How to you edit a card?

Greetings, there is a Typo in a card i made, how can i edit it?



  • @beastben, you will need to re-upload the image and make it again without the typo.
  • Ya, I already mentioned that this would be a good thing to revise to MTGcardsmith. Just let us actually edit the thing.
  • Well, @Faith's_Guide, the card is saved as an image. With the current system, saving the card as something else to retain its info would take a lot more data and probably requirean entire reworking of the system.

    Or I'm wrong. Always possible.
    Psoriasis? WTF is that, autocorrect?
  • edited February 2016
    Well the text is also retained (as symbolized below the card itself), and with the current system everyone has to make duplicate cards to make revisions. Sounds to me like space could actually be saved if the card structure was save in an editable state within each Cardsmith's folder.

    Or I'm wrong. Always possible.
  • The text below the card was added to help eliminate having to re-type all the text over and over. It's there so you can copy/paste/edit with less hassle.
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