Reactivation Challenge #39 - Legendary Contest With Prizes



  • Nice cards so far! Only about a day and a half left!
  • edited October 2017
  • edited October 2017
    5c Jank/Casual Commander (which I still need from wizards to be printed!! :D)
  • edited October 2017
    Truly legendary.
    edit: The plane is shared between all games.
  • only a little time left for any who still want to enter!
  • Closed for entries!
  • Slight delay on the results, but judging has already commenced, I just have to leave the house for a few hours!
  • Results are in!

    All of these cards were very creative and quite legendary, which made this all the more difficult!

    Honorable Mentions
    @zizick123, @CKNG, @IanLowenthal, @Alimer, @Mellenius, @koover, @Gelectrode & @Faiths_Guide
    Four of your cards battled over third place, but in the end... there could be only one... third place... and here it is!

    Third Place
    Jacob, Merchant of Seas by @TenebrisNemo
    This challenge was filled to the top with flavorful cards, and this one really stood out. I love a good Pirate, but this one is really good, using his ill-gotten treasure to gain access to turn some of your best men against you!

    Second Place
    Nitris, Timewalker by @Tomigon
    I love this card! It's so powerful, and yet so fragile. Now this is a Legendary creature that would have the MTG World freaking out, building decks around it, and filling sideboards to defend against it!

    First Place
    Jeluum, the Avaricious by @Animist
    This card is a serious flavor win! It says it's a Sphinx and it feels exactly like a Sphinx! Jeluum asks you a riddle, and punishes you if you get it wrong... but get it right, and you are rewarded!

    image image image
  • Wooohooooo!!!
    Thanks for hosting this challenge! Congrats to all the winners and mentionables!
  • Congrats @Winners and other @Mentionables! Thanks a bunch @Corwinnn!
  • I totally forgot... @Animist is the new host for Reactivation #40! If he cannot fulfill the duties of the new host, then he may defer to the second or third place winners. If one of the three are not able to host, then a new host will be chosen,
  • @Corwinnn

    Dang, I thought I'd managed to get away with it. :)

    Okay, I'll put on my rubber gloves and go digging for challenges...
This discussion has been closed.