Feeling stronger now than ever before, you continue to move along the beach north towards the Abyssal Depths. The strange blue snail that appeared out of nowhere is coming with you and since its not hostile, youre fine with that. Though it looks a bit weird, its still a snail and snails must work together and help each other! And after a while you start talking to each other.
    What you hear from the blue snail is quite interesting, though you dont understand everything, but maybe you will in time. And as youre thinking about time, you realize that the surrounding area has changed. Where there was grasland near the beach it has now changed into a brushland with large and dense bushes and even small trees, that block most of the sun. And right in front of you, the abyssal depths rise, high up into the sky!
    And on the side of the abyssal depths you see an ancient device. That must be it! The way to drain the Abyssal Depths and flood the ocean with more water!

    But what now? Will you immediately try to climb up the abyssal depths? Or is it maybe better to first scout the surroundings for potential dangers? Or maybe you want to find a safe place for the young snails, who surely wont be able to climb up with you.

    Chose one (what majority decides will be the groups decision)
    A.  - Climb up. Let the black snail take care of the young ones.
    B. - Scout the surrounding for dangers.
    C. - Find a safe place where the young snails can wait.

    Optional Quest for BlueSnail / kaoz42: Feel free to tell the other snails more about your character if you want.
  • I'd say B, need 2 kno
  • I vote B as well
  • The moltnail will join other snails to scout head to ensure danger isn't present at moment. Should it finds a problem, it will jump and attack to it without any hesitation.
    Melt-Melt chosen B, but if there is an enemy (or more), Melt-Melt will immediately attack rather than other snails talking it out.

  • LvBLvB
    edited March 17
    The snails decided, that it would be best to first scout the area a bit, before climbing up the abyssal depths. The beach seemed to be kinda secure but it would be no good place to hide for the small snails once the oceans water was rising. So the snails went into the Twilight-Brushland-Jungle. There were strange noises from creatures they couldnt see, but nothing seemed to be dangerous. And on a hill not far away from the abyssal depths they found a group of larger trees surrounded by bushes with dense foliage. It looked like a good place for the young snails to wait. But then, as the snails went around that hill they found a cave entrance! Curious they went into the cave, which had a strange, somewhat familiar smell. They were thinking about from where they knew that smell, but before they could figure it out they reached the end of the cave and there they found THEM!
    Little monstrous disgusting spawn of the Hedgehogging Horror that had massacred the snails friends and families and had even killed the elder snail! Unknowingly the snails had entered the lair of their Nemesis and found its wretched offspring. The good thing is, the Hedgehogging Horror is not here at the moment, but the bad thing ist, that once it comes back it will surely chase you and try to eat you all alive. But what now?

    A. - [Show Mercy] - We must flee before the Hedgehogging Horror is back. Run towards the ocean since it doesnt like water. Leave the little beasts alone, they have done us no harm.
    B. - [Revenge of the Snails!] Yes, we must leave, but before we do that, lets kill the little beasts. The Hedgehogging Horror killed so many of us, its only fair if we kill its children. Snails will have their Revenge! And if we dont kill them now, they will grow large and eat us all alive one day.
  • Melt-Melt chosen Revenge of the Snails.
  • Cosmonolos says "Do not kill needlessly. We should deposit the beast's offspring in the water surrounded by us, making sure they do not drown. Then, since the horror does not like water, we can either hold the little ones ransom, or if the horror attacks recklessly, we shall use our surroundings to our advantage to defeat or subdue the beast. Ambernite can tear into the beast's flesh from its flank, while melt-melt splashes its eyes, then burns them so it can only see steam. I shall assault it with a dispatching blast of water, all the while Crawling Tank shields us from the beast's attacks and fights back."
  • edited March 17
    "Nothing better than to munch that giant pine cone prickle by prickle, Cosmo." Ambernite shares a thought to them. "See it as I do. I've been growing, but I can't see any of us biting past its spikes, yet."
    [Choosing Show Mercy. Out of game: of course, so cute, they're baby.]
    "I see that spark; I'm not eating those, Melt-Melt. I've a main dish in mind, and this is settling for seconds. Besides, they all stink. I see lots of us and many of them; for all we smell, these might not even be that one's spawn."
    "They'll grow bigger. I'll take that bet. I'll grow faster. And when they come, I'll feast. What say you, Tank?"
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