Homeland Legacies: Gate to Desalination --- Closed

MTG Custom Story Block 1 - 1

After successfully destroying and capturing Sea Gate, Kozilek and his great force of eldrazi lay waste to the ruins and form a stronghold where which is held an ancient eldrazi secret.

Rules for all my story blocks:
* New cards only
* All cards must be in the {Oath of the gate watch} (this will change) set
* Most cards posted will go into a set, so try make them as balanced as possible
* 5 entries each:
- Two Common cards
- Two Uncommon cards
- One Rare or Mythic card
* Only creatures, lands, instants, sorceries and enchantments (No tribal cards).

As I mentioned in the rules, most of these cards will be put into a set which you can find in my sets or the list we be at the end of this contest.


1. Best Rare or Mythic will get a favourite on their winning card and 2 favourites on cards of their choice. They can also make a Rare or Mythic planeswalker (their choice), which will get a favourite and if I really like it, I will follow you.
2. Best Uncommon will get a favourite on their winning card and 1 favourite on a card of their choice. They can also make an Uncommon tribal card, which will get a favourite and if I really like it, I will follow you.
3. Best Common will get a favourite on their winning card. They can also make a Common artifact, which will get a favourite and if I really like it, I will follow you.

End Date: Saturday 2nd July

Thanks for all the support I got in my last contest and GOOD LUCK!


This discussion has been closed.