Just wanted to say thanks.

edited May 2016 in Off-topic Chat
I just wanted to say thanks for everyone for being such a nice community! Ever since the cards made by Anon users were purged it made it so I can see very well done work by the community as a whole.

You've changed MTGCardsmith, never again will I see a loaf of bread with keyword soup and is a 20/20. But you have changed for the better.


  • And by removing anon cards, I think the site attracts more people. First look is very important. Thank you for all for making this site such fun and interesting. Go Team Cardsmith!!
  • It was probably more of a practical decision. This site has been growing very rapidly, same with the community. Just storing the card image and thumbnail image is nearly 400kB per card and then there is additional space allocated for a large variety of other information necessary to make the site and database work.

    The cost of this site simply existing is higher than most people would think. MTGCS provides it for free. There's some ads and there's patreon which put a decent dent in the cost of the servers but considering development (features, fixes, etc), hosting, maintenance, contests and management, @mtgcardsmith is far from breaking even on this site. Removing anonymous card creation is a stop-gap measure that will buy some time before the hosting has to be upgraded to accommodate the expanding community. For anyone that is curious, that would double the hosting costs.

    This is why patreon is so important. It's not just for the cool features you get on the site, it's because you're directly contributing to the costs associated with this site. If you like this site and have a few dollars to spare, please consider becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/mtgcardsmith

    We all love Magic and we all want to see our ideas become 'real' and share them with each other. MTGCS lets us.
  • Huzzah!!

  • Bread was clearly overpowered and needed a nerf. @strongbelieves is completely right about hosting, in fact we are due for another expired-card purge in June to free up some space, but it's not something active members need to be concerned with - more details soon.

    Thank you for the kind words, we can provide the software to make cards possible; but honestly, its the amazing members of the community that keep the site going by welcoming and helping new members and players. You are the best!
  • edited May 2016
    @mtgcardsmith, If you don't want to have to spend all of your hard earned money on just running the server, all you have to do is run a server on Linux or Mac. They have free servers that you can run on them, so you can invest more of your money in hiring people to help you, and other needs for the website. This way, we won't have people constantly asking for more additions, because you can add them in much quicker! I hope you would consider this. Not only will it help you, but it will help us as a community.

    I just want to say thank you for creating this amazing website for us. It is a great feeling to have a website that is not only good, but that the creator(s) accually want to listen to us. I have my eternal gratitude towards you. I have told multiple people about this website. My closest friend even made an account! I hope you will go off of what I said. Thank you again for everything.

    – «Ω» GodFerretGaming «Ω»
  • I just wanted to say you're welcome.
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