Planeswalker Duos
You need to make a planeswalker card that has two planeswalkers.
Example: Chandra and Gideon
-You'd need white and red
_Abilities that fit both planeswalkers
-art with both planeswalkers
You get points for
_Rarity( combinations of Planeswalkers)
Each smith has 3 cards
This contest is closed
You need to make a planeswalker card that has two planeswalkers.
Example: Chandra and Gideon
-You'd need white and red
_Abilities that fit both planeswalkers
-art with both planeswalkers
You get points for
_Rarity( combinations of Planeswalkers)
Each smith has 3 cards
This contest is closed
This discussion has been closed.
Nissa and Sorin, Lovebound
Could we just design new ones or is that out of the question?
This is going to be nigh impossible. I like the idea, but that is simply close to undoable unless you got some shopping and/or drawing skills
Liz and Rak, Spirit Leige
Klish dies
A classic one.
They were allies in the story.
Sorin is a bit hard to see
1st. @Faith's_Guide with Liz and Rak, Spirit Leige
2nd.@ZendikarIncarnate with Klish and Jim Cardalias
3rd.@Arceus8523 with Nissa & Gideon, Allies
Just for fun Contest or rewards as well?