"Defender" contest + circuit announcement



  • @Grimshac

    F*** that. I have always disagreed with favouriting in this manner. I understand the garnering interest, but at the same time I don't. How does me liking a card make others like it? Do cards really only get favourites because others favourite it as well? No. And if they do then they're sheep and I disapprove of them.

    I agree wholeheartedly agree, liking and favouriting are two fundamentally different ideas. I accept, understand, and recognize good cards. Doesn't mean they're my favourite. I also favourite horrible cards. Favourites are a personal opinion about a card.

    And in regards to it garnering more interest, from a personal standpoint, winning a contest by someone who doesn't 'like' a lot of stuff, feels way more valuable than a tick on the favourite bar. And if people are striving to achieve a large number of favourites, they're foolish. This isn't a popularity contest.

    Look at the people who are on that list, the people at the top are constantly deleting cards with large numbers of favourites for personal reasons, for remakes, for whatever.

    Favourites for cards always felt like a sort of garnish to the cake. It's not the substance, but people get lost in the attraction and lose sight of the main purpose.

    Just my opinion.

  • edited January 2016

    Absolutely. Which is also why I wish to seperate the contest "favourites" from my own personal favourites.

    I do understand the argument from both sides, and I'm going to humor the favourite-hunters, because, sure if that is what is fun to that party, I don't intend to ruin it.

    Someone like MrRansom, as you said, constantly removes card, even if they had 5-10 favourites. I can respect that.
  • edited January 2016
    Thanks @Grimshac, a very logical solution. I too am very stingy with regard to the favorite button and don't use it frequently. This way, however, the cards that do well (or are at least recognized as well delivered) will be more likely to be seen and enjoyed by others.

    Very satisfactory, thank you!
  • I like the prizes you prepared for this contest. I'm not a fan of "random favorite" things neither.

    And I also like the clause -"only new cards." I always feel guilty when I scroll my old cards to choose submissions.

    Thanks for the contest! And I’m looking forward to seeing the next one!
  • edited January 2016
    @Grimshac, thanks for hosting!
    It was fun.

    I agree with the main sentiment put forth by @Suicidal_Deity with regards to favorites and such.

    @Faiths_Guide, how does favoriting a card make it more likely to be seen and enjoyed by others?
  • @MrRansom,

    It will have a chance to appear in the "Popular Custom Magic Cards" where more people frequent.
  • @Faiths_Guide, yeah totally! That makes sense. I completely forgot about that. I always go to my own page and skip the front, lol.
  • @Tomigon

    I agree. And it's one of the reasons I put in my contests, most anyways, that only new cards be entered. Unless it's a contest where I actually have made cards that fit well into the theme in the past, haven't been viewed or favourited by many, or there are so many submissions allowed, I just wanna see how other things float (free criticism) I generally make new cards.

    One of the reasons I make contests is to give people reasons to keep coming back to the site, and to constantly make new cards. To think of new ideas, and try out new stuff. If you just recycle cards, then you're not really furthering your expanse. Not bad to submit old stuff, as long as you're not trying to drop a ringer into the contest that's been redone a buzillion times, favourited so much, put on the front page, and already won contests, but the fun with the contests is the proposed ideas you can work within to create new creations. I find it way more fun to use a contest's rules to give me foundations from which to invent.
  • @Suicidal_Deity,
    Yes, I too, like being inspired by the contest itself to make something new/different.
  • @thebastardlord

    ? The contest is literally over, there's no reason to put cards here anymore. Can a mod lock the top please?

  • Just type in "This contest is closed", and then a mod will usually close it when they see it
This discussion has been closed.