Official MTGAER Contest: 2017, Year of the Fire Rooster



  • My Submission:
    Vasillias is a tyrant king with a god complex. He has a need to be powerful, a need to be king and to be dominant. He has to be revered and powerful, or there is no point in living (as shown by his last ability). He is arrogant and thinks himself invincible, that there is no way he could ever be harmed, let alone defeated. However, his oppression and abuse of his people is not overlooked. The people are sure to rise up in rebellion, and the leaders among them will not stop until he is dethroned. He believes he has nothing to fear from these pitiful peasants - but he is wrong. His hubris and vanity are his downfall (as shown in the other part of his last ability).

    My submission takes a very negative spin on the aspects of a rooster. He is dominant to the point of being a cruel despot, and rules over his subjects with, as they say, an iron fist. The "strong egotistical need to constantly be the center of attention" is also emphasized in my card. If you control no subjects, no one to fear and revere him, you lose the game. He needs to be dominant and powerful, that is his only reason for being. Is hubris and vanity are also depicted in the card, via the other part of his last ability. He loses the game if dealt damage by a Savior, which he creates on the opponents side upon his entry to the battlefield. They are lowly 1/1s - but if they deal damage to you, you lose the game. I these ways, he exhibits the qualities of a rooster.

    @Angry_Potatoes look here:
  • edited January 2017
    Here comes the embodiment of both good and evil, torn more or less from the pages of scripture, Lucius, Angel of Darkness! Now, don't anger this good angel, but don't ignore him either... only the heavens know the extent of his insatiable hunger for attention and glory!

    Lucius, Angel of Light

    And here comes the dark inner machinations of Lucius... Lucius, Angel of Darkness! Starved of attention and glory, Lucius fell from glory and began to slaughter those he once protected.

    Lucius, Angel of Darkness

    I hope we're allowed flip cards :)
  • image

    Beloved and idolized as the village hero, Inan is an excellent swordsman with a love for praise. The effort Inan exerts is dependent on the adoration he receives; a couple of onlookers is hardly worth his time, but a huge, roaring crowd encourages him to really show what he can do! Boastful and proud, Inan relishes in driving off the horrors of Innistrad to the applause of his fans. When the village is threatened, the villagers grab a drink instead of a pitchfork and settle down to cheer on their stupendous, attention-seeking hero!
  • I've got the perfect one, and he's real uppity:
    Bozren is my take on a true legendary goblin, as all he wants are more shiny things to look at.
  • @Agnimandur - I'm gonna guess tomorrow!

    @Mart333 - Your card link is not to a published card, can you link the finished product?

    @Angry_Potatoes - It's in here somewhere!
    Breif backstory:
    Shamas the Corrupted is a high member of society engineer, who has made it to the city council. Eventually he made his way to be a military leader and now leads thousands into battle. However, he doesn't like other humans, doing his work for him. He believes humans are unintelligible and make too many errors. He also loves the spot light, back in his engineering days, dozens of people would come to his shop to ask for specific tasks and repairments, and he got a lot of praise and recognition for it.

    But he wanted to move to a bigger scale. Now in charge of an entire army, he uses himself and his servos to do all the work for the humans. Winning battle after battle, Shamas got the attention he wanted and thought he deserved.

    People thought of him as a war hero, not putting human lives on the line in war and still winning. People thought he was truly looking out for everyone because all the soldiers are now at home with their families and providing for the city. No one really knows Shamas' true intentions of just eternal fame.

    Explanation: A lot of these cards had similar abilities so I wanted to be unique with the fabricate. You could buff up Shamas and swing with him, survive and just endlessly fabricate, or if you want to just pump servos out of him, you can. Since he has vigilance and first strike, really only the biggest creatures can block and kill him. Also the vigilance helps fabricate endlessly because you can swing in, fabricate from that, and then pay 5 mana and tap him to fabricate again.

    Thought fabricate would be a good idea for this, since it's flexible and with a few chief of the founderies, you could pump out servos every turn and they could be 2/2 or 3/3's. Either way you fabricate, it's all Shamas doing the work, getting bigger himself and creating a large army behind him
  • @yousmelllikeapumpkin Those moments when you come up with a great name, but then...
  • It took me a while to come up with the right idea, especially its species type, but in the end I realized that there's no greater attention hog than a baby phoenix. Here is the URL to an image of my Planeswalker.
  • edited January 2017

    Jene is a Mardu warrior who believes in strength in numbers. He was always strange, favoring gold over leather and fur coats, which the Mardu preferred.
  • This is my card
  • Hi @MTGCardsmith. Sorry I've been disconnected from the internet for the last week and am reading previous comments now.

    I posted my entry:
    Earlier but it hasn't been put into the entry list. Please let me know if there are any problems.
  • @TrippleBogey3, as a major in Roman culture, I am a bit offended that you would assume that anyone with a glimmer of knowledge about Roman or Greek culture learned it from Rick Riordan. An author who doesn't give enough credit to the actual culture because he is too busy making wise cracks and adapting stories to make mythological figures into social media freaks. Just because you learned about Greek culture from a children's author doesn't mean that you should assume such from everyone else! And I am very sorry if I was rude just now. Btw, @yousmelllikeapumpkin, I find you screen name to be quite enjoyable and humorous.
  • edited January 2017
    @Ranshi922 agreed I have written almost all my history papers on these cultures and I find them very interesting. A bad writer who gives the characters t-shirts and reduces their ages is not my primary source for any of them.
  • @TrippleBoggey
    Nah. Well, yes, I love Rick Riordan. But I just like mythology.
    Thanks! Only one person in my life has reacted to my username, and that is my username for many different accounts.

    Please notice the Chinese naming- They mean "Beautiful Jade" and "Rooster"
  • Here is my entry!

    She is a loud and demanding queen who will stop at nothing to get what she wants (As long as it means she doesn't have to dirty a claw, no that's what her simple poultry is for!). She can pertrify those who hold her gaze, poison those who breathe her air and burn the poor souls who find themselves in the wind of her scorching wing beat. She is... Vizle, Abomination Queen!
  • Here’s my entry


    I wanted to design something relatively simple and realistic where the abilities told a story of why the character wants to be the centre of attention, why people would flock to her in the first place and what the character actually thinks of those people. I tried to link each bit of the card with the different aspects of the personality description, i.e.:

    Dominant = angel, flying, high power
    Popular = buff to other creatures
    Vivacious = lifelink, difficult to kill
    Egotistical = sacrifice others to preserve herself
    Boastful = low toughness so she’s not as good as she claims (balance-wise Falkenrath Aristocrat also sets a bit of a precedent for low toughness)
    Rooster = she has feathers

    Thanks to @Faiths_Guide for suggesting a tweak to the flavour text and @platypusburger for suggesting a change of art and for feedback on the balance!
  • edited January 2017

    In the plane of Kamigawa, the Kami Matsuri is a big festival that has been established to celebrate the peace with the kamis. The Tsuka family has been responsible for organizing it since it's conception. Nowadays, the three Tsuka brothers: Naomi, Satsu and Gyuza have brought the Matsuri to new heights. They are highly regarded among Kamigawans and like to enjoy the festival among the crowd, that openly receives them.

    This is edited, I am deeply sorry and hope it's ok. It wasn' yet uploaded as an entry and I won't edit it anymore.
  • Here's my submission. Strength with numbers, but the numbers she needs are not particularly helpful for anyone else.
  • Here is my entry:

    Once a monk, now a renegade, he is always looking for attention the moment he appears. He doesn't let anyone steal his spotlight and he can get carried away sometimes and blow up one of his fuses as his ego takes over.

    Ratchet Renegade
  • Tibalt is back! Why not give this special personality a little love.
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