...On a Stick

The object of this contest is to create a creature that replicates the effects of a powerful instant, sorcery, enchantment, or artifact from an eternal format. It must be formatted as a reasonably costed creature with the subtype Human Wizard and "Magus of the" in the title. It is up to you as what you think is the best card to bring back from the past, and how it should be costed and what its power and toughness is.

I will be judging this competition based on balance, wording of the rules text, and flavor text. For examples of Magus cards and famous magic cards "on a stick" as creature-spells are often called, check out the cycles here: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&name=+[magus]. Just to avoid confusion, it is technically not a requirement to pick a card that is historically busted, but I will be less likely to award high marks to entries based on more recent cards or those that aren't that powerful.

I will award 5 favorites for 1st place, 3 for 2nd, and 2 for 3rd. Good luck to all participants, and may the best cardsmither win!


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