Mystery Box Challenges



  • Checkered Go-Cart Challenge: Create a card inspired by the high-speed excitement of the Go-Cart race. Your card should capture the essence of speed and competition.

    Heartwood Nexus


    ? ~ I'll grab Mark of the Assassin ?, Nanoshield Protectors ?️, Extermination Companions ? , and Inferno Projectors ? 

    I'd like to head back up the Observation Tower.
  • Challenge: Create a card inspired by the mystical atmosphere of the enchanted forest. Your card should capture the sense of wonder and magic that permeates this place.

    I’d like to enter the go-cart race!
  • @jpastor, @jpastor

    Another box please (Observation Tower.) I am using large font and a double-mention because at least 5 box requests have been ignored.

  • @kaoz42 what are you on about? It's been hardly a day since your pending request (including attraction), which was made after the last batch was posted. Where are these other 4+ requests exactly?
  • edited September 2023
    @kaoz42 - your box (dummmmmmmm dum dum dum - DUMMMMMMMMMM!)

    Your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card named Chrono Nexus and cast your vote for the best entry submitted so far.
    @Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: The Green Cart - Create a multimodal monogreen instant.
    ??@cadstar369 your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that's power, toughness, and a digit in its ability all are the same and cast your vote for the best entry submitted so far.
  • edited September 2023

    Mystery Box World (Beta) - Closed for Maintenance


  • @Robo_Kitty - 5DP
    @cadstar369 - 6DP
    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - 4DP

    Observation Tower Results
    cadstar - You get a bonus 4 favorites
  • Mystery Challenge: Create a card that's power, toughness, and a digit in its ability all are the same and cast your vote for the best entry submitted so far.
    Heartwood Nexus

    Only thing I can vote for is Silver Stalwart. :sweat_smile: Please put the favorites on whichever cards strike your fancy.

    One Arcade Mystery Box please! :D
  • Mystery Challenge: Create a creature that can't block with rather gross flavor text.

    I'll take another box please!
  • edited September 2023
    ?? @cadstar369 your mystery box contains:
    • Milestone 80 - 〽️ 
    • Milestone 630 - 〽️ (200〽️)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an Elf with domain.
    @TheDarkKnight1234567 your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 14 - Discrete Annihilation Addendum ? Choose 2 cards to go head 2 head in the first round.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a planeswalker from Amonkhet.
  • @jpastor, do I still need to complete that previous challenge, or should I just ask for a new one, since the "season" ended?
  • @Ranshi - Always complete your last box!
  • Mystery Challenge: Create a planeswalker from Amonkhet.

    I know it doesn't say it's from Amonmokhet, but that's only because I wasn't sure how to put it as the set symbol. I guess you will just have to imagine it having the Amonmokhet symbol.

    I'll use my Discrete Annihilation Addendum to make Liliana, Servant of Bolas and Silver Stalwart face off in the first round.

    Another box please!
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567
    Discrete Annihilation Addendum - Noted!
    Your mystery box contains:
    • Milestone 70 〽️ (265〽️)
    • Navigator's Needle ? Reshuffle this box's challenge any number of times.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a monowhite enchantment that spits out a 1/1 token throughout the game.
  • @cadstar369 @Jadefire - While you can still hold onto prizes in inventory as a prestige - I'm going to count that you've earned the prize upon receiving it versus when you spend it. This makes it easier for me to track. - Thanks :)
  • Mystery Boxes are back to just mystery boxes. Thank you for beta testing my Mystery Box World. Let's keep things simpel 'round here for newcomers to jump in any time!

    The Page 1 Description Rules will be followed once again.

    What this is
    - These are endless and always ongoing, so feel free to ask for a box at any time, especially if you've never tried.
    - Post that you want to open a mystery box, and I will open your mystery box. Each mystery box contains a mystery challenge and possibly a goody. These are both randomly selected.
    - You must submit your card before opening another mystery box.
    - You can open as many mystery boxes as you want.
    - New cards only unless I specify otherwise.
    - You can always edit.
    - The deadline is also a mystery, no one knows when I will select a winner.
    - Multiple winners per deadline. . . usually.
    Spotlight friendly.

    Rewards, Prizes, and Other Goodies
    - Each mystery box has a 50/50 chance of containing a prize or other fun goody.
    - Favorites: Whether you win or just open lots of boxes, I award favorites, lots of favorites. If you play the Mystery Box Challenge, you will get plenty of favorites on your cards.

    As you can read, there's nothing in the main description that says "use it or lose it," therefore, unless the prizes specifies, I no longer care what happens to prizes upon your receipt. I apologize for any confusion.
    - Get a prize, keep it, use it, discard it, trade it, don't really care, it's your reward!

    Anyways, cheers to the next 164 pages of Mystery Boxes! Can't wait to get to 500 pages

    Oh, and be on the lookout for my final discussion ever (Which to no special circumstance, happens to be my 84th discussion on here. Which is a completely random number other than there were 9 cardsmiths tagged on that page, and 9 is a mysterious number of natural circumstances, I guess. Also @Scott_Anderson posted a very Scott_Anderson post on that page by saying, "Oh yeah I remember these," without asking for a box, and @Hergusbergus told me to "throw a box at his face," which I'm unsure has ever been repeated.) 

    Anyways, I'm in a good mood right now, so

    Prizes are guaranteed in boxes the remainder of this deadline for everyone.

    Three prize options in every box for newcomers to the Mystery Boxes.

  • @jpastor

    I'd like to use my navigator's needle to reshuffle my challenge.
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567
    Create an artifact creature with "Dragon" in its name.
  • @jpastor

    Mystery Challenge: Create an artifact creature with "Dragon" in its name.

    Trinket Dragon

    Another box please
  • Milestone 20 - ? (5 favorites or 20 〽️)
    I'll take the 20 〽️

    A Mystery Challenge: Create a spell that gains control of something.

    I'll take another Mystery Box, please.
  • edited September 2023
    @TheDarkKnight1234567 your mystery box contains:
    • Aggressive Compulsion Protocol ? Change the target(s) of 1 prize.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a red and white Instant card that affects blocking in some way.
    @ShadowReign your mystery box contains:
    • Efficacious Eradicator ? Blast all cards with unnamed artists.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a board wipe that fits within a blue-green color identity and has at least three colored pips in its mana cost.
  • @ShadowReign
    Milestone 25 - ❓ (prize of choice)
    Milestone 175 - ❓ (prize of choice)
  • edited September 2023

    Track your Milestone Progress with Leaderboards

    〽️ Tracker

  • Mystery Box World is ready.

    My final forums discussion.

    The park opens in ❓ days.

    Grand Opening Festivities!!!

    - The park begins with 16 attractions.
    - My 85th Discussion means 85 faves.
    - Choose 10 cards for M_B to favorite.
    - Five of yours and five of non-boxer.

    The Mystery Box Challenges continue.
    Both discussions will tally your points.

    Meantime, ask for a box, and each the
    Malakai and Lex prize lists are rollable
  • edited September 2023
    Mystery Challenge: Create a red and white Instant card that affects blocking in some way.

    I know it's a stretch, but I think having a player be able to block on their own turn counts as affecting blocking.

    Tacticians Finesse

    Might you be so kind as to honor me with the gift of a box of mystery?
  • Challenge: The Green Cart - Create a multimodal monogreen instant.
    Ensnaring Vine Strike

    I request for you to bequeath my humble soul with another box of mystery.
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567 your mystery box contains:
    • The Big Zero ⭕ You gain certain prestige benefits until the end of the month.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature that changes another creatures base PT to match its own.
    @Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an Anthem.
  • Mystery chalenge: create a golgari planeswalker.

This discussion has been closed.