Post your cards here. Actually see what others think.



  • @shadow123, I think you used the wrong ability. It should be Cohort, not Rally.

  • Sorry, I’ll fix that!
  • I feel like if you try hard enough that could make like a really scary thing.
  • image

    Any thoughts on this thingy?
  • @pjbear2005
    Looks nice, but the order for the last ability's cost should be something like this I think: {3}{B},{T}, Sacrifice Necrotic Focus:



    How's this look? It was designed with EDH in mind with the intent of referencing back to the cycle of Kirins from Saviors of Kamigawa (At least I think that's the set they where from) whilst also allowing for a dual-tribal approach without being too badly split down the middle.
  • Let's get this moving again, shall we?

    I've commented on your card (albeit briefly because you've already received great feedback and this discussion hasn't been active for so long).

    Next up:

    Leave a comment or favorite on the card, then post up to two of your own!
  • Faved your priest @Faiths_Guide.

    I've already asked for feedback on this card, but would still like some more.
  • @01101

    I'd reword your mechanic like this:

    Harness (Each land you discard from your hand while casting this spell pays for two mana of any one color toward this spell's casting cost)
  • edited November 2018
    @01101 that card is way too strong. Flash, trample, and haste are all good mechanics. 5/3 even on a discard one creature is too much for a two mana creature. Harness is a good mechanic. I want to life from the loam in a harness deck. I think us designers like slapping flash onto everything but it doesn't really seem right on a red green tree dude. Sorry if that's mean, but you are pushing into places you will find good design space and aren't scared to make a strong card.


    I've been cardsmithing a lot lately, sometimes just to do it. Is that an addiction? Anyway, this one is strong in very specific builds/ situations. I could see this in a miracles deck in modern, though the hand disadvantage is usually too bad. I guess if you set up a temporal mastery with this and then cast it the next turn to get ahead on land drops. Also in modern, you could turn 2 through the breach an Emrakeul with an almost Christmas land hand. In EDH, use all the draw spells, then put back the extras for all the mana.

    Rate 1-5 and give thoughts?

  • edited November 2018
    @brcien That doesn't seem very black, like at all.

    How about "Discard any number of cards. Add {b} for each card discarded this way." Instead?

    I rate it 5 for the potential combos, but 2 for the correctness.


    EDIT: Okay, changed my card because of reasons.


  • Red spell control? that's a unique idea.
    Here's my card:
  • @Bowler218 nice meme
  • edited November 2018
  • edited November 2018
    Thanks for your comment, @MrRansom. Could you copy it to the card page for further debate?

    Also, you may now post up to two cards for feedback (one of which must either be commented on or faved before the next can be posted).
  • edited November 2018
    Sure thing, @Faiths_Guide

    image image

    Would prefer critiques and helpful criticisms over favorites if possible. Favorites are nice, but less valuable to me than the sage wisdom of the Cardsmith community.
  • Hello @MrRansom. Some thoughts...

    Blood Reckoner- Straight up regeneration of other creatures on a vampire is pretty rare. Maybe it should just regen vampires instead of any black creature. Also, I don't think "you control" is all that necessary unless your concerned about two-headed giant.

    Shape Earth- A bit too fast? What do you think about having the token enter tapped? "Create a token that's a copy of target land. It enters the battlefield tapped and is a Mountain in addition to its other types."

    @sanjaya666 I also commented on Repetitive Study the other day. Am I wrong about it going "infinite" with Pyretic Ritual? I'm genuinely curious because my understanding of the stack is fuzzy at times.
  • edited November 2018
    @jabrewer79 Yea, there's that stupid two combo cards that empties your library and gives you a lot of mana too. But it's still not a win condition by themselves unless you have something like the Niv-Mizzet that deals 1 damage for each card draw or the generic Walking Ballista.

    Also, abandoning the draw effect sounds good too. May be gonna remake it.
  • @sanjaya666 I agree about the card draw. For how soon this hits the battlefield, the second ability almost certainly needs a {t}. I'm def down for a Reverberate on a stick though:) I look forward to seeing it.
  • edited November 2018
    Thanks for your comments! I recommend that you copy them to the actual card pages for further discussion (as I try to keep this discussion's pages pretty clean).

    Please post up to two of your own designs!
  • @MrRansom
    I'll comment on Shape Earth, since that's the one that's a bit more of a novel concept.

    First off, plain and simple, the first thing to recognize is that this is spell based ramp, something that's mostly in green's jurisdiction, and in today's standard environment, two mana ramp spells are a rare commodity, usually requiring you to meet some kind of condition (like having a Dinosaur in your hand) in order to get the full deal. And then on top of that, this is instant speed, which screams shenanigans in any red based control or tempo deck, along with providing an awkward form of color fixing, usually making you a Volcanic Island or Plateau in the hypothetical control deck, or even just giving you straight color fixing depending on what your opponent's playing.

    So right now we're looking at a two mana instant speed ramp spell that can provide fixing. To make this more fair, it'd need to at least be sorcery speed, and probably three mana too and create the token tapped, as to not randomly surpass green. Alternatively it could cost four/five mana but then that just feels bad.

    Sorry if that was a wall of text. (This has been copy/pasted into the card's discussion.)

    Anyhow, here's something I've made.
  • @jabrewer79 Well, you can always slap a Reverberate on an Isochron Scepter, at least in modern format. :))
  • edited November 2018
    That's an interesting trigger to say the least. It's something you rarely see, since it's usually "Whenever [name] deals combat damage..." . I think 2 life is a good spot, since anymore and you can quickly have your life total spiral out of control with multiple copies of it. Gotta love that flavor text too.

    Next Up :

    Comment or favorite on one or both and then post up to two of your own cards!
    EDIT : Linked to a second card, as per the rules allowing up to two at a time.
  • edited November 2018
    @Damnation Asyra is quite a lot. Shroud was generally replaced by Hexproof since M12, probably because not being able to... uh... "touch" oneself was often more detrimental than otherwise, and I kinda agree with the decision (even though, I'm aware it's a custom card and such liberties exist). On other notes, that's a pretty beefy statline. 4 mana, mono-white 4/5. My suggestion would be to give it Flying (it's a Spirit, so why not) and reduce its stats to a 3/3 or 3/4.

    Artisan of Intuition seems pretty interesting. It's also got an ability that's pretty complicated to look in sites such as Gatherer or Scryfall for possible activators. Anything that gets rid of abilities, such as most creature-to-other-type Auras, doesn't work either. It might require custom backup, in which case having the activated ability have no mana cost and be possibly instant speed might prove quite powerful for a decent 2-drop blocker. Just as a few sidenotes, it looks like the kind of creature that would/could have Defender, I'm a bit confused with the name's whimsy "Intuition" side-by-side with the quite upfront flavor text (which might just be me missing something while writing on my phone at 3 AM), and the 3 life gain seems quite disproportionate to the other gain, the free Jace's Ingenuity that is.

    This is my card:

    "Property Speculation". As everyone involved profits but once done wildly, oft leads to a crisis.

    A comment and/or favorite would be appreciated.
  • It took me a few times reading speculation to understand what it does and even more to cobble together the flavor. As an economics major in college, seeing the word speculation automatically makes me think big risk big reward. I don't think the slow life loss is representative of that.
    I think your card is decent. It is unplayable in standard or modern, but has slots in edh. I could see my friend running that in his jund deck because he likes stax, and I like the idea of a land speculation card, but I don't think that this effect goes with that sort of flavor.


    So comes in and swings, first strike hit gives them a poison counter and boosts one, second hit gives a poison and boosts another. This seals a game quickly if left unattended, but is it worth that much mana? and is is simple enough to be printed and understand?
  • edited November 2018
    @brcien Noxious is this card's biggest problem. It's such a minor distinction from Infect that it's confusing at first glance, and since the card relies so heavily on interplay between three of its abilities, it needs to read very clearly immediately. Also, the keyword for that already exists and it's Poisonous N (in this case Poisonous 1). It would honestly probably be best to just remove the keyword and put the reminder text as the ability.

    The more I think about it the more I just don't like this design, sorry. It's neat conceptually to give a creature buffs based on poison counters, but in practice it's just a mess. He inflicts way more damage than he does poison counters, and if he's close enough to lethal with existing poison counters then he's already a 9/11 with doublestrike and haste. Even a tiny amount of support for him and he's out of control, but at the same time he's kind of pointless in an Infect deck since he doesn't work towards the poison wincon. Maybe haste is the big issue? He's a lot more fair if your opponent has a turn to do something about him before he starts getting nasty. That would mean a body rebalancing though since I'm not sure a 6-mana 1/3 is ever playable, especially in 3 colors. Speaking of which, that's a sensible color choice for [Infect-y Dragon] but a really weird color choice for an Artifact, and I'm kind of curious why you went with Artifact Creature - Dragon Construct instead of just making a Jund dragon. Colored artifacts exist of course but usually in Esper-y colors.

    I think the two biggest flaws here are that the card is confusing due to the keyword, and hard to assess on a balance level because it's at odds with decks that would want it. It's such a high-swing card that it just defies assessment without actually playtesting it. Sorry if I've been a bit blunt mate, putting thoughts largely unfiltered. I think in a vacuum your card's mostly balanced but with other Infect cards it goes too bonkers.

    Next up:

  • edited November 2018
    @TheSuturedHeartMan It might be good to give the second ability a mana cost, as most lands have mana costs for any ability that isn't adding mana. Other than that, I find it a cute unique card.

    Here's mine:
  • edited November 2018
    @Hergusbergus, you might want to zoom into the artwork a bit, because it just looks like a nonpermanent card. Otherwise, I really like it! Oh yeah, might want to add flying as well, because, angels.

    Thoughts on this vertical cycle?
  • @Temurzoa I commented on a couple of your card. It was just about the wording, which I think could be improved.
  • edited November 2018
    Mm. Though I LOVE the concept as a lover of the black part of the MTG pie, I gotta say... well, I'll comment it on the card itself @MrRansom .

    Up for judgement (Despite how ironic that is) -
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