Amenay Ontestcay ivefay: Loquenteay Enouementday
If you had the nerve to open this, or know pig latin, thank you. This is a name contest for Eloquent Denouement from @Yururu... So, have fun with that.
You guys know the deal!
Appyhay mithingsay!
If needed, I will post a pig latin translator.
You guys know the deal!
Appyhay mithingsay!
If needed, I will post a pig latin translator.
This discussion has been closed.
Hatstay Razycay!
And I ain't putting an entrance, just wanna watch how this develops. So yeah Corwinn, four.
After five comments.
Igpay atinlay orfay ifelay!
I'm not from an English speaking country. I had to google what does Eloquent Denouement even mean. And you write it in pig latin. Thanks. It makes it much easier.
Guess most of you already know this card.
Econdsay Lacepay: @Beeswax
Hirdpay Lacepay: @Saveria201
So, @Flatfish, what's the next name?
Appyhay ardsmithingcay!