Dwarf Contest - CLOSED

edited June 2016 in Contests and Challenges
I was looking at some mtg cards when I realized there weren't that many dwarfs in Mtg, so here we are in a contest about making dwarf cards. The catch is: you need to create your cards in a way dwarfs are kinda unique in strategy. For example, a dwarf that gives power and haste to dwarfs is not much different than a goblin, as the main thing with goblins is to procreate and grow in power. Likewise, making a dwarf card that can be sacrificed for more power or damage is like making a vampire or a generic black creature.
For this contest, you need to think on what would a dwarven deck be based on, how it would be played and how it could differentiate between other creatures.

ex.: http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/dwarf-veteran-1

Some rules:
- You can make as many entries as you want;
- Only one of your entries will be chosen as best, you can't have both 2nd and 1st place;
- Only dwarf creatures. Dwarf artifacts or other types are discouraged;
- Be realistic;
- I'll favorite the ones I like and after 3 weeks I'll name the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, along with honorable mentions;

- 1st: 1 like on 4 cards
- 2nd: 1 like on 3 cards
- 3rd: 1 like on 2 cards
- HM: 1 like on 1 card

This is my first contest, so I'll get the hang of it as time passes.
Happy Smithing


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