Tournament of Champions 2 (The game has begun)



  • Ok, how about

    When this creature attacks, up to two target creatures cannot be blocked until the end of turn.
  • @shadow123 That makes more sense
  • Yeah that would work
  • ( @barchae & @HeroKP - Sorry, but I have to postpone the 4th match as well due to an important event that will last for the whole weekend. But mark my words; this tournament will speed up soon! )
  • Oh wow what a hurricane
  • @shadow123 That looks good
  • edited May 2018
    @TenebrisNemo Ofcourse, take your time, these things happen. I'll be looking forward to the match :)

    @shadow123 yeah, that is a lot better :) take care with the editing of your cards as well, to make it look even nicer. Could start a new line between "that - much" so that it doesn't touch the border of the card!
  • @TenebrisNemo I understand that you get the urge to write more and give more insight to how the matches are fought. I had the same urge when I hosted my tournament and that was half as large as this one. 16 matches compared to yours 32, 29 remaining. If you give each match the same care and time then you will have spent much more time than I did even if we include my off-topic stories.
    I don't want to underestimation your endurance but 32 matches is a huge amount.
    There might be a significant risk that your lust to write decreases of you use too much energy for it (like I did)

    So what I would recommend you to do is to find a balance in writing where you could write 2 or 3 matches per ordinary day without it being too much.
    some tips could be as you have done is to start the matches in the middle and give a short description what have happen and then go into more detail in the ending segment of the fight. Try to save your energy for the later stages.
    Try to think before you begin writing what is needed to keep in detail and what can be summarized easily.
    I would assume that more people will follow and care for each individual fight more on an emotional level as the game continues so try keeping the significance of the written fights in relation to that.

    @Everyone I would like to recommend this to everyone else that is a part of this as well.
    Try to write more general information and actions that requires less energy since the path is very long for those of you that manage to keep along.

    Also for those that have not checked the first tournament of champions. Here is a link if you are interested:
  • @shadow123 I think Tai should be 5 mana
  • @DoctorFro I decreased her power level substantially. I think it is fine at 4, 5 could get high for a 1/4 Faerie.
  • ( @Jonteman93 - You're right. When I began writing the first matches, I was influenced by an idea that I needed to write in good detail what kind of fights there will be in the tournament. But in the third match, I took an attempt to start the fight in the middle as you suggested, but then I wanted to explain the environment, moods etc.

    But yes, I should save my energy and hold my urges until the game gets more serious as fewer contenders are left to take the title of the 17th champion. I always plan the most important things which need to be told in stories, and pretty much over 75% I write is flavor. Or at least I feel that way personally.

    I promised that I will speed up this tournament at the start of the week, and I will make it happen. Two matches a day shouldn't be a problem! )
  • edited May 2018
    @shadow123 Keep in mind that this 1/4 Faerie has the hidden text "{u}{b}, {t}: Destroy target creature unless that creature's controller sacrifices a creature with flying and power 1 or less." See Avatar of Woe.
  • @TenebrisNemo I have a couple questions.

    1: You won the previous tournament of champions and you are now hosting this one. Do all the winners get to host the next tournament?

    2: Do you have a link to the very first tournament?

    Of course, if you're to busy I don't need these questions answered. Thanks!
  • edited May 2018
    ( @bubbasnickey & @Everyone_else - Feel free to ask questions anytime. I try to answer them as soon as possible.

    1. The tournament winner can choose whether they want to host the next one. I enjoyed the previous tournament quite much, so I wanted to host this one while also trying to make the participants have as much fun as I did.

    2. Jonteman93 posted a link in his comment few posts above. He was the host in the previous tournament. He is the original creator of the tournament, its world, and its main story.

    Here is my link to the very first tournament. )
  • @TenebrisNemo

    Thanks! This tournament has been very enjoyable so far. I'm confused, is this the 2nd or 17th tournament of champions?
  • @bubbasnickey this tournament is the 2nd of mtg cardsmith, but lorewise, the 17th.

    Look at the intro for the first tournament of champions.
  • edited May 2018

    Oh, I get it now! Thanks alot.
  • Tai felt like being lazy today. She was fiddling with her powders when, she poured a handful on the ground. It was green, she better be careful. Tai reached down to pick it up, and some black powder touched the green, creating a loud bang. A dark dinosaur roared loudly jolting everyone awake.

    So much for a relaxing day.

    Tai charged at it as it ripped through Tai’s wall as if it was paper. It turned around. The large thing’s jaws opened as if to rip through Tai as well. At the last moment Tai sped up. It jaws closed, but couldn’t touch her. She swung her flute and the menace vanished.

    Nya then walked upstairs, “What was that all about?”

    “Nothing,” Tai said mischievously.

    “I see,” Sylva said sarcastically eying her door.

    An angry watchman hurried upstairs.

    “Your mischief won’t to you any good,” Jaholion laughed.

    “Oh Shut up!” the small Faerie seethed.

    The watchman hurried downstairs, his hands full of the small pieces left of Tai’s wall. Tai walked up to Jaholion and said, “Wanna challenge me?”

    “Fight, Fight, Fight!!!” A young soldier said.

    The watchman came upstairs with a small girl. Then he took the young soldier by his scruff and dragged him away. The small girl held her hands up and chanted a spell. A wall slowly materialized and sealed the large hole. She went up to Tai’s powder and was about to touch it.

    “Don’t!” Tai shouted, “It won’t turn out good!”

    The girl looked at her mystically and swept the powder into her hand. A light formed within it and the whole building started to shudder. Tai’s window shattered and the girl was ejected. The spell still going, ripped through Jaholion’s door and a chair in the room crumbled. Tai’s covers were ripped and the light bulbs from the celing was shattered. Another blast occurred. Glass shards pounded the contestants outside her room. Another wave threw contestants over the edge.

    Nya fell over the broken railing her eyes wide. She closed her eyes. Vines from the house plants caught her and the other contestants. The vines put them back down on the floor below. Safe from most dangers. Judge Gaspar stormed up the stairs and surveyed the damage. He looked at Tai and said, “Come.”

    Tai gulped and followed the man downstairs to a large room.


    Tai sat.

    “Your powder has caused extraordinary damage to this building and is the strongest one of them.”

    Tai looked down.

    “Give me your pouch.”

    Tai gave it to him and spoke, “Please, don’t confiscate it. It is my only power.”

    The judge looked at it and tested it in a weird model of his. The thing read: Extremely Dangerous. Beware.

    He stared at her and finally spoke, “I know you can make more so, I will not take it.”

    Tai smiled

    “But if I see anymore of this crazy damage, I will fine you for a high price,” Gaspar concludes as he pointed to rule number thrirteen.

    “Thank you judge,” Tai said, “I will be careful.”

    When Tai got back, the floor was fine again. Tai frowned.
  • Nya was having a very peaceful day up until that point. After the incident at the tavern she walked off to the forest towards her sphere. Once she got there she attempted to move the vines but couldn't for some reason. She heard a small laugh behind her, she turned around and found Konus leaning on a nearby tree.

    "How have you been?" He asked while walking towards her.

    "Good, today has been quite an interesting day so far."

    "I saw what happened at the tavern, it was very amusing."

    "Whatever." Said Nya as she rolled her eyes. Konus chuckled and opened the sphere. As Nya began to walk in she noticed spikes growing on the vines.

    "Could you teach me how to do that?"

    "Possibly, it would take time."

    "Well we have all the time in the world."

    "Fine," Said Konus as he began to close the sphere. "Let us begin."
  • Jaholion chuckled at her and a small container with five compartments materialized, “You ought to be more careful with your powder, Faerie, So I made you a container. When you reach in, the invisible cover dissapears and when you’re not, it is confined.”

    Jaholion found this whole thing funny as he performed a spell piecing Tai’s lights together.

    “Let’s settle this with a training match.” Tai said, “It will help both of us.”
  • @HeroKP is this ok?

    Jaholion smirked. Tai had never experienced ethereal magic before. A blue light glowed on his hands and snaked towardsTai. It hit Tai’s chest. She simply fainted.

    Sylva, who was watching was awed. Tai got back up five minutes later and demanded for a rematch. She looked at the ground and in that time, he defeated Sylva as well. Again, Jaholion’s hands lit up with a bright blue light. The light poured out of his hands snaking it’s way towards Tai. It was hypnotizing, but not enough. Tai flew up, but the spell just split into two and followed her. When Tai dodged again, the two blue beams of light appeared to become four and surrounded Tai. Tai managed to dodge them, and the blue light connected. Seven rays burst out of it, and Tai tried to skitter away. In the middle of two blue beams, Tai charged at the blue orb. Usung her flute, it helped channel a large lunar spell that aimed to destroy the orb. On contact it exploded. The beams were closing in on her. The ethereal bauble shattered. In the little pieces, she saw different fragments of time.


    Tai shuddered as a leaf was pulled from the air. The shards dissolved. The ethereal was shuddering as well as if trying to keep himself together. That blue light in his hands stopped glowing. Jaholion fell to his knees and fainted. Pele was awed.

    Tai asked, “Can you pull someone out of a time shard?”

    “Yes.” Jaholion replied, “It is doable.”

    Tai laughed.

    “What are you laughing for?” The annoyed Etheral asked.

    Tai fished around her pouch and pulled out a container of gooey melted ice cream, “Want some?”

    Jaholion just laughed.
  • I do not mind at all, @shadow123 . In fact, you have given me an idea for Jaholion's next evolution. That's a good price for a storage box in my book. :)
  • Tai was fascinated by the etheral magic. She went to the library to read up on it. When she arrived, it seemed someone already had the whole section.

    “Thanks for the etheral books,” Ronnie shouted to the librarian.

    She just gave him a pointed look and walked off.

    Tai looked at the young boy and wanted to punch him. Tai wanted the books so bad.

    If I can't get the books, I might as well join Jaholion for a practice match.

    The problem was, when Tai got there, he was already training. Nya was struggling to block the etheral magic from her. She used her vines to continuously protect her while clobbering her opponent’s constructs with tiny thorns on her vine. The three metal constructs started to break the vines, separating them from the ground and grinding the remains. Jaholion was struggling to direct the metalwork and his magic at the same time while Nya was losing her endurance for this pressure. The vines ripped through the scraps of living metal and went to slam Jaholion. A vine knocked him on the head, but he somehow couldn’t stop casting the spell. The spell ripped through thickets of vines and hit Nya in the chest. A blue light glowed around her and she froze. Jaholion made his way back up and snatched Nya’s staff. He slammed Nya on the head and then healed her.

    “Wow,” Nya said, “That etheral magic is so cool.”

    Tai just watched and smiled as Konus took her back to the sphere.
  • Mettir is practicing. Anyone who wants to practice can:)
  • Tai glided down to Jaholion who was walking back to the tavern. He seemed not to notice her.

    Tai spoke, “Why hello there etheral.”

    “Whoa!” Jaholion shouted jumping a foot into the air.

    Tai smirked.

    “Also, don’t call me etheral.”


    Ronnie was wandering about the paths of the forest as well. He was eying Jaholion and Tai, trying to pick out important info.

    “Your etheral magic will prove useful,” Tai said.

    “Aha! So it is confirmed!” Ronnie shouted. He gulped.

    “Tai spun around and sprayed some sleep powder on the tree behind her. There was no trace of the little boy anymore. Once Tai walked away, the bait boy ran back to the tavern.

    Suddenly, the tree vines came to life. The branches grew thicker and turned green. Spikes grew from them quickly. Tai shouted, “Constructs!”

    The etheral let out a large metalwork masterpiece. He sent small thopter spies to look at his unexpected attacker. Tai used her flute to cut the vines careful of large incoming spikes.

    “A human became a Warrior! It must be our attacker.” Jaholion shouted.

    “Konus is testing us.” Tai said grimly.

    Suddenly, a few vines plunged to the ground around her. From the other side of Tai, it erupted. Tai was surrounded. The vines went to attack Jaholion. Tai looked at Jaholion as he looked back at her. They nodded.

    “Let the chaos begin!” Tai shouted.

    She took her five powders and mixed them together. Jaholion’s hands glowed blue and both of them applied a great outward force. Trees fell, vines snapped, the thorns on the vines were crushed to powder. Tai was blown back into a tree, it collapsed and fell on Jaholion. Konus was blasted into his staff, 50 meters away. Nya walked up and healed them as little droids clattered to the ground.

    “You passed.”

    “Yay,” Tai shouted.
  • edited May 2018
    @TenebrisNemo I think your battles are very creative, especially the end of Tai vs Jazhara.
    IX. The Mortals' Herald
    Coltras was amazed about how the battle between Tai and Jazhara turned out. They barely hit each other at all, and Jazhara finally lost by falling asleep and bleeding out from a single scratch. After the battle, Coltras traveled back to the tavern to look for Caphria, his opponent. He finally found the angel training with some guards. Cotras cast a concealing spell to hide his presence, and settled down behind a bush to watch.
    Caphria carried two flaming rapiers and leapt around quickly, slashing and stabbing at the guard she was fighting.
    Her wings allowed great maneuverability. Coltras looked closer, and noticed that all her actions were purposeful - Caphria executed sequences of moves that she had clearly done before. However, the guard hit one solid blow against her and she fell. Agile, but fragile, mused Coltras.
    After watching Caphria for a while, Coltras trained with Kift, Sunex, and Koorir.
    (@Faiths_Guide @MrPirate89 @DoctorFro Feel free to write something here about training.)
    At midnight, left his bauble in Roland's room. The gunslinger had to leave Ertenstor and had not collected the gift yet.
    Coltras went to bed. He needed his sleep for the coming battle tomorrow - Jahalion vs Ronnie.
This discussion has been closed.