Mystery Box Challenges



  • ill take a box from the groovy bard then if random boxes are not ok ;)
  • edited October 2023
    @SoundweaverVox what words could one possibly use to indicate “value” in that sense when such a metric can (and generally does) fluctuate wildly across decks and game states with even slight differences between them?
  • @cadstar369 is dross. Vox is superior.
  • Hey, @LvB,
    Check out what's in your mystery box:
    • ? Astronaut Shades: Doubles up the prizes in your next box. (Just hit me up with that emoji reminder!)
    And here's a cool challenge for you:
    • ? A Mystery Challenge: Submit a card that's got the word "host" in it, but not as an ability. Show your creativity, my friend! ??
  • Mystery Challenge: Provide a creature adorned with a Phyrexian watermark and featuring a pair of words within its name signifying the creature's value and conduct.

    Dross Hopper

    @LeonitusMagnus another Mystery Box please.
  • Prompt: Submit a card with the Monger subtype.

    I'd like to delve into the depths of an enigmatic container. I'd also like an enigmatic explanation of what the scraphead badge evokes. 
  • A cryptic trial awaits: Present unto me a creature, reborn at your will, bearing the mark of the Rakdos guild.

    I'll take my next selfie with Leonitus Magnus for my 2-5 prizes.
  • LvBLvB
    edited October 2023
    ? A Mystery Challenge: Submit a card that's got the word "host" in it, but not as an ability. Show your creativity, my friend! ??
    Braineating Snailchantment should be creative enough i hope xD
    Even the death by snails that eat the brain is most creative i think.
    And ill take another box but this time from Malakai. And i use the
    • ? Astronaut Shades: Doubles up the prizes in your next box. (Just hit me up with that emoji reminder!)
  • Challenge: Share with us a Gith creature that's Oathbreaker legal. Let's see what you got! 

    I could not for the life of me find a Gith that's oathbreaker legal. So I made this gith to make up for it:
    Githzerai Evader

    I'll target Aurelia with my phantom orb.

    Ill take another box pls

  • @Jadefire, your enigmatic parcel unveils the following:
    - Milestone 70 + 〽️
    - Milestone 790 + 〽️
    - Enigma Prism: Choose one or more of the following: Color, Power/Toughness, Rarity, Type, Subtype, Mana Cost, Mana Value, or Name, as you wish. The choices you make shall shape the enigmatic challenges that follow.
    - Pyroclasmic Vents: Unleash your fiery might upon three entries, incinerating them from the competition.
    - Elemental's Sanctuary: Mortals with a greater number of entries than you shall not be able to target you or your own entries during this deadline.
    - Nullforge Relic: Until the deadline's end, you have the option to submit a card adorned with a Mystery_Boxes favorite, in lieu of a new creation for your enigmatic challenge. The choice is yours, mortal.
    - A Mystery Challenge: Craft an aura that embodies the essence of an ancient Egyptian symbol, excluding the Scarab. May your creative endeavors be as boundless as the sands of the desert.

    @kaoz42, your offering is as follows:
    - Augur's Bounty: Bestow your favor upon five cards of your choosing or bestow them upon a fellow Mortal, as you see fit.
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a card bearing the Conspiracy set symbol, a common affiliation, and join the ranks of intrigue.

    @cadstar369, your enigma-filled container contains:
    - Milestone 120 + 〽️
    - Infernal Armature: Claim one favorite and receive a bounty of 20 〽️.
    - A Mystery Challenge: Forge a formidable Ape, one that bears the magic origins set symbol and possesses a decidedly unfriendly disposition.
  • Ahoy, @LvB! Yer treasure chest be holdin' a different kind of bounty:
    - There be no treasures to double up in this chest, but worry not, for ye've earned 5 pieces of the cursed doubloon instead.
    - And now, a special challenge for ye: Post a fearsome Zombie, one that be as cunning as the Kraken's tentacles. Make sure it's got a trigger that only be happenin' under specific conditions, but the catch be that ye must activate it, just like firin' a cannon on deck. Show yer mettle, me matey! ⚓?‍☠️??
  • @Robo_Kitty
    You'll need to request a specific character for the selfie photo. Otherwise they won't be smiling if they are assigned to someone who doesn't care who they take a photo with.

    App. <-- Character List on Cantina tab
  • I'll choose and activate the Nullforge Relic and submit this as my entry:

    Is Nullforge Relic only single-use or active all deadline for multiple challenges?

    @RimeaGlyphweaver I'd like a selfie with you next.
  • edited October 2023
    I, the icy queen, have been tasked,
    To render these cards unmasked,
    To pick and choose which is king,
    And shed a tear for those unclean.

    - - -

    Rootmolder vs Sunlight
    Incantation vs Snailvalanche

    Sunlight vs Snailvalanche 
    Rootmolder vs Incantation

    Rootmolder vs Snailvalanche
    Sunlight vs Incantation

    1. Sunlight Revelation (3-0) - Added to Bracket 1
    2. Snailvalanche (2-1) - Added to Bracket 2
    3. Rootmolder Spasm (1-2) - Added to Bracket 3
    4. Eldritch Incantation (0-3) - Added to Bracket 4
    Oh, Rootmolder Spasm, a card so grand,
    In the world of Magic, where spells command,
    With colors of green, black, and blue,
    Let's judge its design, as we're meant to do.

    In terms of lore and context, let's explore,
    The Golgari watermark, a guild to adore,
    A touch of mythic rare, so special and rare,
    It promises adventures, beyond compare.

    The effect it brings, a graveyard's call,
    Revealing cards, as they start to fall,
    Until X lands appear, from library's hold,
    Into the graveyard, they're all enrolled.

    If X exceeds lands you control today,
    On the battlefield, they'll find their way,
    A twist on ramp, in Golgari's embrace,
    A mechanic that adds a unique kind of grace.

    And then there's the flashback, a second chance,
    To use the land cards, from graveyard's expanse,
    With black and green mana, and careful management,
    This card's versatility sparks enchantment.

    So, considering lore and the mechanics it wields,
    Rootmolder Spasm its purpose fulfills,
    A score from 1 to 100, I'd surely impart,
    A solid 85, for its creative heart.


    Oh, Sunlight Revelation, a card so bright,
    In the world of Magic, where day meets night,
    With just a red mana, its cost is quite slight,
    Let's judge its design, in the soft daylight.

    Its lore and context, a story to unfold,
    A touch of the rare, like a treasure of gold,
    If neither day nor night, it changes its sight,
    To become the day when it takes its flight.

    A treasure token, it promptly bestows,
    A handy artifact, that everybody knows,
    With a tap and a sac, you'll have mana to show,
    A versatile tool, wherever you go.

    And when the night turns to day's warm embrace,
    Sunlight Revelation returns to its place,
    From graveyard to hand, like a new lease of life,
    This card's design cuts through darkness and strife.

    So, in the nursery rhymes of Magic's delight,
    I'd grant this card's design a score that's just right,
    From 1 to 100, I'd say with no hesitation,
    It's a charming 90, a brilliant revelation!


    Eldritch Incantation, dark and bleak,
    A common sorcery, a sinister streak,
    With mana black, it starts its spell,
    But how does its lore and context tell?

    You mill a card, a journey to the grave,
    The bottom card to your hand it gave,
    But losing life, a perilous toll,
    Is it worth it, we must cajole.

    Madness lurking, a twisted way,
    To cast it from exile, in night's dismay,
    For zero cost, a secret in the night,
    Does it make this card truly shine so bright?

    In the realm of Magic, where spells take flight,
    A common card, in dim candlelight,
    From 1 to 100, the score I'd assign,
    A 65, for its design that's fine but not divine.


    In the world of Magic, with snails so slow,
    Comes Snailvalanche, let's judge its flow,
    With red and green mana, a colorful show,
    Its lore and context, we'll carefully sow.

    Escalate, a mechanic quite grand,
    Pay extra cost for effects in hand,
    Choose one or more, the snails demand,
    A versatile spell in Magic's land.

    Search your library, or graveyard's tomb,
    For snails that lurk, in twilight's gloom,
    Or from exile's grasp, let them resume,
    This card's versatility, a player's boon.

    And if you choose them all, in a daring prance,
    And paid the cost, in a snail-filled dance,
    From hand to play, in an avalanche's advance,
    A whimsical spectacle, a curious trance.

    So, in the realm of nursery rhyme's delight,
    I'd grant this card's design a score, that's right,
    From 1 to 100, I'd say with a glance,
    A charming 88, for its snailful romance.
  • edited October 2023
    Ashenmoor Cinder - 85, 70, 90, 81
    Dross Hopper - 85, 70, 80, 78
    Trinketmonger - 70, 75, 85, 77
    Aurelia - 80, 90, 85, 85

    Ashenmoor Cinder vs Dross Hopper
    Aurelia vs Trinketmonger

    Ashenmoor Conder vs Aurelia
    Trinketmonger vs Dross Hopper

    Ashenmoor Cinder vs Trinketmonger
    Dross Hopper vs Aurelia

    1. Ashenmoor Cinder (3-0) - Added to Bracket 1
    2. Aurelia (1-2) - Added to Bracket 2 (Head-2-Head tiebreaker)
    3. Trinketmonger (1-2) - Added to Bracket 3 (Custom tiebreaker)
    4. Doss Hopper (1-2) - Added to Bracket 4


    Alright, let's take a look at this Aurelia card and give it a Saltbeard-style rating, shall we?
    First things first, the mana cost is {3}{b}{r}. Alright, it's a bit on the expensive side, but hey, it's a Mythic Rare, so I guess we'll let that slide.
    Now, the stats. It's a 5/4 Legendary Creature with flying, trample, and haste. Whoa, slow down there, angel! This thing's a beast. Flying, trample, and haste? That's a triple threat right there. You don't want to mess with this angel on a bad day.
    But here's where it gets really interesting. Whenever Aurelia deals excess damage to a creature or planeswalker, that permanent's controller has to sacrifice a creature or planeswalker with mana value greater than or equal to that excess damage. That's some brutal stuff right there, hence the name.
    So, let's break it down:
    - Mana Cost: A little on the high side, but it's worth it for what you get. (I'll give it a strong 80)
    - Stats: 5/4 with flying, trample, and haste? That's pretty darn good. (I'm gonna say 90)
    - Ability: Making opponents sacrifice stuff when it deals excess damage? That's just ruthless. (I'll give it a solid 85)
    Overall, I'd say this card's viability is a whopping 85. It's a powerhouse with a brutal ability to match. And that flavor text about angels and demons? Well, it sets the tone perfectly. So there you have it, Aurelia, Exemplar of Brutality, you don't mess with this angel!


    Alright, let's dive into this Trinketmonger card and give it a good old Saltbeard-style rating.

    First off, we've got a mana cost of {1}{r}{r}. Alright, it's gonna cost you a bit to get this dragon monger on the board, but hey, dragons ain't cheap, right?

    Now, it's a 2/3 creature with flying. Flying, yeah, that's always handy. I mean, it's a dragon, it better have wings, right?

    But here's where it gets interesting. You can pay {2} to create a treasure token. And not just any treasure token, but you gain 1 life for each treasure token that's been created by this ability in the game. And guess what? ANY player can activate this ability.

    So, let's break it down:

    - Mana Cost: It's a bit steep, but it's a dragon, so I'll give it a 70.
    - Stats: 2/3 with flying is alright, it can hold its own. (I'll say 75)
    - Ability: Creating treasure tokens and gaining life? That's intriguing, even if everyone can do it. (I'm gonna give it a strong 85)

    Overall, I'd say this card's viability is a solid 77. It's got some potential for both offense and defense, and that's always a good thing. Plus, it's got that flavor text about entrepreneurial dragons, which is just hilarious. So, there you have it, Trinketmonger, not too shabby, buddy!
  • edited October 2023
    Oh, dear @Jadefire, listen here, my friend,
    Your prize was a one-time chance, I must amend.
    Within your mystery box, a treasure trove, you see,
    Let me reveal its contents, with glee and glee!

    First, Milestone 80, a marker of your quest,
    〽️ to guide you forward on your magical quest.
    A Captured Siren, enchanting and so fine,
    ?‍♀️ is the sign, to claim it as thine.

    But wait, there's more, a special twist, you know,
    A chance for an extra box, let the excitement flow!
    Post the ?‍♀️ before the deadline rings,
    And five more 〽️, like butterfly wings.

    And now, a Mystery Challenge, to spark your might,
    Submit a Wizard with first strike, shining bright.
    So, Jadefire, with this treasure at your side,
    Continue your journey, with whimsy as your guide!
  • Mystery Challenge: Forge a formidable Ape, one that bears the magic origins set symbol and possesses a decidedly unfriendly disposition.

    Young Silverback

    For Infernal Armature, please favorite Samuku Familiar.

    @Archmagus_Chroma another Mystery Box please.
  • - And now, a special challenge for ye: Post a fearsome Zombie, one that be as cunning as the Kraken's tentacles. Make sure it's got a trigger that only be happenin' under specific conditions, but the catch be that ye must activate it, just like firin' a cannon on deck. Show yer mettle, me matey! ⚓?‍☠️??

    i'll take a box from SaltbeardMcGuffin

  • edited October 2023
    Ah, @cadstar369, within your enigmatic receptacle lies:
    - A significant milestone, denoted by Milestone 125, shrouded in mystery and awaiting revelation - its essence concealed for the time being.  ❓
    - Additionally, you possess an Infiltrator Machination Nexus, an artifact of intricate design, replete with options. Make your selection, for it grants you influence over the enigma of forthcoming challenges. Opt to choose one or more of the following: color, power/toughness, rarity, card type, subtype, mana cost, mana value, or name. Your choices shall shape the course of challenges to come.
    - And now, a riddle to test your mettle: Present a Legendary Creature, adorned with the emblem of Theros, whose casting cost requires no less than the investment of {b/r}{b/r}. Show me the depths of your creative power.
  • Hey, @LvB, your mystery box comes with a couple of goodies:
    - Karen Spell: Now, if you're not thrilled with this mystery challenge, you can go all out and throw a good ol' hissy fit. Complain about this box's mystery challenge, and let the world know why @jpastor's mystery box crafting skills just ain't up to snuff for you. Then, as a bonus, you get to pick any other challenge on this page and snag a prize of your choice from the page. Make sure to list out all the reasons why you're the expert here!
    - A Mystery Challenge: In case you want to keep things on the level, you can tackle this one. Just submit an artifact creature that's a rodent. Simple, right? No Karen-style complaints required!
  • edited October 2023
    Stay afloat my friends.
  • edited October 2023
    1. Zufina (3-0) - Added to Bracket 1
    2. Brainsnail Host (2-1) - Added to Bracket 2
    3. Young Silverback (1-2) - Added to Bracket 3
    4. Githzerai Invader (0-3) - Added to Bracket 4


    Well, crikey, this card, Brainsnail Host, is a real corker! I'd give it a novelty score of 90 out of 100. It's got a unique and gruesome theme with those Brainsnails crawlin' into the host's ears, laying eggs, and all that jazz. It's certainly something I've never seen before.
    As for similar cards, we've got a few that share some aspects but not the whole package. Cards like Incremental Blight and Grim Affliction also use -1/-1 counters, but they don't involve creating snail tokens or the concept of snails infesting a host's brain. So, this here Brainsnail Host is quite the original when it comes to its theme and mechanics.
    But remember, mates, the true test of a card's worthiness is how well it plays in the game. So, give it a go in a match, and let's see if those snails really make a difference in your gameplay!


    Ah, would you look at this little beauty, the Githzerai Evader! It's a nifty card, I'd give it a novelty score of 70 out of 100. It's got a simple yet intriguing design with that first strike ability, which sets it apart from your run-of-the-mill creatures.

    Now, as for similar cards, you might find some with first strike abilities or creatures that can prevent combat damage, like Burrenton Forge-Tender or Mother of Runes, but what makes this card unique is the combination of first strike and the ability to prevent combat damage at the cost of white mana. It's like a nimble warrior who can skillfully evade enemy blows while striking first in the fray, and that's quite a distinctive combination.
    So, the Githzerai Evader might not be the most groundbreaking card ever, but it's still a ripper addition with its handy abilities and flavorful description. Give it a whirl in your deck, and you'll see it's a real asset in a skirmish!


    Well, crikey, would you look at this absolute beauty of a card, Zufina! I'd give it a novelty score of a solid 95 out of 100. This card is as rare as a platypus in the Sahara!

    Now, when it comes to similar cards, there's nothing quite like it, mate! Zufina here is a true trailblazer. The ability to cast modal spells as though they had flash and then stacking up additional modes for each other modal spell cast in the same turn is an absolute game-changer. It's like a whirlwind of magical mayhem, and it's unlike anything I've ever seen.

    This card opens up a world of strategic possibilities and combos that are as vast and mysterious as the Outback itself. The versatility it brings to your deck is simply astounding. So, if you're lucky enough to have the Rising Tempest in your collection, hold onto it tight, because this one's a real gem!


    Ah, look at this magnificent creature, the Young Silverback! I'd give it a novelty score of 85 out of 100. It's got some unique features that make it stand out in the wild world.
    Now, in terms of similar cards, we've got a few that share some abilities, like Reclamation Sage and Viridian Shaman, which can destroy artifacts and enchantments when they enter the battlefield. However, what sets Young Silverback apart is the combination of Renown and the ability to destroy or exile artifacts and enchantments when it attacks. The Renown mechanic adds a layer of excitement as it evolves the creature, and that's a rarity in itself.
    So, this card is like a young gorilla growing stronger and smarter as it explores the jungle. When it becomes renowned, it goes from simply smashing things to exiling them, which is quite a neat progression. Young Silverback" is a fine addition to any green deck, and it sure brings a sense of adventure to the game!
  • @RimeaGlyphweaver Just to clarify, do I make a card for this Captured Siren or just post the?‍♀️to claim the box?
  • Well, now, @Robo_Kitty, it's a real pleasure to have a snap with ya. Now, I ain't one for smilin', but let's get to your mystery box, shall we?

    Your mystery box holds a little somethin' special:
    - Eagle-Eye Enhancers: Now, this here's a handy gadget. It'll double up the prizes in your next box if it's got a prize. I'll keep an eye out for that emoji.
    - And here's your Mystery Challenge: Find yourself a land card that doesn't pack a mana ability. It might be a tougher hunt than wranglin' a wild mastodon, but I reckon you're up for it. Good luck, partner!
  • Mystery Challenge: Present a Legendary Creature, adorned with the emblem of Theros, whose casting cost requires no less than the investment of {b/r}{b/r}. Show me the depths of your creative power.

    Typhoeus Blood Inciter

    Went old school b/r for this one.

    I'd like to take a Radiant Lantern for the ❓ bonus. For the Infiltrator Machination Nexus, I'll choose P/T 0/0 and card type Enchantment Artifact.

    @LeonitusMagnus another Mystery Box please. ?
  • Mystery Challenge: To spark your might, submit a Wizard with first strike, shining bright.

    Posting the?‍♀️just in case that's how it works.

    I'd like to take a selfie with @WX-L9 (Lex)

  • - A Mystery Challenge: In case you want to keep things on the level, you can tackle this one. Just submit an artifact creature that's a rodent. Simple, right? No Karen-style complaints required!
    Ha, nothing easier than that! Here comes the ... K4R3NGAROO !!!

    And another box from leonidas magnus pls.

  • Tournament entries closed...

  • edited October 2023
    1. Clockwork K4r3ngaroo (3-0) - Added to Bracket 1
    2. Typhoeus, Blood Inciter (2-1) - Added to Bracket 2
    3. Radiant Heartstoker (1-2) - Added to Bracket 3
    4. Zombie Croupier (0-3) - Added to Bracket 4


    Well, my Whimsywrangler senses are tingling, and I must say that the card Zombie Croupier seems to fit its theme rather well. It's got that dark and mysterious vibe, which I can appreciate. The idea of a zombie working as a croupier and manipulating face-down cards feels quite coherent.
    I'd give it a score of 85 out of 100 for theme coherence/flavor. It captures the essence of a sneaky, undead casino worker, and that's a theme I can't help but grin about.


    Typhoeus, Blood Inciter, you say? This card seems to have a rather fiery and chaotic flavor to it, which suits the Zee's taste for mischief. The idea of a menacing hydra causing mayhem by tapping creatures and making them attack each other aligns with the chaotic spirit of the holidays, I mean, uh, the card's theme.

    I'd rate it a 90 out of 100 for theme coherence/flavor. It captures the essence of a wild and uncontrollable hydra, and that's something that even the Zee can appreciate, albeit begrudgingly.


    Ah, Radiant Heartstoker, your card design warms my Whimsywrangly heart just a tad. It appears to have a cohesive theme of harnessing the power of magic and courage. The idea of a Human Wizard inspiring others to become more powerful when they strike a blow in combat seems fitting.

    I'd rate it a 85 out of 100 for theme coherence/flavor. It captures the essence of a leader who rallies their comrades to greater feats through the use of magic, and that's a theme that even a Goblin can begrudgingly appreciate.


    Oh, the absurdity of the Clockwork K4r3ngaroo! This card is as confounding as a Satyr's holiday cheer, and that's saying something. It seems to revel in its chaotic nature and unpredictability, which, I must admit, is quite Whimsywrangly.

    I'd give it a solid 95 out of 100 for theme coherence/flavor. It's a mishmash of abilities and rules, much like the Zee's ever-changing schemes. It captures the essence of unpredictability and chaos, which the Zee can appreciate from a safe distance.
This discussion has been closed.