This Challenge is a Tall Order

edited February 2016 in Contests and Challenges
I'm back again with a new challenge, to make a Vertical Cycle.
Now if you aren't familiar, a vertical cycle is a cycle of cards that span rarity rather than colors.
For Example the Bloodfire Cycle

Everyone may submit one cycle that will consist of three cards: Common, Uncommon, & Rare. or Uncommon, Rare, & Mythic.
Cards must all be of the same card type and may be legendary if you can make the flavor work.

Please format your submission as such
1st Card Name - Rarity
link to card
2nd Card Name - Rarity
link to card
3rd Card Name - Rarity
link to card

The Contest will close February 25th

Have Fun!
1st Place will receive 5 favorites of their choice and a trophy in my Trophy album on MTGCardsmith
2nd Place will receive 3 favorites of their choice
3rd Place will receive 1 favorite of their choice.


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