Return to Ravnica Challenge #1: Azorius

I know, Return to Ravnica came out a while ago... But, I'm doing this challenge anyway.

Welcome to the Return to Ravnica Cardsmith challenge!
The goal is probably exactly what you expected... Make some Return to Ravnica cards, particularly azorius cards.

Up to 5 entries per person.
All card types are allowed, so don't feel limited!
Main judging will how well the card(s) fit the theme of the guild (Azorius, which is Blue/White).
Bonus points for using fitting artwork, I'm a sucker for that stuff.

1st place gets favorites on any 5 cards of their choice, and will be followed. (I actually do look at cards in my "sub-box!")
2nd gets favorites on any 4 cards of their choice.
3rd gets favorites on any 3 cards of their choice.
Honorable mentions get a favorite on 1 card of their choice.

Happy Cardsmithing!


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