From ABC to XYZ!

X is the standard to signify a variable number. There have been some double X spells, even triple X and those are hard to design in way that makes it easy to grasp how they work. X in the cost and X in the text need an exact relation once the number is determined. It's much more difficult to add another variable number, but there have been a few cards over the years that had both X and Y. One Unglued card, Wizards of the Coast Customer Service, even went to Z. That card was deliberately confusing though and had WotC Customer Service's actual phone number on it. This contest is to see what you can do with a card using both X and Y. (And Z if you like!) You may submit up to 10 entries. The contest ends Sunday June 5. The winner gets 5 favorites, 2nd place 3 favorites, 3rd and 4th 2 favorites apiece, of the winner's choice.


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