Need feedback on my first card

I just want people's opinions on this card,and how I can improve on it,and my card-making in general.

Here it is,if anyone's interested:

Thank you for having the time to care.


  • edited December 2015
    For starters, you should have spaces after commas.
    Card names generally follow the same capitalization rules as Book/Film/Essay titles: Significant words are capitalized, connecting words are not (unless they are first).
    So the card's name should be "Battle Not With Monsters"

    The wording of the ability seems a bit clunky. I would write it as "it gains X +1/+1 counters where X is equal to the power of the creature it is fighting"
  • @TheClayKnight Hey man,thanks for posting your comment,it means a lot to me.

    Are those all the issues you have with this card? Any balance issues? I would really appreciate it if someone would tell me.

    Anyways,thanks again for your advice,I will keep them in mind for future use.
    (I just wish there was some way to edit cards AFTER posting them. Oh well...)
  • Yeah, editing cards after publishing would be nice, but difficult to implement (and opens up a whole new realm of problems)
    I just made a set containing the old drafts of cards I make updated versions of.
  • edited December 2015
    @ZweiBro - The card text below the card is there so you can copy/paste to your revision card. It's not full editing, but it allows you to cut down on typing.
    Also... feel free to check out the Tutorials
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