A Snail Tale - RPG



  • edited February 19
    Then what do you mean by this?
    Create a spell that speeds up a creature that already has haste and gives it first strike 

    I would like to say that, Melt-Melt can't attack twice as he would be already tapped after first time. So, extra combat step is only good to counter the blue or white that forces player to skip combat step.

    This extra combat step wouldn't be shared with other fellow snails.
  • Oh right, sorcery. Should be fun, I'll try a sorcery-speed mind-related Green combat trick.
  • This looks fun. I'll join when I have time. If I can join @LvB, what are the requirements for a latecomer? Do I  get to make a spell for my snail?
  • @LvB if harden shell is a sorcery, should I just remove the extra buff if it is blocking?
  • @Robo_Kitty
    I don't think so. I beileve that instant verison is out of balanced, it should give +0/+2 to creature. +0/+4, if it's blocking.

    But since it's sorcery, you are good to go.
  • Meanwhile, will you accept this?

    Instant will just give a only first strike, but sorcery on another hand would be very underbalanced, because opponents will see it coming and it's not very of red. So I had to add buff and balance it out. If you think it's still overpowered, please let me know so.
  • edited February 20
    Robo_Kitty might've asked because a "when it's blocking" buff as a sorcery would do nothing.
    Sorcery spells are only castable during one of their controller's turns, during a main phase, while the stack is empty. They won't be castable during combat and won't be castable during another player's turn. Creatures don't attack nor block during main phases.
    There are ways to make combat spells work at sorcery speed, but it's a bit harder.
  • edited February 20
    Oh, you are right.

    As Yururu mentioned, extra buff wouldn't work. So, if you go this way instead;

    "Choose target creature. It gains +0/+2 until end of turn.

    Until at beginning of your next turn, if chosen creature would blocks one or more creatures this turn for first time, it gains +0/+2 until end of turn."

    It could work as what you want it to be.
  • edited February 20
    @FireOfGolden Your creatures don't block during your own turn, so just "until end of turn" is also not it. It could be "until your next turn, whenever target creature blocks, it gets +0/+x until end of turn". You got it.
    Either way, I don't think "buff to toughness" would be much playable at sorcery speed, even as a common.
  • LvBLvB
    edited February 20
    @kaoz42 sure you can join. Createa a snail and jump crawl in. You join at the same level as the others.

    About the spells, well, life for a snail is challenging and so creating a spell that meets the given requirements can be challenging too.
    But here is a hint: Since a sorcery can only be used on your turn, you could make its effect last "until your next turn". Or you could use something like, lets say shield counters. Or use your creativity to create a spell no one has ever thought of.

    Stiffling Ground is fine. The other card was just too strong. A 1 mana common that gives an extra combat phase is way too powerful.

    And heres a spoiler for the future. At level 2 you will be able to create a uncommon spell that costs 1 mana which should be better than the common 1 mana spell. So if you start making really strong common spells, the uncommon ones will be overpowered, the rare ones balance breaking and the mythic rare ones game-changing. The more power creep you put into the spells, the less fun this will be.

    I know players have a tendency to try to create the best thing possible, but maybe think of it like this: "My creature is a 1/1, 1/2, 2/1 or 2/2 with 2 mana. If this creature was a wizard, what spells would it be able to cast and how powerful would they be?"
  • edited February 20
    I really don't think Harden shell is too powerful, it may even be a little weak, I mean look at cards like [Shape the Sands] that's instant speed +0/+5 and reach, all for 1 mana like Harden Shell.
  • edited February 21
    Create a common sorcery costing 1 colored mana that increases the morale of a friendly creature so it can fight better.

                       Safe Trails

  • @LvB

    Please read carefully. Sorching Snail only gives an extra combat step to chosen creature. That means there is only one creature who can attack this turn. After that, it can't attack twice unless controller finds way to untap it. If you still don't like extra combat step, then that's okay.
  • No extra combat steps
  • ?‍♂️
    Good enough for me.
  • (Does Safe Trails work, @LvB ?)
  • Thats fine. And no need to ask. I'll say it when something is too strong.
  • oops, "traget" lol
  • LvBLvB
    edited February 22
    While the larger snails were showing their newly gained powers to each other, the younger, smaller snails had also gained at least some magical abilities. And while waiting for each of the larger snails, the young ones played at the beach.

    From time to time a younger snail was lifted up a bit and then tossed into a direction before falling back into the sand. One tried to make the others think it were a delicious fruit and watch the other snails try to bite into its house. Another one built small vulcanoes out of sand which then startet smoking. Some tossed orbs of colorful light through the air that disappeared fast and so time went by while the snails were waiting for each of the larger Player-Snails to present their new spell.

    Optional Quest: While waiting for every player, create a card of the young snails that play at the beach. (Every player can create an own version of this card.)
  • edited March 1
  • LvBLvB
    edited February 25
    Waiting for the black snail Pastor, eh, @jpastor ...
    (must remember the "black snails" term should the snails ever decide to become pirates.)
  • Telekinetic Toss
    Telekinetic Toss by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    This spell harnesses Slitherscale's telekinetic powers to empower a creature under its control to hurl itself or another object at an enemy creature, dealing damage equal to its own power. This reflects Slitherscale's ability to manipulate matter to attack its foes from a distance.
  • LvBLvB
    edited February 27
    After each snail had presented their newly gained powers to the other snails, they decided it was time to move on. On the horizon they could already see the abyssal depth's outside, made of the same material as the world tree, and beside them was a mix of brushland and jungle. But between them lay the hard and rocky wastes that could easily hurt and cut the snails if they werent careful.
    They decided to move on the beach towards the abyssal depths, as this had been the Elder Snails last wish and advice. After some time the sun went down, but the snails steadily crawled forward. Fog and Mist startet to arise from the ocean in the east and from the grasslands west of the beach. But the brave snails didnt care. They had a mission now and nothing would stop them. Nothing really?
    Suddenly the sand on the beach burst apart and out of the sand came a mutated creature like no one they had ever seen before!

    You must fight! (But as this is the first fight here, its a tutorial, so you cant really lose.)
    Now how does combat work:
    During your turn:
    - You can cast 1 spell during your turn.
    - You can use abilities or items as long as you are able to activate them.
    - You can attack (or not attack).
    - You may perform one Roleplay Action, using skills, knowledge, other snails, enemies and/or the evironment, but whatever you do as a roleplay action, it must be convincing. (Example: The black Snail coult use its telekinetic powers to throw oil or tar, if there is any, at the enemy, and then the red snail could set it on fire.)
    - You can attack creatures directly as if they were players. Here the Centipede represents a player.
    - After you attacked an enemy creature that creature can hit one of the attackers back if it is still alive. It cannot hit back a creature that didnt attack.

    - Enemy turn works similar, but enemy gets first attack and then the attacked creature (Snail) may hit back.

    - If your snail is at 0 toughness or below it is downstate. In downstate you may only perform actions that restore/buff toughness or bring the snail back to at least 1 toughness. If all snails are at 0 toughness you lose the fight.
    - Toughness and mana does not reset at the end of turn.
    - You each have 2 mana at the moment.
    - At the end of a fight you are fully healed, all buffs/counters are removed and all mana is restored.

    Should the situation ever occur that spells/items/abilities create an infinity loop that repeats itself, it will only work once.

    The Centipede has made its move by rushing out of the sand. Now its the Snails turn.
  • Melt-Melt will makes his lava more hotter as it becomes runny as he would immediately charges toward the Centipede.

    Centipede will take two damage, but it may not attack back since Melt-Melt have first strike for this turn.
  • LvBLvB
    edited March 1
    Waiting for the other player-snails
  • edited March 3
    [This is a roleplay action using environment and skills.]
    This creature... They'd seen it before, by the World-Tree. Before the fallen sun, that is, and usually as large in length as the average snail. It was as if that ball of heat was set to make our journey perilous, the Ambernite thought, as it made both major predators and now a previous equal into oversized monstrosities.

    But it was too early to attribute favoritism; the ocean mist provided an opportunity.

    "Guys!", the Ambernite exclaimed, "Roll low! It must not see us well from the mist up there!"

    As if to enhance the effect, the Ambernite's telephatic powers surfaced, sending mixed signals straight to the crawler's mind: subtle movement amidst the mist and rolling patterns over the beach's seashells, akin to an image from their last encounter: a field of emptied snail shells haphazardly strewn about.
    [This is an attack.]
    Then, following up on Melt-Melt's lead, the Ambernite rammed at the hundred-legged monster, then rolled off under the cold ocean breeze. Hopefully its phantoms in the mist would be enough to confound the Centipede as to the other snails' locations (and most specifically, its own).
  • The Black Snail, Slitherscale, assesses the situation quickly. The Centipede's sudden emergence catches them off guard, but Slitherscale knows they must act swiftly to defend themselves and their companions.

    With a flick of its telekinetic powers, Slitherscale gathers loose sand and small rocks from the beach, forming them into a dense mass. With a focused mental command, it hurls the makeshift projectile at the Centipede, aiming to weaken its defenses and create an opening for the others to attack.

    **Target:** Slitherscale targets the Centipede with the attack.  

    As the sand and rocks pelt the Centipede, Slitherscale prepares to defend against any retaliation from the mutated creature.
  • Realizing the predicament the group has found themselves in, Crawling Tank decides to do what he is the best at, protecting.

    Crawling tank will use his harden shell ability to make himself stronger and will stand in front of the group, protecting them from the centipede as they attack it.
  • @jpastor, @Robo_Kitty, @Yururu, @FireOfGolden
    This concerns your characters.

    Introducing Cosmonolos, Otherwordly Nebula

    Cosmonolos felt a sharp pain as the archfiend flung him off his homeworld's surface. He had predicted the archfiend's actions but did not hold the power to stop them. After what seemed like eons, he made hard contact with what felt like... a rock? Before passing out. When he awoke, he rubbed his antennae, then looked up from behind a large rock to see a large, hard-shelled snaillike bioform standing in front of a blazing slimy snaillike boioform, a black oozy snaillike bioform that radiated a powerful mind, and a green snaillike bioform that looked to be very strong. "Wait whatever this realm is, it has others of my kind?" Cosmonolos wondered. Then he noticed it. A large noxious, hundred-legged creature with clearly hostile intent. He looked into its mind, reading its course of action, then oozed out onto the battlefield and with a great slimy leap, landed on the large tough snail, and yelled "Clever bioforms. Assessing threats, assessing threats. Four potential threats found, one unnegotiably hostile entity found." Before turning to face the centipede while on top of the huge tough snail's back.

    The "tough" snail mentioned is Crawling Tank, the "blazing" snail mentioned is melt-melt, the "powerful mind" snail mentioned is Slitherscale, and the "very strong" snail mentioned is Ambernite. Cosmonolos is a supermind from another world in a different star system who can predict others' course of action well in advance and has a shell that looks like a constantly shifting blue spiral nebula. He owes the "avatar" subtype to his divinelike intelligence. (Yes, for roleplay he is that intelligence, but in-game he can only do what he can.)


    Cosmonolos will ready himself while on top of Crawling Tank, having predicted what the centipede will do and readied an effective strategy in response. (Just waiting to cast Predict Motives when neccesary.)

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