AtheraCollaborationSet - Tournament of Champions



  • edited June 2016
    That's a fantastic Idea! I'm off to work at the moment, but I think that Round 1/Phase 1 is complete.
    When Phase 2 returns, we'll be fully loaded in the Custom CCG category and we will have some expanded rules!
  • I'm going to leave this open so people can add their thoughts and ideas.
  • Agreed, Custom CCG.
  • @Cryptonight wins our set 2-0
  • edited June 2016
    @Corwinnn @Faiths_Guide , thanks for the games guys.

    Corwinnn, I know it's been a while since you last actually played Magic, but I don't think blocking with your face was ever a legit rule. :p

    All kidding aside, I think what we've opened up here is super exciting. Looking forward for more stuff ahead. Curious about the expanded rules... Oh - you might mean that people build their own decks?

    I do think we might soon need a more detailed Token creator though - and maybe legit Emblems! ;-)
  • edited July 2016
    I am so curious to know how the cards balanced out, or didn't. Anybody find any cards that were particularly OP?

    Also, the ability to actually play these cards online now has made me really want an improved card-search function on this site. I'd like to be able to simply search for gold cards, hybrid cards, cards with specific creature types, cards by a specific cardsmith, cards that I have favorited, cards with specific mana costs etc...
This discussion has been closed.